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Creative.. going downhill?

Do you like the theory / solution for the donors?

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Nov 28, 2013
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Most creative servers let you use WHATEVER block you want. Dispensers, Item Frames, whatever block you could think of. But this server? Nope. You can't use many. You can't use item frames, dispensers, ender chests, flint & steel, potions, and so much more. Now, most people say, "You're gonna grief with those!" Now, i really do not understand how you can GRIEF with Item Frames? No one is going to be going around saying "Ooh! Look at me! I'm griefing with Item Frames! #REBEL!!!" No. That is just.. no. And i really do not understand why they do not let us use the SIMPLEST blocks in Minecraft.
Now, i came up with a theory for this because many people on the Creative server are upset because you cant use crafting tables, and other well known blocks.
My theory is..
The donators should get perks. Yes, i know, donators get "redstone", and regulars don't.
So what? What are we gonna do with Repeaters, and Comparators?
This is my idea.
Diamond donors should get well known blocks like crafting tables, item frames, etc.
Gold donors would get blocks aswell, just not as many as diamond.
Iron would get less than gold.
Regulars would stick with what they have, maybe even just give them the Redstone.
I don't know if it's a good idea, but you know, I'm just very upset with how everything works.
Item Frames cause lag, yes, thats exactly why you would give it to diamond donors, or someone else, because, let's be real here. There is more Regulars out of all the diamond, gold, and iron donors put together.
Anyways, that was my Rant and my Idea / Solution to this situation.
Thank you for your time.
- osnapitzally


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
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Item Frames: Cause entity lag
Dispensers: Often used to bypass item blocks, also redstone therefore lag.

As for your other ideas, I'll ask Razz about it. But, keep in mind that this is a new creative server still in its infancy. As time progresses, things will get better. That said, regular members will never be getting redstone. There is just way too much risk that they'll make a lag machine.


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
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We understand it can be frustrating for you not having the permissions the use certain blocks.
but this causes entity lag and other lag related issues, The server has only just opened and we are hoping to see a lot of updates and fix's in the future.


District 13
Jun 27, 2013
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Please don't worry. While it may seem as though it's wearing down, it's actually getting on its feet. It is still developmental, as we're using a completely new server compared to the old one. The current list of unusable items is there so that we can work more efficiently to iron out the bugs. As things progress, we'll allow more items. But as of now, the purely developmental stage of the creative server in its current standing prevents this from happening.


Dec 13, 2013
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Item Frames: Cause entity lag
Dispensers: Often used to bypass item blocks, also redstone therefore lag.

As for your other ideas, I'll ask Razz about it. But, keep in mind that this is a new creative server still in its infancy. As time progresses, things will get better. That said, regular members will never be getting redstone. There is just way too much risk that they'll make a lag machine.
We understand it can be frustrating for you not having the permissions the use certain blocks.
but this causes entity lag and other lag related issues, The server has only just opened and we are hoping to see a lot of updates and fix's in the future.
Please don't worry. While it may seem as though it's wearing down, it's actually getting on its feet. It is still developmental, as we're using a completely new server compared to the old one. The current list of unusable items is there so that we can work more efficiently to iron out the bugs. As things progress, we'll allow more items. But as of now, the purely developmental stage of the creative server in its current standing prevents this from happening.
I repeat exactly what everyone here has said. Please bear in mind the creative server is under a 'soft open' or rather, it's open to the public, but it is still in development.

Dispensers: These were blocked because of the ability to place tnt & other items i'm finding out one by one, inside of them and in which case it would bypass the blacklist on those items and still set them off. I believe I will soon unban them, as I have fixed the issue with TNT.

Crafting Tables: They are unblocked now. You can place, & remove them but you cannot craft things with them. Users were crafting fireworks and bypassing the blacklist.

Item Frames: Will probably be allowed soon, I copied the old Creative Servers blacklist when I started this one, a perfect example is that all the leaves that existed before, are blocked. Yet the ones that were recently added to minecraft aren't blocked. This also is getting fixed - so that no leaves are blocked. I understand they are great for decoration purposes as well as item frames.

As of right now all donaters have the same perks - different blacklists, and unlimited plots. In the future, when I can come up with different perks for every rank that seem reasonable, I will implement them.


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
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Question awnsered. Thread locked
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