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Branone's PvP Guide


Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
In this guide I will be covering the four main tools/weapons in MCSG, that is the: Sword, Bow, Fishing Rod and Flint and Steel.


So to start this PvP lesson off, I would like to introduce to you my favourite and most desirable weapon of all, ladies and gentleman I present to you my weapon of choice, The Bow. It is undoubtedly one of the most lethal tools of destruction in this game if used correctly and what defines it as a magnificent tool is the fact it’s ranged. And with the fact alone that it can be fired from long distances and still deal just as much if not more damage than a sword, I think it’s safe to say this is a weapon you will want to become comfortable with to ensure you win battles. With all of that said, I’d like to share my opinion that might be obvious to some at this point and yes it’s questionable, yes it’s situational, and yes it’s predominantly based on connection. But I will go ahead and say it anyway. I believe the Bow is ultimately the best weapon in PvP. All weapons have their own time to shine, but keeping in mind this weapon can be used at practically any distance/height I see it more powerful just in general than anything else in this game, or MCSG at least.

It’s a bit hard to explain how to shoot a bow well, it simply can’t be learnt through text, and you need to practice with it as with anything. But regardless, I will still share a few suggestions when it comes to using it or even getting away from it.

Calculation with the arch/aim of your crosshair depending on your distance from the target is necessary but like I mentioned before, you can’t learn just by reading about it; you need to practice. So with the assumption you are somewhat decent at hitting the target I will move to the next step of hitting moving targets. If there is one tip I can give players, it’s to shoot when your enemy is drawing back the bow. This is a good time to shoot because they have almost completely stopped moving and you have a very good chance at hitting them, the trick is to shoot just as they begin to shoot but quickly get out of the way immediately after shooting or they may hit you too, eliminating the whole point of this strategy. It may seem very cheap and it won’t necessarily display any bow skill/accuracy but it’s smart, and in a situation where you are versing a player who is undeniably better than you at using the weapon, you aren’t left with many other options. So take the risk of being called a ‘cheap noob’ and rek em’ with this awesome tactic ;)

So now that you know how to hit the target, you might want to learn about avoiding arrows coming at you, and being my favourite tactic I will start off with the Zig-Zag.

The Zig-Zag can be really effective when dodging arrows as long as you keep it unpredictable, the only problem with this tactic is that there is some form of repetition as you're moving one way and then the other way and repeating this movement making it pattern-like and therefore quite predictable, that's why in order to perfect this tactic you need to learn to move diagonally but still remain more difficult to hit which is dependent on how often you switch directions.

So when doing this tactic what you want to do is run in a certain direction then stop and completely reverse, not turning at all but simply pressing the backwards key on your keyboard then after preferably 1-2 seconds of doing that you continue to run forward or whichever direction you want to proceed. Your opponent generally predicts you are about to run into a specific area by the direction you are facing and running so they will generally shoot in front of you as opposed to directly at you, but to their surprise you stop! Move backwards and hopefully in doing that, successfully dodge the arrow (keeping in mind this is only if you are running around them and not directly away from them). The art of this tactic is the timing and your anticipation of the opponent’s shots. So this tactic is really based on your prediction of bow shots and knowing when to stop and reverse.

I'd like to mention this last tactic because of how efficient it can be in the way it essentially can't be countered, and because of this you can use this as much as you like and there is nothing the opponent can do to bypass it. But remember, even with this tactic you aren’t going to be invincible to arrows, however it will certainly help keep you alive and hard to hit. You just want to start by running around attempting to dodge the arrows coming at you like usual, even using the tactics I mentioned before (which is great because now you find yourself starting to create a combination, making you even more unpredictable) making sure to keep your eye on the target to help anticipate when a shot is about to be fired and once you see an arrow shot at you, all you want to do is block your sword as the arrow is coming at you. The idea of it being very hard if not impossible to counter is the fact even if the arrow does hit you - you will still have blocked the arrow and therefore mitigated its damage to a certain degree. This tactic isn't really as effective as the other ones but if you are able to combine this with the others and then master it, you will find yourself being an extremely difficult target to kill with a bow.

Now up until now I have stated information based off of my own opinion and possibly others as well, but now I’m going to put something out there that is just straight up fact. Of all weapons and tools in this game, the one most reliant on good connection and therefore hard to use if you experience connectivity issues or just have bad internet is the Bow. This is due to the strong delay in between the release of your shot and the arrow actually firing, which can be a huge problem so in saying that if you aren’t particularly confident with your bow, consider your internet and how that might be playing a part in that, and if that’s the case I highly recommend to avoid shooting excessively as you will often find yourself missing or sacrificing health to the opponent hitting you whilst you are actually drawing back your bow seeing as it leaves you vulnerable. Of course there are still ways to become to confident in bowing despite suffering from poor connection. (I would say a delay in time between your release and the arrow actually firing begins at a solid 80-100ms).


It is funny how such a simple looking game can be so complex and at times can be considered to have quite a high skill-set. With this in mind, you often find yourself struggling in certain aspects of PvP and sword-combat would have to be the one thing I am terrible at. Now you may be thinking “it can’t be that hard can’t it? All you have to do after all is aim and click” and yes, when you narrow it down and put it in a nutshell that is quite literally all you’re doing. But in order to master something we need to learn not to overestimate the difficulty of performing these tricks and such but also to not underestimate. With this said, you should see how much better someone can be with a sword than you based off of 3 primary factors:
Connection – as much as people will hate me to say it, this is definitely an important key to hitting players at an efficient rate with little to no delay.

Sensitivity – adjusting to the sensitivity that is forgiving, smooth and reliable – this will definitely keep you on target and accurate with the sword.

Clicking – speed of clicking is often disregarded as an important skill but do not ignore the power of the click! (to clarify: there is a set cap to how fast you can swing your sword, so being able to reach this cap and hit at maximum speed every fight you engage yourself in is helpful).

Sorry I haven’t mentioned this till now but block-hitting is undoubtedly useful in those certain situations you find yourself in. For example; you are in confined space, restricted by the narrowness of your environment and are unable to strafe the opponent, the result of this sword battle with depend on mainly 2 of the primary factors I mentioned before which are clicking speed and connection. However if you lack ability to click fast or don’t have a strong connection then you may want to block-hit for the obvious reason it will reduce the damage you take. But also remember not to block more than you click as this will result in you hitting at a much slower rate than your enemy is hitting you.

I don’t suggest block-hitting in more open environments unless you are comfortable with the inability to strafe you may experience.

Fishing Rod

Like with the bow, the fishing rod isn't easy to teach via text but its use in combat is pretty self-explanatory. The importance of this tool can never be emphasized enough so I will explain further. To use the fishing rod tactic to its fullest, you must learn the correct timing to cast your rod (by timing I am referring to the distance you are from the enemy). If you are engaging an enemy head on, never cast your rod at them and then begin fighting instantly. The knock-back your enemy takes from the fishing rod is unpredictable as they may go flying back but often they may take little knock-back which will mean your tactic has been ineffective. So make sure to hit them back with the fishing rod but stop running at them as you do this and back up a bit, give them the opportunity to jump in on you and when you see the right moment – rod them back and hit them with the sword as they are in the air, giving you some nice reach due to the fact they have been elevated off the ground by the rod hit. Keep note that rodding them as they are already in mid-air (usually jumping) is even more effective and will provide a better reach, this is also part of mastering the timing of your cast.

Also! Never forget the original use of this marvelous tool as it can not only supply you with food but also experience for enchanting weapons. I’m not sure as to whether this is still enabled but when fishing you may catch enchanted weapons including bows and fishing rods. ie; Infinity I, Power I etc.

Flint & Steel

So I hope you learnt a bit from this guide, my goal was simply to educate players on PvP and hopefully help you become a better player in the hunger crafts. If you have any feedback or constructive criticism then feel free to let me know in the chat, have a nice day and thank you for reading.

DISCLAIMER: I Branone, do not take credit nor claim any of the following tactics in this guide. The following I have learnt and been taught over the course of my 2 years here.

Notable players I would like to thank:
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Damien // Teepwn

Oh gosh, lots of info in here... gonna bookmark this and come back later.
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
In this guide I will be covering the four main tools/weapons in MCSG, that is the: Sword, Bow, Fishing Rod and Flint and Steel.


So to start this PvP lesson off, I would like to introduce to you my favourite and most desirable weapon of all, ladies and gentleman I present to you my weapon of choice, The Bow. It is undoubtedly one of the most lethal tools of destruction in this game if used correctly and what defines it as a magnificent tool is the fact it’s ranged. And with the fact alone that it can be fired from long distances and still deal just as much if not more damage than a sword, I think it’s safe to say this is a weapon you will want to become comfortable with to ensure you win battles. With all of that said, I’d like to share my opinion that might be obvious to some at this point and yes it’s questionable, yes it’s situational, and yes it’s predominantly based on connection. But I will go ahead and say it anyway. I believe the Bow is ultimately the best weapon in PvP. All weapons have their own time to shine, but keeping in mind this weapon can be used at practically any distance/height I see it more powerful just in general than anything else in this game, or MCSG at least.

It’s a bit hard to explain how to shoot a bow well, it simply can’t be learnt through text, and you need to practice with it as with anything. But regardless, I will still share a few suggestions when it comes to using it or even getting away from it.

Calculation with the arch/aim of your crosshair depending on your distance from the target is necessary but like I mentioned before, you can’t learn just by reading about it; you need to practice. So with the assumption you are somewhat decent at hitting the target I will move to the next step of hitting moving targets. If there is one tip I can give players, it’s to shoot when your enemy is drawing back the bow. This is a good time to shoot because they have almost completely stopped moving and you have a very good chance at hitting them, the trick is to shoot just as they begin to shoot but quickly get out of the way immediately after shooting or they may hit you too, eliminating the whole point of this strategy. It may seem very cheap and it won’t necessarily display any bow skill/accuracy but it’s smart, and in a situation where you are versing a player who is undeniably better than you at using the weapon, you aren’t left with many other options. So take the risk of being called a ‘cheap noob’ and rek em’ with this awesome tactic ;)

So now that you know how to hit the target, you might want to learn about avoiding arrows coming at you, and being my favourite tactic I will start off with the Zig-Zag.

The Zig-Zag can be really effective when dodging arrows as long as you keep it unpredictable, the only problem with this tactic is that there is some form of repetition as you're moving one way and then the other way and repeating this movement making it pattern-like and therefore quite predictable, that's why in order to perfect this tactic you need to learn to move diagonally but still remain more difficult to hit which is dependent on how often you switch directions.

So when doing this tactic what you want to do is run in a certain direction then stop and completely reverse, not turning at all but simply pressing the backwards key on your keyboard then after preferably 1-2 seconds of doing that you continue to run forward or whichever direction you want to proceed. Your opponent generally predicts you are about to run into a specific area by the direction you are facing and running so they will generally shoot in front of you as opposed to directly at you, but to their surprise you stop! Move backwards and hopefully in doing that, successfully dodge the arrow (keeping in mind this is only if you are running around them and not directly away from them). The art of this tactic is the timing and your anticipation of the opponent’s shots. So this tactic is really based on your prediction of bow shots and knowing when to stop and reverse.

I'd like to mention this last tactic because of how efficient it can be in the way it essentially can't be countered, and because of this you can use this as much as you like and there is nothing the opponent can do to bypass it. But remember, even with this tactic you aren’t going to be invincible to arrows, however it will certainly help keep you alive and hard to hit. You just want to start by running around attempting to dodge the arrows coming at you like usual, even using the tactics I mentioned before (which is great because now you find yourself starting to create a combination, making you even more unpredictable) making sure to keep your eye on the target to help anticipate when a shot is about to be fired and once you see an arrow shot at you, all you want to do is block your sword as the arrow is coming at you. The idea of it being very hard if not impossible to counter is the fact even if the arrow does hit you - you will still have blocked the arrow and therefore mitigated its damage to a certain degree. This tactic isn't really as effective as the other ones but if you are able to combine this with the others and then master it, you will find yourself being an extremely difficult target to kill with a bow.

Now up until now I have stated information based off of my own opinion and possibly others as well, but now I’m going to put something out there that is just straight up fact. Of all weapons and tools in this game, the one most reliant on good connection and therefore hard to use if you experience connectivity issues or just have bad internet is the Bow. This is due to the strong delay in between the release of your shot and the arrow actually firing, which can be a huge problem so in saying that if you aren’t particularly confident with your bow, consider your internet and how that might be playing a part in that, and if that’s the case I highly recommend to avoid shooting excessively as you will often find yourself missing or sacrificing health to the opponent hitting you whilst you are actually drawing back your bow seeing as it leaves you vulnerable. Of course there are still ways to become to confident in bowing despite suffering from poor connection. (I would say a delay in time between your release and the arrow actually firing begins at a solid 80-100ms).


It is funny how such a simple looking game can be so complex and at times can be considered to have quite a high skill-set. With this in mind, you often find yourself struggling in certain aspects of PvP and sword-combat would have to be the one thing I am terrible at. Now you may be thinking “it can’t be that hard can’t it? All you have to do after all is aim and click” and yes, when you narrow it down and put it in a nutshell that is quite literally all you’re doing. But in order to master something we need to learn not to overestimate the difficulty of performing these tricks and such but also to not underestimate. With this said, you should see how much better someone can be with a sword than you based off of 3 primary factors:
Connection – as much as people will hate me to say it, this is definitely an important key to hitting players at an efficient rate with little to no delay.

Sensitivity – adjusting to the sensitivity that is forgiving, smooth and reliable – this will definitely keep you on target and accurate with the sword.

Clicking – speed of clicking is often disregarded as an important skill but do not ignore the power of the click! (to clarify: there is a set cap to how fast you can swing your sword, so being able to reach this cap and hit at maximum speed every fight you engage yourself in is helpful).

Sorry I haven’t mentioned this till now but block-hitting is undoubtedly useful in those certain situations you find yourself in. For example; you are in confined space, restricted by the narrowness of your environment and are unable to strafe the opponent, the result of this sword battle with depend on mainly 2 of the primary factors I mentioned before which are clicking speed and connection. However if you lack ability to click fast or don’t have a strong connection then you may want to block-hit for the obvious reason it will reduce the damage you take. But also remember not to block more than you click as this will result in you hitting at a much slower rate than your enemy is hitting you.

I don’t suggest block-hitting in more open environments unless you are comfortable with the inability to strafe you may experience.

Fishing Rod

Like with the bow, the fishing rod isn't easy to teach via text but its use in combat is pretty self-explanatory. The importance of this tool can never be emphasized enough so I will explain further. To use the fishing rod tactic to its fullest, you must learn the correct timing to cast your rod (by timing I am referring to the distance you are from the enemy). If you are engaging an enemy head on, never cast your rod at them and then begin fighting instantly. The knock-back your enemy takes from the fishing rod is unpredictable as they may go flying back but often they may take little knock-back which will mean your tactic has been ineffective. So make sure to hit them back with the fishing rod but stop running at them as you do this and back up a bit, give them the opportunity to jump in on you and when you see the right moment – rod them back and hit them with the sword as they are in the air, giving you some nice reach due to the fact they have been elevated off the ground by the rod hit. Keep note that rodding them as they are already in mid-air (usually jumping) is even more effective and will provide a better reach, this is also part of mastering the timing of your cast.

Also! Never forget the original use of this marvelous tool as it can not only supply you with food but also experience for enchanting weapons. I’m not sure as to whether this is still enabled but when fishing you may catch enchanted weapons including bows and fishing rods. ie; Infinity I, Power I etc.

Flint & Steel

So I hope you learnt a bit from this guide, my goal was simply to educate players on PvP and hopefully help you become a better player in the hunger crafts. If you have any feedback or constructive criticism then feel free to let me know in the chat, have a nice day and thank you for reading.

DISCLAIMER: I Branone, do not take credit nor claim any of the following tactics in this guide. The following I have learnt and been taught over the course of my 2 years here.

Notable players I would like to thank:
Nice guide, shame if I use it against you. xD


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I typed your name in but thought about how some people may feel excluded, may as well though - you have helped me a lot.
We really, really need to talk more again. xD

Amazing guide though, I am proud of my Padawan.


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
*cough* b4d u so bad brannub. Joking bb ily good guide <3

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