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Top 10 AU (right now)

Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Strictly CB wise since solo doesn't matter whatsoever now

1. Darkrai - If I need to explain this I give up on the community entirely

2. Intelligent - Never loses a 1v1 and always does crazy damage in teamfights, never gets picked off and always gets decent gear

3/4. Randm / Gengar - Philo and Exile respectively rely on these players so heavily to carry and they generally deliver, generally the most stacked and try to do as much damage as they can

5. JedsSister - Either dies at the start of the round or kills all of the other team, generally killing all of the other team

6. Jakman - Is literally Nuet's saving grace and always tries to carry, only issue is very greedy for tier 2's and gets split off very easily

7. FLOOFD - Always comes back with full iron and always does damage in team fights

8. Ep1c - Exile generally look lost without him, always consistently good

9. Dean - If Fade was still a thing he'd be higher, he was valuable to Fade and always carried. His style of playing in other clans isn't as impactful as it was on Fade imo. Hardly ever dies and always gets full iron, generally always doing crazy damage in fights too

10. Knowledgeguy - Fell off from his old level ever since he started playing Badlion (I'm keen for lessons by the way). Generally well above average at pretty much everything in CBS, only issue is awareness
i can beat jimmy in a 1v1 how come i'm not on the list

pretty good list 3/4 and 7 I strongly agree with.


Nov 1, 2014
Reaction score
These lists are of the current players, no old school players.

Top 10 individuals:
1. Combohs (when he is eating Chinese food)
2. Dean
3. knowledgeguy
4. Wiffy (in b4 called out for hacks)
5. McsgClient
6. gengarduck
7. AppleCiider (when I got arrows)
8. Enderrr (omfg philosophy on the list!!)
9. StinginRodger
10. RackemWille

Top 10 Clan battle players:
1. Dean (most cb history out of the whole community and with barely any loss.)
2. darkrai202
3. Intelligent
4. knowledgeguy
5. AppleCiider (I 4v1ed fundamental and won. Gg half a heart.)
6. Jordyy (only because he owns a clan which has above average stats)
7. D3ST1NY
8. Combohs
9. TeeArrr (I've seen him carrying some clan back in the day)
10. OrbWeaver101 (very underrated)

That's my opinion.
I don't think im top 10. But that's you're opinion :p


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
pfft randy ronan, how does it feel to see "Ronan" on almost every list but know that they aren't talking about your cheap ass?
tbh I really dgaf I don't waste hours of my life on this game, like you sir

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