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Guide Punishment Dispute Templates

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Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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The Punishment Dispute Template

The punishment dispute template forum is not for telling us who to punish! It is used for people who have been punished and believe their bans are unfair and would like to have their cases reviewed by the Sr. Staff.

Punishment disputes should/should not contain the following things
- Any ill-mannered, rude, or abusive comments
- Context that could offend others
- All questions answered in the template (Includes questions that the Sr. Staff may ask to help resolve your dispute)

If you post on any staff member's wall or bug any staff member on TeamSpeak regarding your punishment dispute, it will hinder the chances of your dispute being successful.

Do not lie in your dispute, because when (not if) we find out that you have not been truthful, your dispute will be denied and you will stay banned.

The following must be done in your punishment dispute

Post your dispute here!

Title: (Your Name)'s punishment dispute

Template: Copy and paste the template in the quote below into your dispute, and make sure to answer the questions.

Where have you been banned/muted? (Minecraft server or Teamspeak?):

Username on the platform you were banned on:

For what reason were you banned/muted?:

When did you get punished?:

How long does your punishment have left?:

Why do you think you should be unbanned/unmuted?:

Do you accept the rules of the server, and shall not break them in the future?:

For a full tutorial on filing a Punishment Dispute, please refer to this guide here: LINK.

Formulario para las disputas de bans: este foro NO ES para decirnos a nosotros a quien banear! Es usado para aquellas personas que hayan sido baneadas y quieren intentar ser desbaneadas.

Para hacer una disputa para tu ban prepara una nueva publicación con el titulo “ tu nombre Disputa de Ban"

Copia y pega esto: (contesta las preguntas)

Tu nombre en MC/Nombre en TeamSpeak

Donde has sido baneado? (Minecraft/ Teamspeak):

Si fue en nuestros servidores, en que modalidad del juego?

Cual fue el motivo de tu ban?

Cuanto tiempo estuviste baneado?

Cuanto tiempo falta para que tu ban expire?

Por que crees que nosotros deberíamos levantar tu ban?

Aceptarás nuestras reglas y no las romperás otra vez?

Las disputas para bans no pueden:

Ser irrespetuosas, contener informacion que podria ofender a otros jugadores y deben de responder a todas las preguntas que le han sido entregadas en el formulario Si molestas a miembros del Staff en su perfil o en Teamspeak pidiendoles que miren tu disputa, tu disputa será DENEGADA INMEDIATAMENTE

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