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Events Clan League

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Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
aight, here we go a second time, brings back memories

Minecraft IGN: Param | ParamGod
Age: 17
Past Clans: Ancient, Sparta
Activity on scale from 1-10: 9
Maturity on scale from 1-10: 10
Past Experiences In Events: Clan Wars Season 5 and 6 referee, US Clan league previous Captain when Jcc ran it, multiple tournaments created by MCSG players, Owner of Sparta that was in Clan wars Season 4, Leader in Ancient that was in clan wars 5, Owner of ancient for Clan wars season 6.
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: If there's something I love more than anything, its the ability to lead, being given an opportunity to pursue that goal is something that I appreciate. I have some what of free time on my hands, why not spend it by joining this wonderfully thought out event. I respect each and every one of the players on MCSG and I'm looking forward to trying something new (technically a second time but with new hosts) . I hope to be able to compete in such a wonderful event with the position as team Captain. My previous positions as Clan Wars staff, US Clan League Captain, Moderator, successful long running clans should be the major factors that you may take into account when considering me as team captain. I look forward to this event and what it may turn out to become.

Imanol Sportz Ceroria asdffish
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