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Random Things in MCSG!?!???????!


Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
This started a long time ago, back before MCSG allowed Community maps. I killed someone, but he had a piece of Coal! And just today, my brother killed a team of 3 (Thanks to the 1.4.4 lag) and one of them had a Wooden Door AND a block of Gravel!
Are these people just hacking? Because, hacking JUST to get Gravel and a Door in the MCSG would be amazingly dumb. Can a Mod or someone with some MCSG smarts please reply?

Until next time!


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Community maps can sometimes have furnaces or other things with items in them.

In Solar Frost, there is a piece of coal in a furnace somewhere I believe.

In SG2, there is a room only accessible by updating a block to make gravel fall. This gravel will land on a torch or something and pop out.

Not sure where the door came from, though...but you used to be able to pick up the wooden planks from a broken boat and craft one.

In Teweran, there is a jukebox in the village area. Right click that and you get the Stal disc I believe.

On any map with mobs, you can probably get a skeleton to kill a creeper to get virtually any disc.

On SG1, I found a creative way of getting redstone dust...if you are really creative, you can use that to make a torch and cheat the casino, but it's hardly worth it since you have to sacrifice a few other really hard to get items just for the dust and go all the way to the end of the map for it...I'm not telling how to get it. ;D

You can kill squids in certain maps to get black dye. Use this on leather armor if you like...

You can also get vines and tall grass with Shears. You can place the vines, too...very useful if you want to easily access a high up area.

The possibilities are endless...

If you are on the right community map or just think for a bit, the reality is, as long as the item needed to craft it, or the item itself, is able to be picked up without the server blocking it from being picked up, you can get a ton of things... If I could still pick up wooden planks from broken boats, I could make fence gates, or doors. Even chests...


Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Community maps can sometimes have furnaces or other things with items in them.

In Solar Frost, there is a piece of coal in a furnace somewhere I believe.

In SG2, there is a room only accessible by updating a block to make gravel fall. This gravel will land on a torch or something and pop out.

Not sure where the door came from, though...but you used to be able to pick up the wooden planks from a broken boat and craft one.

In Teweran, there is a jukebox in the village area. Right click that and you get the Stal disc I believe.

On any map with mobs, you can probably get a skeleton to kill a creeper to get virtually any disc.

On SG1, I found a creative way of getting redstone dust...if you are really creative, you can use that to make a torch and cheat the casino, but it's hardly worth it since you have to sacrifice a few other really hard to get items just for the dust and go all the way to the end of the map for it...I'm not telling how to get it. ;D

You can kill squids in certain maps to get black dye. Use this on leather armor if you like...

You can also get vines and tall grass with Shears. You can place the vines, too...very useful if you want to easily access a high up area.

The possibilities are endless...

If you are on the right community map or just think for a bit, the reality is, as long as the item needed to craft it, or the item itself, is able to be picked up without the server blocking it from being picked up, you can get a ton of things... If I could still pick up wooden planks from broken boats, I could make fence gates, or doors. Even chests...
you can get a lever and a dragon egg in map 1 too :)


District 13
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
Community maps can sometimes have furnaces or other things with items in them.

In Solar Frost, there is a piece of coal in a furnace somewhere I believe.

In SG2, there is a room only accessible by updating a block to make gravel fall. This gravel will land on a torch or something and pop out.

Not sure where the door came from, though...but you used to be able to pick up the wooden planks from a broken boat and craft one.

In Teweran, there is a jukebox in the village area. Right click that and you get the Stal disc I believe.

On any map with mobs, you can probably get a skeleton to kill a creeper to get virtually any disc.

On SG1, I found a creative way of getting redstone dust...if you are really creative, you can use that to make a torch and cheat the casino, but it's hardly worth it since you have to sacrifice a few other really hard to get items just for the dust and go all the way to the end of the map for it...I'm not telling how to get it. ;D

You can kill squids in certain maps to get black dye. Use this on leather armor if you like...

You can also get vines and tall grass with Shears. You can place the vines, too...very useful if you want to easily access a high up area.

The possibilities are endless...

If you are on the right community map or just think for a bit, the reality is, as long as the item needed to craft it, or the item itself, is able to be picked up without the server blocking it from being picked up, you can get a ton of things... If I could still pick up wooden planks from broken boats, I could make fence gates, or doors. Even chests...
The door is from the same house. Since the piston breaks the door and it drops.


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Pfff. Wooden door? Coal? Gravel? Please. I can beat that, hands down.

I have no idea how I got it.
you must have done so much crap just to make all those pictures and put them on the forums ;_;


Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Pfff. Wooden door? Coal? Gravel? Please. I can beat that, hands down.

I have no idea how I got it.
Wait.. How did you get Potions and Ender Pearls? I know that this picture wasen't taken when mobs were in MCSG, because that food in your inventory is the new food. 0_0


District 13
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
Wait.. How did you get Potions and Ender Pearls? I know that this picture wasen't taken when mobs were in MCSG, because that food in your inventory is the new food. 0_0
It is under the enderdragon in a double chest. I've gotten it before

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