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My MCSG Story (The Hidden Truth)


Dec 29, 2012
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Here we are MCSG, almost a year after I first stepped onto this server. I'd like to reflect on some hiqhlights(pun) of my MCSG lifetime. Let's start out at my first account.

My first account was an account that my friend and I shared. I'm not disclosing the name of the account
for reasons that I am not willing to explain. MCSG was my first server, I had always played single player on cracked minecraft, and when my friend gave me the opportunity to play on a server, I was thrilled. Now, I'm a big fan of the Hunger Games, so I searched "Hunger Games Minecraft Servers". I found MCSG's forums, I was already familiar with forums, I had been apart of a.. hacking forum.. so that's how I knew about forums. I connected to a server lobby, and yes, I had Nodus installed and was using it. I knew I was violating the rules, and at the time I thought I was clever for using it and that nobody knew that I was using it. I was winning games fast. I met CaptainCabbage12. He didn't know I hacked, and I never admitted it to him. The only way he would ever know is that if he reads this post. Throughout the lifetime of this account, I never got caught for hacking, so I believed that I was invincible to the rules. I cursed on this account, broke so many rules. Never got banned on this account. Not once. I lost this account due to my friend changing the password because he found out I used nodus and he was actually quite renown on the servers, and if he had been caught he would of been VERY upse

Now, a different friend gives me his old account. I am willing to disclose the name of this account, it was "@slingshot12". I had forgotten about MCSG at first, and I was still hacking. I played on random faction servers. I got caught on about three of them, then I remembered the server where I thought I was invincible to being banned. I got some wins on the account, and started to get a bit active at the forums. I saw some clans, and got interested. I was sure that my win amount was substantial enough to get into some clans. I chose a clan called The Hotdogs, ran by JustAHotDog. I loved everyone in that clan. Even CaptainCabbage12 joined after a while of me being in it. I became close friends with JustAHotDog, tpemrickjr, SamDude09, and many others whom I can't recall. They never knew I hacked, I never admitted it to them, just like CaptainCabbage12. After about four months of a good clan with good friendships, JustAHotDog ended the clan. We all still talked, but after a while, we all grew apart. I talked to nobody for a long time.

After a month of solitude on MCSG, my friend who lended me the account changes the password and refuses to let me use it. This leaves me with no account. I play other games, such as combat arms for a short time. I then buy my first account, which is Lucidictive, the one I currently possess and play on. I had been hacking on the game called Combat Arms as well, so that didn't really help me become clean. So I started out hacking again, I played SG by myself a lot, sometimes I played with my friend SamDude09, I also met someone called CraftyKratonite, who actually called hacks on me when we were friends, but I kept denying it, he was right though. Mostly I was left in solitude, like a hacker should be. The survival server had opened, and being a fan of faction servers, I joined. I made a clan and built it up with a new friend called Glitch_24 or something along those lines. Our friendship only lasted for a few weeks. I was fighting someone in the PvP arena called BlueShadow264 or something like that. He PvP logged, but little did I know that we logged to get staff because I was using hacks. Slasher and Antster360 busted me, and banned me for a week. During that week, I uninstalled Nodus and trained my PvP skills on a server called Roxbot. I was complete trash, I wasn't used to clicking and aiming, plus I was so used to hitting hotkeys for hacks like Aimbot and Sprint. I trained and trained, tried out some other servers and improved my PvP tactics.

After my unban, I talked to more members, went active in the teamspeak and met some professionals. On the survival server, I met some players called bigmike4life, OMGjustin and jefeperro. They requested my help for raiding a faction ran by Geanhimes and contained members of the rebels. We took over their base and stole all their precious items, it was genuine fun, and doing it legitimately made me feel ten times better. After that, I met OMGJustin about four weeks later again, randomly. We talked and teamed for over five games, we went on a streak of winning. We talked later in teamspeak, and he introduced me to the ClashCrew network, I talked to Bigmike more and they introduced me to The Hive. We all switched completely to TheHive. No more MCSG. We left it all behind.

Mike and Justin created a clan at The Hive called Flawless. I was an elite in the clan. We recruited some players such as BomBashious, Exan, Snikkz, Steviker, HarborSealPuP, locker651, Mkilop2, graser10cp, SamDude09, Richyyyyyyy and Xiodon. Our main enemy was a clan called "Fusion" lead by xBreakk. Now I had known xBreakk from TheHotdogs, but only a little bit, he was a late member. Our clans has a bad rivalry for a while, but after we chatted, and decided to merge clans. I had now met some great EU players such as xExtract, hermanhals, willi1212, and Charlesyummyegg. After awhile, Mike and Justin abandoned ship and closed the clan. I didn't hear from them for a while. BomBashious made a new clan, and I met some other great people like rossiebalboa, PrivateFearless, and Twan2797. This clan also shut down, and recently xExtract has opened a clan with most of the members from Flawless and BomB's clan, however this clan does not look like it will last as most of the members are moving back to MCSG. OMGJustin and bigmike4life recently returned, and they've talked me into moving back to MCSG, playing some Hive on the side :)

Some members of these clans know of my previous actions as I have admitted it to them, but most don't. Plus I thought this would make for a different and kind of interesting story. Feedback is appreciated.

no. go read.


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
You see, I didn't think you were hacking because I still beat you, even though you were hacking... But that's a very nice, and well thought out story, and I will say that I appreciate your honesty in this story.
I can't believe I missed you in here. Yeah I was a really bad hacker, but I made myself look legit. I'm done with hacking forever though.


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
I find it ironic that you used a bacca skin all through out your training in roxbot xD


Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
Good to see you have gone the legit route. It's always good to know hackers can change with a little push :)

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