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Guide How to handle a Ban~ [Please read before messaging staff, or posting about it on the forums]

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District 13
May 6, 2012
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*Please note! I gave this a sticky and guide tag because I've seen a lot of questions about this arise lately, not because it's my thread.
If you disagree, feel free to un-sticky it :)*


As the title says, this thread is going to talk about bans, and how to deal with them. I have seen so many staff profile posts about bans, forums about bans, and I can't imagine how many PM's about bans the staff receive, so, I decided to create a 'guide' if you will about handling your ban.
Please read this before you go off on a tangent and spam staff walls and the forums.
Why have you been banned?
There you are. Trying to log into MCSG for your daily dose of PVP, and you're suddenly denied access, with the message-
"You are banned for {insert time here}. Reason- {Insert any offense committed that is against the rules.}
This is where I assume, most of you freak out. Although I know for a fact, almost all of the bans delivered are deserved, the offender usually feels like it is for some obscene reason, unjust, and a lot of times confused as to why they were banned, which is usually for some kind of chat offenders. Below is a complete list of the MCSG rules, which will give you a clue as to why you were banned.
Rules of MCSG~
  • Respect all Staff members and their decisions.
  • No Hacked or Modded clients EVER.
  • No use of derogatory ('Naked') or Racist skins.
  • Absolutely no spamming the chat (Saying the same thing with no changes whatsoever 3 or more times).
  • No advertising (Posting links to your YouTube channel) UNLESS asked by another player.
  • No posting of inappropriate website links.
  • No use of full capitol letters (I THINK YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN).
  • No bypassing the swear filter (Spacing out letters in order to say a curse word).
Still think your ban is unfair? Move onto the next section.

Is your ban legitimately unfair?
Now that you know the rules, think back to the last few games you've played. Did you break any of those rules? (Hackers, this should be an easy question.) If you really did pass the swearing filter multiple times in-game or in-lobby, if you spammed the chat, if you broke any of the rules, sorry, but you got what you deserved. Promising you won't do it again gets you nowhere. Just don't do it in the first place.
Still think your ban is legitimately unfair? Read through the next section.
Posting a ban dispute~
Below, You'll find a step-by-step guide to posting a ban dispute. Please notice that nowhere does it say "Step 9000~ Spam the staff members to check it", so please don't do that.
Step 1- Locate the 'Ban Disputes' forum and click it.
Step 2- Locate the 'Ban dispute template', found in a sub-section under the 'Ban Dispute' forum. Click it, and copy the template to your clipboard.
Step 3- Return to the 'Ban Dispute' forum homepage, and click create tread. Title it "{Your minecraft names}'s ban dispute. Paste the template into the subtext box and fill it out to the best of your ability. Remember to be nice, do not insult anyone, or use any foul language.
Below is a basic example of a ban dispute. Don't copy this, write in your own words, but feel free to use for a basic reference. Once yours is completed, simply click 'Create Thread' and wait for a response. A response could take minutes, hours, or even days. Regardless, you should NEVER bug a staff member to check it.
And that's it! That's all you have to do, no profile spamming, nothing other than the simple steps listed above.
Also, if you are not unbanned, don't rage. You were banned for a reason, and it is, in fact, deserved.


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Optifine isn't the only mod allowed, the rules specify that. Good guide as always but I just think that it should be noted that other mods can be used provided that they don't give you an advantage.


District 13
May 6, 2012
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Optifine isn't the only mod allowed, the rules specify that. Good guide as always but I just think that it should be noted that other mods can be used provided that they don't give you an advantage.
I'm just going to remove that, as I'm not sure of all the other ones. Thanks for the reminder :)


District 13
May 6, 2012
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Yeah, I didn't tell them how to post it, just have a link to the ban dispute, I figured the average being could take it from there.
Oh, I'm sorry :[. I didn't see it. I suppose, for all it's worth, I changed it up a bit and went into other details. Again, sorry :/


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I need to feed you all the bread in the bakery to show my love for you <3

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