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Guide A guide to get started playing MCSG.

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Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
First off start making a forum profile so you'll be able to post any qeustions on the forums.
Please read this guide before posting on the forums. :

Now we are going to read the rules which are found here :

Done? Check which server is the best for you to play on :

Now you'll be able to play ( almost ) lagless in the server, don't know how to connect? Check this :

After all that you'll finally be able to play your first game ! Don't know what to do in-game?

Follow those quick and easy steps to become the master of the Survival Games.

  • When you get in a lobby you'll be able to vote for the maps. Got one that you love? Type /vote [map number] to vote for your map ( /v [map number] also possible ) Donors vote counts more than a normal players vote does !
  • After you've entered a lobby and the game started there will be a count down until you'll be able to move around.
  • Try to get to the Cornucopia* chests which can have alot of valueable stuff in it ( such as weapons, food & armor).
  • Try to get as many chests as possible ! Maybe try making your own "route" so you will be able to get alot of armor every game !
  • Player blocking your way? Kill him or run away. ( Fist fighting is NOT recommend )
  • Tier 2 chest will give you better stuff than a tier 1 chest, (Cornucopia* chests are tier 2)). And know where they are.
  • In the night all chests will be refilled** ( You'll get a warning about it ), make sure you are at Cornucopia* or another tier 2 chest.
  • Died? You'll be able to spectate everyone else in the current server or just join another server.
  • Still alive? Good. Try to make your way to the deathmatch*** (3 survivors remaining in 24 tribute server, 4 survivors remaining in 48 tribute server, 5 survivors remaining in 120 tribute server).
  • Try to kill the remaining survivors in deathmatch*** !
  • Won the game? Good your probably now a mastered player :)! Start a new game and try to win again!
* = Cornucopia, the middle of the map with the crafting table and chests around it. Looks may be different according to map & tributes.
** = Refill. All the chests in the map will be refilled with stuff again. If the chest hasn't been looted yet the items will disappear and new items will spawn in it!
*** = Deathmatch. An arena which you'll be warped to at the end of a game to kill the remaining tributes.

Want to know what Bounty does? Check this out this guide:

Things to keep in mind:

  1. If you're dead other people won't be able to see join ( not even other spectators ! ) And you won't be able to loot any items.
  2. Alot of players know where to get good stuff. Don't be suprised if you see someone with full iron armor + iron sword after a few minutes in-game!
  3. Water is your friend. Aslong as you swim infront of the other people they won't be able to hurt you. (Look out for tributes with bows!)
  4. Teamspeak, you'll be able to form easily a team with someone else on teamspeak since you can communicate way faster by just speaking than typing.
  5. Donors, moderators, administrator and V.I.P's will automatically kick the last ( non-donor ) player that joined the lobby.
  6. To be sure anyone with a: grey, gold, blue or purple name is NOT a moderator or administrator. Grey names are Iron Donators, Gold names are Gold donators, Blue names are Diamond donators, Purple names are V.I.P's, Red names are Moderators and Dark-red names are Administrators or Senior Moderators.
  7. Still got a question left? Post it here and I (and others) will answer your question.
Did the guide help? Give it a like.

To donate to the MCSG servers check out this link: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/account/upgrades

Something missing? Wrong grammar? Please contact me so I can fix it.

Thanks to Logstone & Dyon123 for fixing most grammar errors and making it look a bit more noob friendly.
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