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MCSG Ranks for New Players!


Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score

Green named default players have the responsibility of playing MCSG. Without them, the network would be thousands/tens of thousands/hundreds of thousands lesser than what it is now. They are not to hack, as it is forbidden, and gives them an unfair advantage against other players. They are to be a good sport, and nice to other players, as it is just a game, and teamwork and sportsmanship is important. Harassing default players is not kind, as it may not be their fault they cannot bring together the money to buy a donator rank.

Ex. graymamba


Ex. graymamba, graymamba, graymamba

Iron donator boasts a gray name, and the ability to kick lower ranked players in full lobbies. They are the lowest donator rank, and can be kicked by higher ranked donators if the game is 100% filled with donators (Very uncommon). This donator rank, sadly, only lasts 1 month. It costs $10 to buy in the MCSG server’s shop. Gold donator dwarves lower ranks with it’s glorious golden name. It can be kicked by higher donator ranks, as iron, and kicks lower ranks, as iron can. Gold donator’s map votes (In lobby) account for the votes of 3 non-donators/iron donator. This rank costs $25 in the MCSG server’s shop for a mere 2 months. The mighty diamond donator commands respect by all, and should not be abused. It is the highest donator rank, with it’s eye catching light blue name. The diamond donator name accounts for 4 votes in the lobby! It costs a hefty fee at $75, though it is permanent. These donator ranks can be used for good or bad things… which will you choose?


Ex. graymamba

The friend rank has a nice pink name, and is given to a selected few. The friend rank is given to moderatos of exceptional skill who have retired from their job. It can also be given to friends of high ranked players, and players beneficial to the MCSG community. Friend rank is very important, and gives the player an insane amount of respect, and sometimes forces that player to endure bad treatment or harassment. This rank is not bad, though, as it also obtains friends and people who adore you in the MCSG community.


Ex. graymamba

VIP rank is given to the finest of MCSGers. If you play MCSG, and have MCSG content on your YouTube account, you might be in luck. If you can manage to gain 10k subscribers or more, the VIP rank is awarded to you with honor. The royal purple name gives you the respect you want, as well ac access to a few commands to make the game easier, and more fun. The VIP rank gives you advantages on both MCSG, and the forums. VIP is one of the greatest ranks one can obtain. It can also, though, be given to the finest of the map builders. Have you built a map? Submitted it to MCSG? Up to 4 players building an MCSG map that is used in the servers can obtain the VIP rank as well!


Ex. graymamba: Helo Ther

Perhaps one of the hardest ranks to obtain. It’s silent join helps avoid people attempting to target you until you use the /disguise command to stay hidden, and monitor players. The salmon name and ice blue text signify an undisguised moderator. The rank must be applied for, and a limited amount of slots are available. The rank is very hard to obtain, as you must be EXTREMELY responsible. Any moderators accepted are respected by many, as the difficulty of getting the rank exceeds most others.

SR. Moderator

Ex. graymamba: Helo agen

The Senior moderator has access to moderator’s commands, and the same text, but the DARK RED name looks way more stunning. The amount of responsibility and skill needed to obtain this rank is a very large amount. Very few SR. Moderators exist in the MCSG community.


Ex. graymamba: #Sweg

Given to the highest of all MCSG players. ChadTheDJ, the owner, is an example.


Ex. graymamba

The stunning double rainbow (All the way!) name of an MCSG developer commands attention. The MCSG developers are very smart, as they wrote the code, developed the plugins, tested the plugins, and did so much for the MCSG community when it comes down it, they work on everything in MCSG, no matter how small. It could be from a plugin fix to a server update!

To any new players, or even experienced players: Did this guide help you at all? Did you learn from this? Please give feedback, and I may do more things like this for the new MCSGers!
Last edited:


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Nicely written. I liked your interesting descriptions!

But what forum advantages do I have? o_O

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