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Guide How to create a Clan~


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District 13
May 6, 2012
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I've seen a few questions being thrown around lately, regarding how to create a clan, so, I created this 'guide'.
Creating and running your own clan is a great opportunity to make new friends, create an identity for yourself, and much more.
Read through, or just skim this guide for some outlining tips on creating a clan :).


Step 1- Creating a catchy clan name.
This is an incredibly important step. The clan name is the first thing prospective clan-joiners will see on the thread; in other words, the first impression. You want to make this first impression a good one, and that's where a clan name comes in. Think of it as your brand name.
Below are some tips and suggestions for clan names:

*A popular animal:
This choice is kind of a bad one, considering most of the general animals you'd want it to name it after have been used, but don't be afraid to be creative. (I'd strongly advise against naming your clan 'The butterflies.' Try for something tough, or 'fighting' oriented.)

*A 'tough' word:
When in doubt, name your clan the 'Killers' or something ruthless. Since MCSG is a game of PVP, a tough, Fight related word works well.

*Your name:
If you're a generally popular person, or just happen to be incredibly self-confident with your own name, you can name the clan after yourself, although I'd advise against it.

*Something completely random that sounds cool:
The Fried Chicken fighters. It's completely random but it'll work.
Alliteration (Words that all begin with the same letter) usually sounds really good rolling off your tongue, and can also be catchy, or hard to forget. Try this with any of your favorite things combined, and you'll have a ridiculous result. As crazy as it seems, it's eye-catching and can get people to check your clan out.

Step 2- Creating an 'About this clan' section.
This is also an important step, as it makes your thread look more 'professional' and gives some insight into what the clan is like. If you are totally lost and don't have any idea what an 'About this clan section' is, it's basically some background information on the clan located somewhere on the clan's thread. It would look somewhat like this, but for the best result, more detailed.

The Ducks!
Hello, I'm duckluv321, the founder of the Ducks. This clan's goal is to create an association of fun, skilled MCSG players. We have a few requirements, but exceptions are always possible. We are a US based clan, meaning we will play the US servers.
Become a duckling today!

Step 3- A clan logo.
This step isn't exactly crucial, although it would make your thread look a lot nicer, give people something to put as their signature and represent the clan, as well as look more 'professional.' The logo doesn't have to be DaVinci, it can just be a letter combination, a small-scale drawing, some emoticons, really anything creative that has some relativity to your clan.
For example:

Step 4- Clan division.
This is a small step, but still an important one. Be sure to include what division your clan will be playing on, US, EU, AU, or CA. For example:

The Ducks (US division)

Step 5- Clan ranks.
This is yet another important step. Clan ranks can encourage clan members to be active in the clan, and achieve more wins to rank up. A general ranking system would work: Member, Player, Elite,and Moderator, but it's open-ended, so feel free to customize the ranks however you want.
For example:

Clan nub- 40 wins, 10-12 games played with the clan.
Not-so-nub- 60 wins, 13-29 games played with clan.
Elite- 100 wins, 30+ games played with clan.
Officer- [Selected by a leader]

Step 6- Clan application
These are ridiculously important. A clan application allows you to 'get-to-know' the applicant, as well as make sure all your applicants have specific things. Below is a basic template application that you can copy and paste into your thread if you'd like. Feel free to add/remove requirements as needed :)

Age (Must be over {insert age limit here})-
Do you have Skype?
Do you have MCSG donor?
How many wins do you have? (Must be over {insert designated number here})
Will you be committed to this clan if accepted?
Why do you want to be in this clan?

Step 7- Teamspeak
Having a Teamspeak server for your clan is practically a necessity in today's Clan Scene. You can purchase a Teamspeak server in a variety of places, but that's not important. Once you have your Teamspeak set up, you can use it to communicate effectively with your clan members and friends of your clan, as well as organize Clan Battles. Your Teamspeak IP should be posted on your thread where people can see it clearly and connect to it if they're interested in joining your clan.

Step 8- Skype groups
I would highly recommend having a Skype group for the clan, as it is much easier to keep in touch and organize clan gatherings. Skype groups are also a good way for the clan members to get to know each other.

Step 9- Clan battles
Once your clan is organized enough and works together well, try clan battles.
What is a Clan Battle?
A clan battle is basically an organized test of skills between two clans. Each clan usually picks 5 or so members to send out for the battle, and they'll meet the other clan on a server to fight it out.
How do you organize a clan battle?

You can organize a Clan battle by getting in touch with other clan leaders and organizing the battles. It's a way to get your name out their by proving yourselves, and it's a fun activity for both clans.

Step 10- Creating the thread
To actually post your clan thread, here are the steps you will need to take:
- Find the "Clans and Teams" subforum underneath "Information and Support"
US stands for 'United States' click here to post your US Clan Thread
EU stands for 'Europe' click here to post your EU Clan Thread
AU stands for 'Australia' click here to post your AU Clan Thread
- Click the big, orange "Post New Thread" button.
- Fill in your clan's name in the 'thread title' box.
- In the big box, fill in all of your clans information.
- When you are finished, click "Create Thread".


Hope this helped anyone who was wondering about the creation of clans.
Let me know if there's anything you'd like added :).

*Please remember when creating and running your clan to always abide by the clan rules, found here!
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