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Statistics of Survival Games 2.0


Jul 16, 2012
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As some of you might recall, back in September, I did a study on just how common teaming, trashtalk, and hackers were in Survival Games. (You can view the old thread here.) However, that data is getting quite dated, and with the recent Leaderboard Update, is relatively inaccurate. So, about a week ago, I collected 50 games to observe and collect data from. The data I collected is the same as the previous study, but I'll repeat them again:
  • Which day and time the game was recorded.
  • The amount of players in-game when the game starts.
  • The amount of 2 teams that get formed during the game.
  • The amount of 3 teams that get formed during the game.
  • The amount of 4 or more teams that get formed during the game.
  • The amount of hackers found during the game.
  • The amount of people that did some trashtalking.
  • If there was a team in deathmatch.
  • If a team won the game.
Now with introductions out of the way, I present to you, the newly collected data!

(I know this data is very hard to read from this image, so I recommend viewing it from the Google Sheet instead from this link here.)

So, now we're looking at a bunch of numbers, what sense can we make from it? I will try my best to explain what we see.
- Right off the bat, we'll start with which games have a team, and those that don't. The red games are games that had at least 1 team within them, while green games had no teams. This came out to be 41 red games and 9 green games. This shows that 82% of the games observed had at least one team within them.

- Next, we can look at the sizes of each team. From the totals at the bottom of the data, we had 69 teams of two, 6 teams of three, and no teams above 4. From this data alone, it appears that teams of two seem to be the most common size of teams, with teams of three being fairly uncommon, and teams of four or more of being near impossible to encounter.

- Next, we can look at the amount of a certain size team you can encounter on average. For teams of two, they had an average of 1.36 teams of two per game. Now, this may seem like there is always going to be at least one team of two in any said game, but that average applies to this sample alone. Take a look at the SD value. It reads ~1.06. This value, the standard deviation of the sample, means that the population average of the amount of teams of two is within a range of plus/minus 1.06 teams. In English, this means that the true average for all the games is between [0.3-2.42]. So, it's not guaranteed that you're going to encounter at least 1 team of two, but there's a good chance that you will.

- Jumping over a column, we can look at the amount of teams in deathmatch, and if said team won the game. Just going to spit some numbers out here: 29 games had no team in deathmatch, 3 games had a team in deathmatch, but the team did not win, and 18 games had a team in deathmatch, and won the game. This shows that more than 50% of the games sampled had no team in deathmatch.

- Onto trashtalking. This data, was relatively hard to collect, for what determines trashtalking varies from person to person. How my data was collected, was that I watched the chat for anyone that said anything about a fight being unfair, or talking down to other players as trashtalking, and counted a player as 1. So if any player had multiple instances of trashtalk, it only counted as one. Out of all of the collected games, there were 35 players that had at least one negative comment about the current game. From this, we can conclude that there is a 70% chance of at least one instance of trashtalk in a game, which is less than the 76% found in my previous study.

- Our final point of data, the amount of hackers found in a game. Now, this is a new data point that I added in this study, so I cannot compare it to my previous study. Out of the 50 observed games, there were only 8 obvious hackers found, all found in separate games. As I have no data to compare this to, I can only say that from this data, there is a 16% chance of encountering at least one hacker.
Just what can we conclude from all this data? Well, personally I have seen quite a few complaints floating around about each of these 3 points of interest, mainly the amount of teams. From what I recall, there has been complaints that teams of astounding sizes becoming more and more frequent. We're talking that teams of three are the norm. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see just how accurate their claims were, and I was planning on doing an updated study anyways. From what I found, I cannot see their claims being accurate. Throughout all 50 of my games, I did not see a single team exceed three players, and a team of that size was uncommon to begin with. In all, it appears that most likely you'll encounter teams of two, but any more than that seems very unlikely.

I will admit, my data may not be 100% accurate for the entirety of MCGamer. This data is limited to only US servers, so other regions may have different proportions, but that can be done a later, larger study. Even limited to just US servers, the data may still not be accurate, just for the sheer amount of factors that are in each game. (One team member died before the team got together. Different maps effecting the amount of teams in-game. Human error in myself.) Despite this, I tried to make this data as accurate as I could. Taking different games from different days of the week and at different times of the day. I tried my best in getting the most accurate data possible, and I hope it's enough to be referenced to.

That about sums up everything I have to show. Hopefully this study gives us a more detailed look in the exact proportions of different aspects of our Survival Games, and can be used as a tool to shed light into the complaints that have been cropping up lately.

(If there are any mistakes or edits that need to be addressed in this post, please let me know.)

Fun Fact: Collecting this data alone took about 10 hours, and was used as my case study for my final project in my AP Statistic class.


May 8, 2014
Reaction score
Wow, pretty interesting final. I doubt your teacher has ever seen something like this before!


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
I don't know how you were able to work on this for so long(other than the fact you used it on your Statistic final :p) I really did enjoy this though, good job. It may be interesting to get other regions as well as US.


Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
Wow! Im impressed you spent so much time working on this. Great job!


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Thank you so much for doing this, especially the teams and the hackers one! We have been getting so many reports about too much teamers or a 5 man team, etc. so I must say this statistic is amazing because it proves people's claims are too exaggerated, while there are occasionally a 6 man team and more, it is highly unlikely and same with the hackers. We have been doing many things to lower down the amount of hackers such as our EU Cleansweep and I can say that it has been working. Hopefully the people who complain about teams and hackers will limit their complains about it now :)


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, pretty interesting final. I doubt your teacher has ever seen something like this before!
He did tell me that it's something nobody has ever done in any of his years of teaching, and he likes unique studies. That alone was probably the only reason why he let me use it.

I don't know how you were able to work on this for so long(other than the fact you used it on your Statistic final :p) I really did enjoy this though, good job. It may be interesting to get other regions as well as US.
I would love to expand this study to a larger sample and to all the regions, but I just don't have the time for it personally. I've tried doing it in the past with a group of people, but it's hard to make sure that everyone is recording the data the exact same way to be consistent. While it's possible, it would be a large project to expand it.

Thank you so much for doing this, especially the teams and the hackers one! We have been getting so many reports about too much teamers or a 5 man team, etc. so I must say this statistic is amazing because it proves people's claims are too exaggerated, while there are occasionally a 6 man team and more, it is highly unlikely and same with the hackers. We have been doing many things to lower down the amount of hackers such as our EU Cleansweep and I can say that it has been working. Hopefully the people who complain about teams and hackers will limit their complains about it now :)
This is exactly why I wanted to do the study. People kept claiming that teams of four were in every game, yet when I played I hardly ran into any. I wanted to create a way to prove their claims either right or wrong, and I believe this study does just that.

FjRI || Catty

Jan 14, 2015
Reaction score
Very interesting data! Maybe next time (if you do this again) you could play games at the same times in the day and see if anything changes. :)


Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
That must be the best final project ever……

In all seriousness that really just goes to show you how human brains focus on the negative (even if it's uncommon) events that happen.

Now whenever someone complains, people should just have a macro to insert the link to this thread.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
You just gave me solid material to use to disprove all of those pointless angry threads complaining about teams and hackers. Thanks once again Firework c:

This study really goes to show that all the ranting about these "problems" that occur are really just excuses for people who don't know how to play well. In fact, I recently made a video in which I faced a team of 4 and a hacker and still managed to win the game (albeit the team was separated for most of the fight).

These statistics should be seen by all, in fact I'm going to see if I can get this stickied.


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Very interesting data! Maybe next time (if you do this again) you could play games at the same times in the day and see if anything changes. :)
You can kinda see a pattern in the collected data with times of day, for I recorded them in bulks of 10 or so. However, it does not appear to be too much of a different at quick glance, might take a closer look when I'm off mobile.

That must be the best final project ever……

In all seriousness that really just goes to show you how human brains focus on the negative (even if it's uncommon) events that happen.

Now whenever someone complains, people should just have a macro to insert the link to this thread.
I agree, people focus way too much on the 'problems' we have, and from this data it seems they just got extremely unlucky.
Too bad I can't use macros, or I would totally do that. :p
You just gave me solid material to use to disprove all of those pointless angry threads complaining about teams and hackers. Thanks once again Firework c:

This study really goes to show that all the ranting about these "problems" that occur are really just excuses for people who don't know how to play well. In fact, I recently made a video in which I faced a team of 4 and a hacker and still managed to win the game (albeit the team was separated for most of the fight).

These statistics should be seen by all, in fact I'm going to see if I can get this stickied.
It's my pleasure. Those threads annoyed me so much, I wanted to get some solid data to either prove or disprove their claims. Hopefully this steers people away from complaining about these 'issues' and focus more on more important things. (Also, getting this stickied would be great. c:)


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
That must be the best final project ever……

In all seriousness that really just goes to show you how human brains focus on the negative (even if it's uncommon) events that happen.

Now whenever someone complains, people should just have a macro to insert the link to this thread.
I'm considering the macro idea...

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