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Monastry AU elite team

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District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
I never was stopping them, i was only saying how sad it is them spending day after day, hour upon hour playing a non-productive game.
Well now you have shared, you can leave! Thank you!


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
Already have left minecraft, haven't left the forums though, not till Obliterate get punished for his alting.
Why don't you leave and focus on your education? You quoted this... argh.. I'm stopping here.
This clan doesn't deserve this. So you should stop too, thank you.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
Why don't you leave and focus on your education? You quoted this... argh.. I'm stopping here.
This clan doesn't deserve this. So you should stop too, thank you.
Mhm, funny that, im actually working on my assignments while arguing with you.


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Funny, how you people actually play a block game. Thank god i grew out of this game. Funniest part is some of you's are like 15, 16 year olds still playing this game.. It's sad to be honest

*Edit* Also pretty sad how much of a no life you are, 6000 games played.. Really? Total life span 4 weeks 6 days.. Seriously mate, your calling 'being cocky' sad, your time spent on a block game is preety sad. Mhm, must not have much going on in your life, aye?
First of all I'm 17 and second of all why is there is assumption that only people below the age of 14 are only allowed to play minecraft. I have the freedom to play any game that I want to play no matter if it's made of blocks or not so I don't see how I'm meant to take offence to that comment.

Oh and then my favourite part, the "no-life" arguement. Boy when people tell me that I know they aren't very bright. How can I be a no life when I've spent 4 weeks out of the 884+ weeks I've lived. It's such a small portion of my life so how do I have "no-life" when I've spent barely 0.1% of my life playing video games. At the same time you say I've got no life and that I'm sad when you go on a forum for a game you supposedly don't play and abuse people younger than you.
What? I'm the sad person here?

Next is that even if played 6000+ games does it really matter that much. I had so much fun playing minecraft. Met amazing friends (2015 Melbourne Pax the dream) and I've learnt a lot of life lessons and understand the meaning of life a little better. I'm one of those people that can say "yeah I had a YouTube channel like everyone else but mine was successful." I've had such an amazing experience on MCSG and it is everything but sad. Meanwhile being arrogant is probably the worse social skill to have and I'll do one of your assumptions and say that's the only social skill you have. Why else would you be abusing people younger than you on a game you "grew out of" if you didn't have problems yourself.

Finally your last comment. Well I may spend a lot of time playing video games but I have an amazing group of friends, doing amazingly in my school studies, having great times with my family (literally came home from 3 hours of sailing with my grandfather to come home seeing this post) I'm happier than I've ever been. Can you say the same for yourself? Well from my point of view it ain't looking great kiddo.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
Why don't you leave and focus on your education? You quoted this... argh.. I'm stopping here.
This clan doesn't deserve this. So you should stop too, thank you.
Also, this clan doesn't deserve this?? Dean (the owner) gave Obliterate 11 alts, so if he gets banned, he has another. Gosh how many accounts need to be banned on a server.


Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Well its kinda sad, when they could be doing other things like socialising or studying for university or something like that
lol just cuz u quit minecraft after you got gg 8'd by Trentos9. You still play csgay non stop, more than we play minecraft in fact. You have played 200 hours of cs:go in a matter of 2 months. We're the no lifes?


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
First of all I'm 17 and second of all why is there is assumption that only people below the age of 14 are only allowed to play minecraft. I have the freedom to play any game that I want to play no matter if it's made of blocks or not so I don't see how I'm meant to take offence to that comment.

Oh and then my favourite part, the "no-life" arguement. Boy when people tell me that I know they aren't very bright. How can I be a no life when I've spent 4 weeks out of the 884+ weeks I've lived. It's such a small portion of my life so how do I have "no-life" when I've spent barely 0.1% of my life playing video games. At the same time you say I've got no life and that I'm sad when you go on a forum for a game you supposedly don't play and abuse people younger than you.
What? I'm the sad person here?

Next is that even if played 6000+ games does it really matter that much. I had so much fun playing minecraft. Met amazing friends (2015 Melbourne Pax the dream) and I've learnt a lot of life lessons and understand the meaning of life a little better. I'm one of those people that can say "yeah I had a YouTube channel like everyone else but mine was successful." I've had such an amazing experience on MCSG and it is everything but sad. Meanwhile being arrogant is probably the worse social skill to have and I'll do one of your assumptions and say that's the only social skill you have. Why else would you be abusing people younger than you on a game you "grew out of" if you didn't have problems yourself.

Finally your last comment. Well I may spend a lot of time playing video games but I have an amazing group of friends, doing amazingly in my school studies, having great times with my family (literally came home from 3 hours of sailing with my grandfather to come home seeing this post) I'm happier than I've ever been. Can you say the same for yourself? Well from my point of view it ain't looking great kiddo.
Okay thanks buddy, ill go do more with my life than arguing.. mhm love my life at the moment, and i apologise for being a ---, im actually glad your enjoying your life. I'm finished with these bloody forums, just making me more and more sad and depressed. Obliterate buddy, you won, just letting the staff members know though, Obliterate has multiple accounts now, and good luck banning them 1 by 1. And i deserve all the hate i have been given. I truely want to apologise for my actions and continue to have your fun times on mcsg.

Also i don't have 200+ hours played, you can see all the lies coming out in Obliterate, i guess it will take time for you guys to find that out, anyway have a enjoyable life everyone.
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