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Adding rewards to the top leaderboard players


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Uauahskldhnxkd I got 2000 wins omg yas!!! Now what.

Many of you may have come across this problem. Hours and hours spent trying to perfect your every decision and movement in MCSG until you get a high amount of wins and get recognised as a good MCSG player (or called a hacker). Apart from the fame, the ability to be Accepted into almost every clan as long as you're a nice person and all the ladies, but from there that's pretty much it. People who dedicate a lot of their time on the servers should be rewarded in a very small, but meaningful way.

Take league of legends and CS:GO for example. In CS:GO the better you are, the higher the rank you get which is indicative of your dedication and how much time you spent learning and trying to perfect your mistakes. Same goes for league of legends. The better you are, the higher the rank you are which you can show off to your friends and generally feel proud about your achievement (I still get a tingling feeling whenever I see my diamond symbol on my wall). Small, but meaningful.

If you don't know much about my history I quit around April 2014 and played league of legends instead of MCSG, due to me wanting to become the best league of legends player I can be and also get that really nice diamond rank, that some players only dream of gaining. 900 ranked games later, when I finally got to diamond I felt privileged and proud to be in the top 1% of players in League of Legends. I can't say that I felt the same when I finally got the top 50 on the leaderboards. Once I got there I felt like I wasted my time. I spent so much time trying to perfect being a mine craft player only to have that spot on the leaderboards with plenty of better players above me, I felt demoralised.

Reality is is that there are a small but very noticeable amount of players that are considered pro. They spend a lot of their time on the servers and inspire others to become pro just like them. My climb up to the top of the leaderboards was very memorable, but if we could have something that could symbolise our hard effort on getting onto the very top, it would make our efforts worth it.

Now this is a feature suggestion, not an emotional speech so I will go over the things that could be implemented as a reward. These include, but not limited to:

  • 1000 wins medal on the forums
  • 2000 wins medal on the forums
  • 3000/4000 etc medal on the forums
  • Top 5 players with the most wins earned (Legitimately) gets gold donor for 1 month.
  • Top 50 overall leaderboards get a small silver border around their avatar on their forums account
There are a fair amount of pros and cons to this idea, and some may be hard to implement and no one likes to give free donors away, but I would like to hear what everyone else thinks about implanting rewards to the top players before I decide to take this idea further. Do you think it is worth it?


District 13
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure that this was mentioned before, and that Col_StaR said that he wanted to award the top players of the legacy leaderboards with a ribbon or something like that (a medal). I would personally like this, since I currently have 2800 wins and was ranked 72 on the legacy leaderboards.

Nice idea!


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
I remember this topic being brought up a while ago. I think it would be great to reward legitimate top players with a reward of some kind. I think the idea of a ribbon is great, and an ingame reward of some kind would be awesome too.

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