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The Chest Update Public Beta - Changelog

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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Tributes,

We are excited to release a build of the oft-requested, much anticipated Chest Update. Not only have Tier 1 and Tier 2 chests been rebalanced for gameplay purposes, but we have introduced Tier 3 chests which hold only the rarest and most rewarding items. This update delivers some major gameplay balances by altering chest loads and adding requested items, restoring the focus of Survival for our Survival Games.

Current contents of Tier 3 chests:
  • Golden Apple
  • 3 Experience Bottles
  • Workbench
  • Iron Sword
  • Iron Helmet
  • Iron Boots
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Iron Leggings
  • 2 TNT

Interested in trying out the Chest Update? Come check out servers US 1-10.

We plan to expand the beta into all regions in the near future, and will most likely assign the affected updates to the first ten numbered servers (e.g. EU 1-10, AU 1-10, CA 1-10, etc).

The Developers want to stress the fact that the updates are in a Beta stage of development. That means that the updates are mostly finalized, and we are will be working out the bugs and fine tuning.

Be warned: there will be bugs, and gameplay may be rough.
Furthermore, things are likely to change without warning.

But we're working to fix all of those, that's why we want your help.

We released it for the Public to try because we want the community's help in development, notably reporting bugs and finding gameplay issues. If you want to help out with the development, please make a report.

Found a bug? Be sure to report it. To make a Bug Report, make a thread with the title Bug: and a description of the problem, such as, "Bug: Chests Not Appearing". Then follow the template here:
Problem (What is the problem?):
Server (What server were you playing on?):
Time and Date:
Map (What map were you playing on?):

Description of the Bug (Provide evidence if possible):
Do you believe that the update has hampered gameplay on MCSG in a critical way? Is there too little food, too many items, or too large of a chest restock delay? If so, please make a Balance Report. To make a Balance Report, make a thread with the title Balance: and a description of the problem, such as, "Balance: Too Many Potatoes". Then follow the template here:
Problem (What is the problem?):

Why does the problem cause an imbalance?:

Suggestion to solve the problem:
Do note that the Balance Reports will be held to a higher level of scrutiny, since not everyone's opinions on what balanced gameplay is may be accurate or considerable for the majority of players. Please use them to point out flaws in gameplay that result in unfair odds, unplayable games, or cheap tactics.
Insubstantial gripes such as, "The game is not fun", "This ruins my chest route", or, "I want to focus more on PvP" will be ignored. The Balance Reports are meant to balance the game within the intended direction of blending PvP action with a focus on survival, and are not meant to be used as a soapbox to advocate for someone's personal opinion of "how SG should be". Plus, the sooner we quash the temptation to whine about change, the sooner and easier we will all adapt to it.

This thread will be locked for Release Notes purposes, and will give a place for the Devs to put changelogs (just reply to this thread).
More notes may be coming, and any additions or changes will be posted here.

Even as we update the game, may the odds continue to be in your favor.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Changelog: 9/10/2013
Public Release Notes Released.


Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Changelog: 9/10/2013
Thank you all for participating in the first day of the Chest Update beta! We've been looking over every feedback thread posted, and it appears that thus far the biggest legitimate complaint is that Tier 3 chests are too unbalanced compared to Tier 1/2 chests; if a team is able to obtain even one Tier 3 chest, it's pretty much game over for everyone else. We've made the following changes today based on your feedback and our observations. The update is pushing to US1-10 (Chest Update beta servers) as of this post, and will be on them shortly.

  • Reduced arrows in Tier 1 chests to 2
  • Fixed amount of arrows in Tier 2 chests from 1 to 3
  • Nerfed spawn rate of sticks in Tier 1 chests
  • Changed the following armor items in Tier 3 chests:
    • Diamond Helmet to Iron Helmet
    • Diamond Boots to Iron Boots
    • Iron Chestplate to Chainmail Chestplate
    • Iron Leggings (unmodified)
  • Changed amount of TNT in Tier 3 chests from 3 to 2
  • Fixed infinite TNT glitch
  • Fixed TNT damage
  • Fixed chest spawn glitch where some Tier 2 chests would not spawn
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