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Philosophy - AU Clan

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Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Permcade

Age: 14

Legacy Stats (Wins/Games): 36/463

Current Stats (Wins/Games): 35/739 (reset :p)

Skype Name: live.arcademx

Past Clans: tons

edit: gl hope i get accepted
You've been denied seeing how you are a US player and you don't meet some of the requirements. Please work on fulfilling those aspects before reapplying.

Minecraft IGN: Swoopz

Age: 14

Legacy Stats (Wins/Games): I didn't get these stats.

Current Stats (Wins/Games): 312/1101

Skype Name: You have me nub

Past Clans: #Rogue, #Revolution, trial Apex... but yeah :(
You've been accepted for trial c: One of the staff members will add on Skype to further discuss your trial!

Minecraft IGN: TheOfficialAG and 1stToDie

Age: 16

Legacy Stats (Wins/Games):
6 Wins in 108 Games with 99 Kills

20 Wins in 290 Games with 356 Kills

Current Stats (Wins/Games):
66 Wins in 703 Games with 982 Kills

5 Wins in 74 Games with 116 Kills

Skype Name: Custard99 Is Boss

TeamSpeak3: I use it all the time and prefer it over skpye because its easier to use!

Why Do You Want To Join This Clan?
I want to join this clan because I want to be the odd one out with less than 200 wins and also this clan is the best clan in AU MCSG maybe even US! Your players inside of the clan are amazing at pvp and they even have the 2ND MCSG player in it (Jordyy) LIKE OMG <3! They are all respected and are nice guys so I would love to be a part of that too! This clan have potential to win every clan battle they have!

About Myself: I am a 16 guy who plays MCGamer for fun and competitive sometimes! I try to keep a decent ratio in game and I also try to keep high standards of myself in the community (Meaning in what people would say about me). I love to fanboi over Jordyy all the time because he GOD! I also love to play soccer outside of school <3! I also am mature and I do youtube! I have 222 subscribers and I record MCSG! I want to record scrims/clan battles of and post them on my channel as a new series MCSG Clan Battles!

Why did this clan catch your eye?
It caught my eye because the players are basically the best players on AU side of MCGamer and maybe even US! They are all respected in the community and they are loved by a lot of people!

What position do you want in the clan?
I want to be the guy who goes around organizing clan battles with other clans!

Past Clans:
1st Clan: Member
Paragon: Member
Colossal: Officer

I know I will be denied but at least I tried xD! Love you Jordyy, GoudAlmighty, Atomic, Teearrr, Pearl <3 Good luck with the clan! Also since I will get denied can I get Head Cheerleader because I #1 Fan <3!

Unfortunately, you've been declined for not knowing the members well enough and you haven't followed the correct application :p Once we have a Teamspeak, relationships can be worked on c:

Minecraft IGN: FjRI / Larryplaysmc_
Age: 15
Legacy Stats (Wins/ Games): I can't check atm but I will later
Current Stats (Wins/ Games): 151/640 something like that I think
Skype Name: you have me :)
Past Clans: Ayres and Lust and Buttercups :)
You've been put on pending. This means that the clan is still in the process of considering you. Please be patient c:

Minecraft IGN: Goldsminer

Age: 16

Legacy Stats (Wins/Games): 86/1892

Current Stats (Wins/Games): 234/1809

Skype Name: I want to keep it private (Will DM you)

Past Clans: Horizon
You've been declined since some members feel as if they don't know you that well. Once relationships have improved, you are free to reapply.

Just a friendly note, the Teamspeak will be up sometime this week and everyone will be welcomed to come on and get to know members and applicants c:


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
You've been denied seeing how you are a US player and you don't meet some of the requirements. Please work on fulfilling those aspects before reapplying.

You've been accepted for trial c: One of the staff members will add on Skype to further discuss your trial!

Unfortunately, you've been declined for not knowing the members well enough and you haven't followed the correct application :p Once we have a Teamspeak, relationships can be worked on c:

You've been put on pending. This means that the clan is still in the process of considering you. Please be patience c:

You've been declined since some members feel as if they don't know you that well. Once relationships have improved, you are free to reapply.

Just a friendly note, the Teamspeak will be up sometime this week and everyone will be welcomed to come on and get to know members and applicants c:
Actually its the right format but I extended it!


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Actually its the right format but I extended it!
Although those extensions told us a lot about you (and us too), that goes into the stages of trial in the clan. Next time follow the clan application and don't extend it please.


Jun 9, 2015
Reaction score
You've been denied seeing how you are a US player and you don't meet some of the requirements. Please work on fulfilling those aspects before reapplying.
I was declined just for being US? I can play AU tho. ;-;
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