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1.9 Updates. How will it affect PVP?

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Apr 7, 2014
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Alright, so most of you probably know that a new update is coming out for Minecraft soon, 1.9 "The Combat Update". When I heard "Combat Update" I was super excited to hopefully hear that the issues with PvP in 1.8 were fixed, being the reason they named it "The Combat Update" I later looked at the Minecraft Wiki page to see what has been released about 1.9. This is what I saw.

"Dominant hand option
  • An option for players to change their dominant hand on their player model[3][12][13][14]
Dual wielding
  • Only the main hand can be used for attacking[15]
  • Bows can be used even when something is in the other hand[3][16]
  • The other hand is invisible in first person view when not holding something[3][17]
  • Key to swap items between hands, default: F[3][18]
  • If the item in the main hand doesn't have a right-click action, the other item will be used; Workaround for placing blocks while holding tools with right-click action[3][19]
    • For example, if you have a pickaxe in your main hand and a torch in your other hand, right click places the torch.[3][20]
  • The off-hand slot is displayed next to the hotbar, on the off-hand side (left for right-hand players and vice versa)[3]
  • Some attributes and enchantments will apply to the off-hand item, while others will not.[21]
  • 4 new arrow types.[28][29][30]
  • New spectral arrow (gold colored)
    • Shows mob and player outlines in their team color when hit - even when invisible[3][28][29]
    • NBT tag for entities to disable outlines[3]
    • The glowing is a status effect - you can find out whether you're glowing from a spectral arrow using the status effect HUD[3]
  • Arrows can be tipped with potions[3]
    • Each differently tipped arrow is available in the creative menu, just like enchanted books
    • Effect is applied on hit
  • Will be used for blocking instead of a sword. [31]
  • Can be used to attack and defend at the same time.
  • Can use two shields at the same time[3]
  • Shields can have customizable patterns, like banners[3]
  • Used to block attacks from the side the shield is held on
  • Sounds for when you blocked an attack[25]"

I do not own what is above ^^^ as I had quoted this from the Minecraft Wiki page on 1.9, located here: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.9

I had mixed feelings about the new features.
Dual Wielding seems a bit confusing, so, will I not need to quick switch with rod and sword anymore? or quickly press "2" two switch to my FnS? or will I be running around being able to Bowspam and swordfight at the same time?

I don't quite understand the physics of the feature.

Now, onto shields.

This seemed like a good idea in the beginning, except when I thought that people could be playing as if they had a riot shield on CoD, being able to block all hits and then smash them. So, can I just sit in a corner, sneaking and not be hit? Can I still blockhit? It doesn't seem to make much sense. People can just smack you with their sword then just run back with a shield in their hand?

I don't get it.

Now, arrows.

Four new types of arrows, eh?
Hmm, this seems like a great idea, for survival. I mean, most likely, you wont be getting any potions on SG, so you shouldn't need to worry about those. Is the outline on the "Spectral Arrows" like when you have hitboxes on? or is it more like, you can follow them around, being able to see where they ran off to after you snipe them with it?

PvP is going to change, that's for sure.
It all depends on what MCSG is going to and not going to give you in chests, maybe they'll disable dual wielding, maybe they wont give you access to spectral arrows, maybe they'll disable shields. Who knows? We'll all find out eventually. Soon enough, MCSG will have to cut off 1.7 on their servers, which disappoints me, due to all the bugs in 1.8 pvp.

That's why I'm hoping that Mojang will notice that PvP is a bit weird, and that they have patched the issues that we encounter PvPing in 1.8.

What are your opinions about 1.9? Let me know in the comments!


District 13
Mar 16, 2015
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this might be the end of survival games for me :c


Dec 20, 2014
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No matter what happens with 1.9, if the community doesn't like the update, we can probably stay on 1.7 like we did after the 1.8 update


Jul 5, 2015
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I think if they add all the arrows it could be really interesting. It's something I'm looking forward to, but we shouldn't be able to get any special arrows in stacks of 5. This would make us act more cautious with our weapons (well, arrows), and it could benefit the "Survival" mentality.


District 13
May 24, 2012
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The Dual Wielding and the Shields will definitely make the game A LOT different. No matter what kind of update Mojang threw at us in the past, none have ever actually made a huge difference regarding PVP. It will be very interesting how people respond to the change. I assume it probably won't be positively, but who knows, maybe people will like it.


Aug 5, 2014
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One idea for adopting 1.9, is that MCGamer could take out the ability to get those new features to keep SG true, while still being able to use those features in other game modes. For PVP, they could make an NCP like the one we have today if people want it that bad.

For now, we can only wait, 1.9 may change while it's being developed. ;)
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