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The 5th MCGamer Awards (Quarter Quell Edition): Voting Round 1

Who's feeling hyped?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score


Hello, tributes!

As we progress further into the 5th MCGamer Awards, we’re proud to announce that things have been very successful so far! After just one week of having nominations open, we managed to get over 350 votes. After tallying, we are ready to present the 5 nominees for each category.

If you’re not quite sure what any of this is, refer to the original thread, found here. There, you can find all the information about the Awards, and some important dates to stick on your calendar!

Now, without further ado, here are the results:

Best Owner:
  • Chadthedj

  • Mufasa
Best Cat:
  • YourAverageTiger

  • Cat_On_A_Poptart

  • Chadthedj

  • Mufasa

  • ViolentKitten
Best Admin:
  • AlpakaWhacker

  • Col. Star

  • Razzledgirl

  • CAmadeusA
Best Developer:
  • Forairan

  • subv3rsion

  • Rustywolf

  • DV_Raiton

  • kpwn243
Best Sr. Mod:
  • GotCubes

  • Jodimo

  • DracoHD

  • KitMencha

  • LadyOfLove
Best Mod:
  • soggypickle

  • Nephilim_04

  • Avaline

  • duckluv321

  • froggytv
Best Ex-Staff Member:
  • PM_MoLoToV

  • Dave

  • Lqzer

  • SixZoSeven

  • Frazzli185
Best VIP:
  • Giggity69Goo

  • Huahwi

  • Lemonz87

  • Dave

  • Ninetailefox92
Best Large YouTuber:
  • Huahwi

  • Grapeapplesauce

  • Graser10

  • ThatOneTomahawk

  • TheCreeperFarts
Best Upcoming YouTuber:
  • Lemonz87

  • NuJaan

  • Proxniggles_25

  • Slinqy

  • thejambd

Best Streamer:
  • Mooclan

  • Huahwi

  • ThatOneTomahawk

  • Dave

  • LadyOfLove
Best Builder:
  • LadyofLove

  • SuperxAndrew

  • Ninetailefox92

  • Zacharoutio

  • Lemonz87
Best Redstoner:
  • GotCubes

  • sheldor_da_great

  • mfungamer

  • SuperxAndrew

  • electromeerkat
Best Terraformer:
  • LadyOfLove

  • Ninetailefox92

  • Its_Sean

  • krackan

  • KitMencha
Best Build Team:
  • Discovery Works

  • Red Forest

  • Team Elite

  • Helix

  • Team Invictus
Best Survival Games Map:
  • Zone 85

  • Valleyside University

  • Solar Frost

  • Survival Games 4

  • Alaskan Village
Best Quarter Quell Map:
  • District 7

  • Catching Fire

  • Thawing Time

  • Drifting Shores
Best Battle Grounds Map:
  • Red Forest 1 [Beach/Oasis Map]

  • Red Forest 2 [Multibiome/Lava Map]

  • Mario Style Map
Best Gametype:
  • Hungry Games

  • Battlegrounds

  • Survival Games

  • Quarter Quell

  • Deadly Descent
Best Community Event:
  • Staff Q&A

  • Community Games

  • OMN

  • The MCGamer Awards

  • Quarter Quell Map Making Contest
Most Influential Member:
  • Dave

  • Chadthedj

  • Col. Star

  • Mooclan
Most Helpful Member:
  • PM_MoLoToV

  • Nephilim_04

  • Mooclan

  • duckluv321

  • Miner9823
Best Clan:
  • Darken

  • Trivium

  • Rivals

  • Rebels

  • Phoenix
Best Clan Leader:
  • MaxyPie

  • croe97

  • Quadrum_

  • ZenoCrafter

  • Soulv2
Best Clan Officer:
  • Spellyy

  • ItsGhostMC

  • thingy182

  • BenPCGamingHD

  • Sarju77
Best OMN Singer:
  • Mooseski13

  • ThatOneAlyssa

  • Frazzli185

  • ToxicBri101

  • 123456789matrty
Best OMN Instrumentalist:
  • 123456789matrty

  • TheLastGapple

  • Avaline

  • krackan

  • Frazzli185
Best OMN Comedian:
  • George

  • Giggity69Goo

  • TotalDramaTony

  • Mooseski13
Best Male Forumer:
  • OhFancy

  • Miner9823

  • Col. Star

  • Giggity69Goo

  • Mooclan
Best Female Forumer:
  • duckluv321

  • AGFire2013

  • LadyOfLove

  • Avaline

  • Lemonz87
Best Poster:
  • BitoBain

  • Col. Star

  • Mooclan

  • Giggity69Goo

  • Miner9823
Best Thread Maker:
  • duckluv321

  • Mooclan

  • Its_Sean

  • Col. Star

  • Chadthedj
Best Artist:
  • Vanicle

  • duckluv321

  • KorriPocky

  • SharkyCraftMC
Best PvPer:
  • darkrai202

  • Edog786

  • Gravey4rd
Most Notable Event In MCGamer's History:
  • MCGamer V2 Release

  • MCSG V1 Release

  • MCSG V2 Release

  • MCGamer Hub Implementation
Favourite MCGamer Memory:
  • My 1000th win

  • Becoming a staff member

  • My 1st win

  • MCGamer V2 Release

  • Joining the community

Side note - these results are not listed in a “top 5” format, the order of listing is completely randomised.

Side note 2 - categories with less than 5 nominees will not be included in this round of elimination, they will be left until other categories catch up to the same number of people. For example, “Best Owner” will not be decided until the final round of elimination when every other category has 2 nominees remaining, as it only has 2 nominees to begin with.


Now, we move on to Round 1 of elimination! You will be voting for which of the 5 nominees you want to be to stay in each category. At the end of the week, the person with the least amount of votes will be eliminated, and the next 4 will move on to Round 2.

We got a grand total of 358 votes last time, which is the most we’ve ever gotten in MCGA history. We can’t thank you guys enough. Keep up the amazing participation everyone, lets see if we can beat the record!

Click here to cast your votes: http://bit.ly/5thMCGARound1

Remember, the name you select is the one you want to stay.

Platinum Donor Giveaway

Remember that the giveaway of 5 platinum donors* is still in effect! For every round that you vote in, your name is entered into the giveaway. In other words, if you voted last week, and you vote again this week, you’ll be entered in twice!

*Only 1 donor per person. Even if you already have platinum donor, you can put it on an alt or give it to a friend. No second hand giveaways are allowed.


A similar ruleset was already established on the first thread, but we will be reiterating it here for your convenience.

The following is a list of rules that must be followed both my nominees as well as voters. Failure to follow these rules could result in a disqualification.
  1. All MCGamer rules apply.
  2. Do not submit troll voting forms - these submissions will be overlooked and the user who submits them may be subject to punishment.
  3. Votes for users with large followings in the restricted categories will be overlooked.
  4. Promoting oneself in any way, shape or form, will result in either a warning from the MCG Awards team, or an immediate disqualification (Giving someone a link to vote and saying 'vote for me/my build team', or any other form of self promotion, this extends to just saying 'vote for me'). This is up to the MCG Awards staff team's discretion. If you are issued a warning, you will be asked to remove any form of self promotion from whichever social media platform you have used. Failure to comply within 24 hours may result in a disqualification. In instances where a nominee with a large following is self promoting, an immediate disqualification may be issued, again this is entirely up to the staff team's discretion..
  5. Bribery in order find out results early (including staff) is a serious offence and could result in serious consequences.
  6. If you are caught cheating in any way, you will be disqualified from this MCGamer awards.
  7. Don’t let competitiveness get in your way. People who are being overly competitive, specifically in ways which include slandering other nominees, have the potential to be disqualified. Anybody disqualified from the 5th MCGamer Awards will also be disqualified from the 6th MCGamer Awards.
  8. Most importantly, have fun! Don’t be upset if you aren’t chosen or get eliminated - this event is purely for fun and should not be taken seriously. Keep in mind that flame WILL be removed. Be a good sport!

And with that, let the eliminating begin!

Last edited by a moderator:


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Wait I've been nominated for two categories? Didn't see that coming:eek: Thanks everyone who voted for me, this is really a big suprise! And goodluck to all the other people who've been nominated!


Apr 28, 2013
Reaction score
Lol just trying to get their attention
Side note 2 - categories with less than 5 nominees will not be included in this round of elimination, they will be left until other categories catch up to the same number of people. For example, “Best Owner” will not be decided until the final round of elimination when every other category has 2 nominees remaining, as it only has 2 nominees to begin with.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Side note 2 - categories with less than 5 nominees will not be included in this round of elimination, they will be left until other categories catch up to the same number of people. For example, “Best Owner” will not be decided until the final round of elimination when every other category has 2 nominees remaining, as it only has 2 nominees to begin with.
saw it. im stupid i know


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Wauw.. I really didn't expect to be nominated for anything ^^'

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