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My MCSG Story (Permanent Ban From The MCGamer Network)


Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hello everyone! My name is alltbboss29. Some of you may know me, some of you may not. If you don't know me, my name is Tyler and I have been involved in the MCGamer Network (MCSG servers back then) since 2013! So today I wanted to express my feelings towards my ban on the MCGamer Network. You can express your opinions about my ban below. Anyway, here it goes.

So on May 1st, 2014 I decided to buy the platinum rank on MCSG. I wasn't so sure if I should do this, but I had gained $100 for my birthday and I had decided to buy the rank. It didn't take a long time before I realized that this was the best decision I have ever made. Ever since I bought that rank, MCSG became my main server. After I had bought the rank, I began watching YouTubers like Huahwi (He left the day I bought the rank, keep that in mind) and ShakeJunt. These YouTubers inspired me to get involved in this community because it was a really awesome place to be. It wasn't too long before this server became something extremely special for me. I had spent hours and hours enjoying myself on this server, not caring if I won or lost. During my time on MCSG, I had met a ton of new people who would soon become my closest online friends. After a fun summer, MCSG was officially my favorite server.

After the summer, school had begun. I had still played on this server quite often, but I had also begun to play on other servers as well. So days and days went by and soon enough it was the end of September. So now it was October and MCSG was still my main server. Now here is where the story gets interesting. On the day of October 8th, 2014 Huahwi had suddenly started tweeting on twitter. This was huge for the MCGamer Network and the entire community, everyone was talking about it on the servers, including me. After being excited for a while, people had started to bring up another possibility, Huahwi could've been hacked. Soon enough, people started to talk about that possibility more. Then I saw a player named "Hackwi" and the player started saying stuff like "I hacked Huahwi shh" and other things just like that. And me being a stupid kid back then, I decided to join in with what he was saying. I had said "I hacked BiboyQG" and "I hacked ForceHacks" not being aware that I could get banned because I didn't know that a rule like that existed. After that, I had decided to play some MCSG. After I died in the game, I went to /hub and it wasn't letting me. I then looked in the chat and it said that I was banned for admitting to hacking an account. I was shocked by this. I instantly had made an appeal because I didn't even know that it was a rule. Soon enough, my punishment was upheld and I was banned permanently on the MCGamer Network.

So about 1 and a half years go by and I had decided to look into the situation again. I went on https://namemc.com/ and I searched up the player "Hackwi" who had said that they hacked Huahwi in my ban screenshot. After searching their name, I found out that they had changed their name to "Christine". After this, I had searched them up on the MCSG leaderboards and I was shocked by the results I found. I saw that player "Christine" was playing MCSG after the leaderboard reset which was 4/01/15. If that was the date of the reset, and my ban was 10/08/14, that means that the player was playing past the date of my punishment which means that they were never banned even when they had said that they hacked Huahwi in the same screenshot where I said that I hacked BiboyQG. I instantly thought that I had been cheated on with an unfair punishment when I found these results. This made me feel so upset that another player said something just like how I did and did not get banned. I didn't know what to think of this server anymore.

To sum it all up, I am sorry for my past mistakes. It was extremely stupid of me to follow what another player had said. This long punishment that I had to deal with taught me a lot. It had taught me that I should be careful of what I say and that I should not take things for granted. Back then, I thought that nothing could ever happen to me and soon before my eyes, my favorite server was taken from me. After being banned for over a year now, it is safe to say that I will NEVER make another stupid mistake like this again. We all make mistakes in life and this was just one of mine. So what do you guys say? Can you please forgive me? I would just love to start all over again and get a second chance. I really would like to show the staff team that they would be making the right decision on unbanning me. So please, I ask if we can put this mistake behind us and lets start fresh. I would really love to play the server I miss so much again.

Anyway, thanks for reading this. Please reply with your opinions on this situation. I hope you all have a wonderful day! See you later guys!

- alltbboss29


Jul 21, 2013
Reaction score
I had a similar situation to this you should message an admin about the situation to see if it can be resolved.


Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
I had a similar situation to this you should message an admin about the situation to see if it can be resolved.
I tried messaging Yannick and he said denied me without a reason. Should I try messaging another admin or will the results be the same?


Jul 21, 2013
Reaction score
I tried messaging Yannick and he said denied me without a reason. Should I try messaging another admin or will the results be the same?
Oh if it is already denied then I dont think there is anything that can be done :c


Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
Oh if it is already denied then I dont think there is anything that can be done :c
Well, making a thread like this wouldn't hurt I guess. I just want some people including the staff members to understand my situation better and how I feel.


Mar 12, 2016
Reaction score
omm it's really sad to see some nice people like you getting banned off mcsg...

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