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Guide The Gamemode Guide


Jun 3, 2013
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The Gamemode Guide

Hello tributes,

Have you just joined the server, or need a little help on how to play an individual gamemode? Then this thread is for you because this thread will contain useful information on how to join, play, and use each gamemode here on the MCGamer Network. And by the end of this thread hopefully have the necessary skills on how to play each gamemode.

So the thread is going to work like this, each section will contain a gamemode, and within the section of the gamemode will contain commands used in the gamemode, how to join, leave, and more. I will be giving a rundown of each gamemode here, and if you see that I am missing something please inbox me on the forums. So without further ado let's jump right into these gamemodes shall we? But just before that we are going to go over general commands.

General Commands

Doing /hub will get you teleported back to the main server so lets say you want to leave your game, /hub would be the way to go to get out of it.

Doing /server can get your teleported to any server / gamemode of your liking. When doing this command this is what you need to go by, /server “gamemode”game number” . So let’s say your friend says, “Hey, join US 567!” Then you could do /server sg567.

Survival Games

As you enter the server you will see a variety of big signs spotlighting each gamemode to join, but if you wanted to try out the survival games gamemode you would go and look for a sign that looked like this:

You would walk through that massive sign and would find a row of sorted signs, you know you will be there if it looks like this:

When you are in the correct area with the signs you will need to right click one of them, but here is the sort of tricky part. You cannot click a sign that would say something like this:

You would want to click a sign that said something like this:

Once you right click an empty sign you would enter a lobby that looked like the hunger games training center, have fun!

When you are in this lobby you would need to wait the designated lobby time that could be found on the board on the side of your screen that would look like this:

When you see the green text that says lobby and next to it says the time, that means the time left in the lobby until you enter the arena. Once you enter the arena you will not be able to step off the podium you spawned on for 30 seconds. When that 30 seconds is up you can chose to run to the cornucopia or you can chose to run back away from the cornucopia. Either way you will need to fight for your life, and look in chests to grab your loot to fight other tributes.

If you do last until the last three then you will enter something called death match. There will be 10 seconds and when deathmatch starts it is up to you to fight for your life! Try your best and a tribute is bound to win. Once your done, try again! It takes some time to get better but just wait and see!

Survival Games Commands

The /bounty command is used when you want to put your points on anouther player, maybe you want to do this to get revenge or to just have some fun. But remember that if that player you bounty wins then they get your points that you put on them.

Usage: /bounty “username”

The /sponser command is used when you want to give a user a gift. You would purchase something from the sponsor item menu, and each item on the menu is worth a different amount of points.

Usage: /sponser “username”

This /vote command is used when you want to vote for a map that you can play on. There will be a list of maps like 1-5 and you can vote for one, if you map gets enough votes the map will be played on. If you are a donor this is special for you because you get extra votes.

/vote “map ID”

This command will be used when you want to see your overall stats. If you wanted to see someone else's stats you would type their username after.

Usage: /stats “username”


As you enter the battlegrounds area the sign will look a little something like this:

Then you will see a row of signs just like any other gamemode here at the MCGamer Network. Then you will click on a sign that would be empty and then you can enter the game like usual.

The run-down of the gamemode is that you will be put in a arena with 5 different spawn point that would be: North, South, East, West, Centre. You could click a sign to chose which spawn point and then you would slash away! This is a “lone wolf” game so teaming is against the rules. And the person that gets the most kills wins!

Battleground Commands

There is no specific commands for this gamemode, only the general commands!

UHC Worlds

As you enter UHC Worlds it should look something like this:

UHC World is a gamemode that consists of a group of players that are scattered around the world, with no health regeneration. If there are still users after an hour it will go into deathmatch. There users will need to fight for there lives.

In order to get into this gamemode you need to go to the signs and right click on one that is empty. Then you will enter a lobby that looks like this:

After you get into the lobby you will need to wait for a certain amount of time and until a certain amount of players join, you can check this by looking at this on the side of your screen:

Here you can see how many are waiting, which server you are in, and the status of the gamemode at that time.

Then when you are teleported into the world keep in mind that this will be a vanilla world, where you will need to mine, fight, and obtain resources to survive. And the last player to survive will win the match!

UHC Worlds Commands

The /vote command will allow you to vote for which map you would like to play on in UHC Worlds. There are usually three maps and you can vote for one, but if your a donor then you you can have multiple votes for one map.

Survival Bingo

When you enter survival bingo it would look a little something like this:

When you right click a empty sign to go an join a game you will be teleported into a lobby that looks a little like this:

And you will need to wait until the game starts and until the correct amount of players that are on.

Once your in game you will receive a map and with that map you will need to look at each square and complete that certain task. Once you complete the correct amount of squares and find the correct lining. The first person to get a bingo wins!

Survival Bingo Commands

There are no new commands within this gamemode but the general basic commands are present during the game.

Zed Chase

You know you will be in the right place to enter this gamemode when you see a sign that looks like this:

This gamemode you will need to right click an empty sign and you will enter a lobby that will look a little like this:

When you are in the lobby you will need to wait for the timer count down for the match to begin. Once that match beings you will need to run for your life, and get around as quick as you can through a maze and also at the same time you will need to be collecting emeralds to gain more points. And the person that reaches the end will be the winner of the match.

Survival Games Bingo Commands

At this time there are no extra commands that come with this gamemode, but general commands are used during this gamemode.

Deadly Descent

If you are in the correct place to go and play the deadly descent gamemode it will look a little like this:

Deadly Descent is a very popular gamemode that is a lot of fun to play! Once your right click a sign you will be put into a lobby were you will need to wait until being put into an arena. And the arena will sometimes look like this:

And then you will see lots and lots of little blocks. Make sure you jump down them without dying because if you do you will be teleported back to the top!


Now you go right your own MCGamer story! Have fun and don't break the rules and if you feel that I missed something on this thread please inbox me. And if you ever feel that you need help on the amazing network then please inbox, poke, and message me or another moderator for help!

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Axel | PlazaGames

The best Guide I have ever seen on the MCGamer Forums for now <3

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