• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.


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Dec 5, 2015
Reaction score
"You have to learn the rules of the game.
And then you have to play better than anyone else."
- Albert Einstein

Welcome to Transfer! We hope to accomplish great teamwork and to become good with one-another in the clan. We are going to have at least two clan-battles each week, to keep our members happy and satisfied.

Thread Designer: fexr
Founded: Oct 27, 2014
Application Status: OPEN
Founders: Scrapper & BlueDeww
TeamSpeak IP: bluepubts.typefrag.com

*If you fail to follow these rules, you could be kicked from the clan*

You can only be in our clan

Do not break any of the MCGamer Rules

Do not insult any of the other clan members

You should be an active member in clan activities and out

You must not hack, if you do there will be severe consequences

*You should meet these requirements to apply (We can make exceptions)*

You must be able to speak fluent English
You will need to be at least 13 Years of Age
You should have some knowledge of PvP and Clans
You will need to have downloaded Skype and TeamSpeak 3
You will need a Microphone of decent quality to communicate
You will need at least 1/3 MCSG W/GP ratio or 250+ MCSG wins(No exceptions can be made)

*We recommend a detailed application for a better chance of being accepted*


In Game Name:
Do you have Premium?
Skype-Name (PM if needed):
Why do you want to join Transfer?:
Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?:

Roster [2/25]
{Members & Elites}
* = Trial

Prezeo | Prez
BlueDeww | Chris
magstin | Mag
- - -

OGPingGod | OG
- - -

- - -

beastaboniam | Joe
zCrimsomAura | William
fexr | Quinn
H1ko | Chris
Legends | Steph
LunarRogue | Lunar
StealingStats | Joe
- - -

Imanol | Alex
Stabazam | Poncho
StealingStats | Joe
Obversity | Omri
Fygedew | Fyge
- - -

- - -

- - -

Game Wins: 1 | Game Losses: 0 | Games Pending: 0

Normal Battles
Transfer vs. Massacration (5-1) [W]
Transfer vs. ??? (0-0) [N/A]
Transfer vs. ??? (0-0) [N/A]

Clan Leaderboards Rank: N/A​


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Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: StealinStats
2. What Shall we call you: Stats
3. Age: 16
4. Skype-Name (DM if needed): DM
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Platinum
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I am a very good meleer because I have low ping and am very accurate with a 11 cps. I am a on fleek FnSer aslong as the FnS works just lots of practice. My roding is very accurate and constant so in other words ROD ROD ROD!
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): I am ok with the bow but out of all the PvP tools I would consider it my weakest because I am poor with it at long range but medium to close range I am accurate.
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Trivium, a couple other but it has been a while
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I want to join because PvP.
10. W/L: 1/3 used to be 1/2 till I started to careless about it


Aug 6, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: StealinStats
2. What Shall we call you: Stats
3. Age: 16
4. Skype-Name (DM if needed): DM
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Platinum
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I am a very good meleer because I have low ping and am very accurate with a 11 cps. I am a on fleek FnSer aslong as the FnS works just lots of practice. My roding is very accurate and constant so in other words ROD ROD ROD!
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): I am ok with the bow but out of all the PvP tools I would consider it my weakest because I am poor with it at long range but medium to close range I am accurate.
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Trivium, a couple other but it has been a while
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I want to join because PvP.
10. W/L: 1/3 used to be 1/2 till I started to careless about it


Feb 11, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: RedAratic
2. What Shall we call you: Jack, or RedAratic
3. Age: 15(turning 16 December 20th
4. Skype-Name (DM if needed): iswagifygfx
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Platinum
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I am good at the rod and FnS. I am also pretty good at being strategic about what to do in certain situations. I know most choke points on the maps in MCSG
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): I succumb to getting FnSed quite a lot and can lead to my demise in some situations. Also if you want to call "Lag" a weakness, then that is a thing atm although I am upgrading my internet soon.
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yea I was in Ancient, Azure, Volcano, others I do not remember names because they were a while ago.
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I LOVE the competitiveness of the game and think that joining a clan will help my skill as well as making some new friends because I haven't had a decent friend group in a while. It will be really fun to play with a bunch of new people with around the same skill set as me.
10. W/L: Legacy Stats: 386/3405 Stats Since Update: 42/447 P.S. My new stats are horrible as you may notice, but if you log-in to MCSG and /stats me you will see that I have SO many Deathmatches play and those are times I have mostly just been teamed on. I am ready to get better at taking out these teams though with the help of my fellow clan mates! See ya!


Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: Rekstroyed
2. What Shall we call you: idk, Ace?
3. Age: 15
4. Skype-Name (DM if needed): DM
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : nope, lost it somehow ;-;
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): Melee and rod combos
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): i suck with bow ;-;
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes, Icarus
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: Im getting back into mcsg and want to do cb's again like i used to a long time ago xD
10. W/L: 84/124 (.67 ratio)
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