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Pirates Build Team


Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score

Recruitment Thread

Hello everyone!
We are the Pirate Build-Team (Find who we are here : http://forum.hivemc.com/threads/the-pirate-build-team-introduction.100290/ )

and we are going through a new recruitement of a few new Builders.
We are recruiting because of member inactivity in the actual team. Because of this, in the next few days you may see our roster go down and then back up.

As of now, we have built two maps for The Hive, which both have been inboxed. If you would like to see our maps, please refer to our signature :)
(If you have applied on the old thread please apply again here and you will be instantly responded)

You HAVE need to be at least 13 years of age.
You HAVE to own a Skype account.
You HAVE to be a GOOD builder. (Duh)
You HAVE to own a Decent Microphone .

You also need to fill this application form below.
(Please note that the applications can be sent either by Private Message or in the comments of this thread, If you feel unconfortable sharing any information make sure to PM us your application)

How should we call you ( Nickname )? :
Skype name :
Age :
How long have you been building for? :
Pictures of previous builds (Most likely IMGUR link) :
Why do you want to join us? :
Why should we pick you? :
How much time can you contribute per days/weeks :
What is your favorite building style :
To you, What is the most important part in a build :
What could you bring to the team? :

If ACCEPTED you will receive a reply in the next few days with an message explaining your acceptance and you will go through an interview and then a trial build on our server. Once that is done (and you pass) you will be fully part of our team and will be ready to get into the projects.

If DENIED you will receive a message explaining why you have been denied. You will also be free to apply again in 2 weeks if you improve.

Please make your application as detailed as possible that will greatly increase your chances.

Thanks you everyone and I hope to see you guys in our Teamspeak for a trial soon!

The Pirate Build Team

The following names are IGNs, not forum names.
Oh, and these heads are updated in real-time too. :)

rvaj [Founder]

sebown [Founder]
TheAllGaming1 [Founder]
Redwood63 [Founder]

ZapDotBox [Recruiter]
BulletShield3 [Recruiter]



Our Builds?
We are currently working on our 2 new maps including, "The Library of Knowledge'' a The Herobrine map, And a MCSG map and a super secret unannounced map!

-BulletShield3 [Recruiter]
Last edited:


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Good luck! This build team definitely looks like it's going places! Can't wait to see what you'll bring to MCGamer!


Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
IGN : iKirato
How should we call you ( Nickname )? : Marco
Skype name : ikirato.mc
Age : 14
How long have you been building for? : Since 2012, but stopped since I lost interest and found my new talent of PvPing. I continued building maps since the start of 2014.
Pictures of previous builds (Most likely IMGUR link) : http://imgur.com/fF47DOB http://imgur.com/5EuQLK1
Why do you want to join us? : I think this build team has potential and trust. I believe that I could fit in this team well and I could help by building larger structures that will be very pleasing to people's eyes.
Why should we pick you? : Because I think that I can contribute well in doing large projects such as the In-Progress SG map that the team is currently building. I believe that I have the required skills of building that can be accepted in this build team.
How much time can you contribute per days/weeks : 1-2 hours on weekdays (Can't play much cause' of school) and 2-5 hours on weekends.
What is your favorite building style : SG maps. Me and my friends (originally me) created a SG map called "Internal Jungle" as you already may have seen in the screenshots.
To you, What is the most important part in a build : For my opinion, it is the physical appearance because people taking a look at the screenshots of a build can be easily persuaded to download the map. Note: Being beautiful outside must be the
same as the internal structure.
What could you bring to the team? : I could bring more color at the structures that the team will build. I will contribute to all the projects that the team will be doing. I can build unseen traps that will make the player say: Wow, this is really hardcore! . I could bring more potential and inspiration to the team (I already have some fresh ideas for building a SG map).

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