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MCGamer and Diamonds


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Diamonds are not as rare as you think. Here are a couple examples of how the diamond industry has kept the price of diamonds so high. They artificially increase and decrease the supply of them so that diamonds are sufficiently rare and always in demand.

As for MCGamer, as much as the whole "creates servers when it needs it" or "infinite servers" or whatever you want to call it is really cool, I personally believe it was a primary source of why MCGamer died. Lets be real: most people only bought donor so that they could get in full games. It was the primary selling feature back when the server had a limited number of servers, and games were constantly full. Hell, there were times when servers got so full of iron donors that even they were getting kicked by higher-tier donors. This was when MCGamer was truly at its best economically. With a limited supply of servers, the value was at it's peak.

This all changed when MCGamer went to the hub system where games were, essentially, infinite. There were very few times when you would have to wait to get into a server, or would get kicked and not just be able to join another instantly. This created no reason for people to purchase donor ranks anymore. I know that none of my friends ever considered doing so, and I only have a rank because I won it in a give away, lol.

It's simple economics. You are selling a service that people want. You don't want to decrease supply so much that it angers people -- that doesn't do any good. You want to have just a little bit more demand than supply, thus creating value.

This, in conjunction with lifetime ranks essentially stopped the flow of money into MCGamer. No-one wanted to buy donor, and not even MCSG-Maker could save it.

Fast forward to the re-opening. This was the absolute perfect time to reintroduce a limited number of servers. Hell, if Chad had come out and stated "Hey we only have money for 20 servers, good luck" I would have bought it. Games would have been full all the time, people would have had reason to buy donor. Eventually once the money starts flowing, you do have to increase the number of servers. Even then, you don't have to jump the gun and completely out supply the demand. Keep it valuable, keep it sustainable.

But that didn't happen. Any marketing or economist person could have seen this from a mile away.

Probably my last thread here on the forums. It's been real.


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Spot on, unfortunately it would have taken someone in charge with a brain to realise.
I don't know that MCGamer hasn't done this before, but hiring a business or commercialization strategist back when the first signs of wavering cash showed would have been a good decision.

Third time around?

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