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Should this map be added to the MCSG servers? (Poll v2)

  • Total voters


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
ATTENTION! Below is the link to the final download link with everything needed. Including the ender-chests marking the tier2 chests.

[Resubmitted under the new rules proposed by Dave.]

Lead Builder~ SuperxAndrew

(Other helpers: LoudNinja2xx123, turbo197234, Morphed Caliber, Eborec, infamouscookie)
Game Type~ Survival Games

Description Of The Map~

Zone 85 is a war time military base turned into a Survival Games map where 24 tributes fight to the death until 1 victor remains. Zone 85 is a map based on concept art of near-futuristic military bases. There are many puzzles, traps, and secrets to be explored. Our goal was to create something that was original, looked nice, but still had a good Survival Games and pvp feel to it.


  • The map has a 215 block radius. We kept the map small for quick and fun games that won't take long, but will involve tons of action.
  • There are approximately 150 chests. We felt this would be a good number based on the size of our map to allow people to be able to develop good chest routes and not get frustrated by not having gear, etc.
  • The map has two main buildings. One a sort of common room for the soldiers, while the other is the control base. There is a naval field, scrap yard, air field, oil mines, multiple helicopter pads and towers, and a river running into a lake.
Please do not distribute or use for personal interest without direct consent from me.
My email: [email protected]

The old thread had 162 "add this map" votes and 16 "don't add this map" votes on its poll.

Planet Minecraft:
(Give it all those diamonds! xD)


Map Trailer

Side view of the cornucopia.

View of the airfield.

This is the work/scrap yard.

This is the naval yard for all the ships and water shenanigans.

View of the lake.

View of the main helicopter pad and the waterfall.

View of a tunnel leading out of the corn.

View of the oil mines.

View of the roof of the main base.

View of the river and bridge in the distance.

Cords Of Corn and Deathmatch Arena~

The cornucopia is located at approximately x=0,z=0,y=60.
There is not a deathmatch arena.


I, SuperxAndrew agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (VIP) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.
Such gr


Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
178 F***ING VOTES YES PUT IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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