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  1. Furkannizon

    Reliance EU

    RELİANCE Date Founded: 01/10/2016 Skype: furknpasa Clan Battle Records W: 0 | L: 0 | PP: 0 Application Status: Open IGN: Age: Skype: Previous Clans: Donor: Why do you want to join Reliance?: SABENCABBAR ☬ Owner »«»«»«»«»«»«»«»« SuccessfulBacca ☬ Captain »«»«»«»«»«»«»«»« swiftcan ☬...
  2. ItsHonestly


    Date Founded: 11/09/2016 Skype: facebook:furknpasa Clan Battle Records W: 4 | L: 0 | PP: 0 Application Status: Open IGN: Age: Skype: Previous Clans: Donor: Why do you want to join Reliance?: SABENCABBAR☬ Owner charqless ☬ Owner »«»«»«»«»«»«»«»« NOOBSENSEI_ ☬ Captain...
  3. Furkannizon
