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  1. Hawk62

    Show Yourself Thread

    Puberty is one hell of a drug . . .
  2. Hawk62

    Antster360's Birthday!

    I'm not going to draw this out here but I'd watch what I'm saying about being rude if I was you Davey.
  3. Hawk62

    Antster360's Birthday!

    To be fair while I've never gotten along with Antster, to his credit 17 isn't that young. There are servers with much younger staff, I've seen servers who had a mod that was 9 for example. Like RC said as well, what game breaking bugs have there been recently that are directly mcsg's fault anyway?
  4. Hawk62

    Minecon - Who's Going ?

    That's honestly the perfect answer
  5. Hawk62

    Does Caillou have cancer?

    I know what you meant but it was a little confusing. The other characters hair always looked a little weird imo, and since Cailliou is seen the most it makes sense that'd hed be bald.
  6. Hawk62

    Does Caillou have cancer?

    I honestly have no idea what you mean by this . . .
  7. Hawk62

    Does Caillou have cancer?

    I heard he was bald because the auther was bad at drawing hair. . .
  8. Hawk62

    Who is the sexiest player on mcsg?

  9. Hawk62

    Minecon - Who's Going ?

    Wolf, we need to meet up after minecon
  10. Hawk62

    Best Female PvPers?

    Excuse me while I get a sex change
  11. Hawk62

    MCGamer's Best Thread - "Show Yourself"

    Did . . . Did youre hair get even longer?
  12. Hawk62

    Why Anime is just BRILLIANT!!!

    It honestly depends on your interests. I've met people who can't stand death note for example. Or I personally love SAO bu it's all a matter of interest. Also "Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood" is worth watching as well. I don't think I've ever heard people say bad things about it.
  13. Hawk62

    Why Anime is just BRILLIANT!!!

    I'd recommend "Sword Art Online", "Cowboy Bepop" if you really liked trigun, and "Fate/Zero" all three are amazing but you might want to look up the premise first just get a glimpse at what you're getting into.
  14. Hawk62

    Hawk's Social Tension Theory

    I don't mean community meetings, I mean meetings between the people it actually involves. When issues are actually talked out threads like this: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/a-rumor.65558/ aren't needed and less drama is created. Also if you don't think class tension doesn't...
  15. Hawk62

    Hawk's Social Tension Theory

    So as of lately there seems to be some drama between the players and staff. More specifically the Senior staff. I've come to the realization that there are classes in mcsg. Just as there is tension between the middle class and the 1% there's tension between the players and staff here. This...
  16. Hawk62

    What is Your Favorite Clan And Why?

    Rebels, we've held togather for over a year so we must be doing something right. As cheesy at it may sound but after a while rebels aren't just you're friends, they're your family.
  17. Hawk62

    What is your name IRL

    "Hi everyone, my name is Jeremy and I'm an Alcoholic." *drone vioce* "Hi Jeremy"
  18. Hawk62

    The Rebels EU Division

    Good luck to y'all!
  19. Hawk62

    Desktop Screenshot

    I'll post mine when I get a chance. Secondly, one piece? We need to hang out more.
  20. Hawk62

    Do you eat paper?

    Anyone else here not eat paper?