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Turnip's 10 tips to succeed in MCSG


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
1. Develop chest routes for nearly every map. Maps I would recommend having a chestroute for are:
All the Variede maps
Breeze Island
Solar Frost
Teweran 1 and 2
Survival kingdom
I currently have a chest route for every map except for sgjapan hungry hills and Yellowstone it really help to run the same route every time but I would recommend always having a backup plan in case a guy with a sword is going your route.
2. Make use of your secondary weapons don't be afraid to try to light the guy behind u on fire or do a 180 snipe. If you are already running from them, unless ur a master strategist or a PvP master ur most likely going to die unless u can regen and take them.
3. Don't stop running if u have no weapon and a guy with a sword is chasing u down don't stop and try to punch him, ur as good as dead. Use your cakes and fishing rods to keep running and run past others hoping your chaser will be distracted and give up.
4. Know when to use the high/low ground advantage. This allows you to win battles with much stronger opponents and teams. For example when I'm being chased by a better guy on sg4
I always try to make distance and then go up to the top of the firehouse next to the tier 2. I'd say I have gotten about 50 kills from knocking players to their doom as they come up the ladder. I've even killed a team of 3 all who were better geared than me that way. On a map like breeze use the height advantage on the ships mast, but when it comes to water battles always try to take the lower ground where u are able to hit people when they can't hit u as easily. One problem with the high ground advantage is being sniped off a ladder by your chaser. Make sure that it is very unlikely that he can hit u before u climb the ladder.
5. Play to your strengths. Simple, if ur a sword fighter then take your opponent to an open space where u can fight it out and be able to run if needed. If ur an archer then snipe people as they go up ladders or are in a confined space. Good at using a fishing rod? Find cliffs to hit people off of, or do a parkour (ie. the solar frost lava parkour) once u complete it whirl around and knock the opposition back into the lava with your fishing rod. Good with FnS find narrow areas that u can easily light ablaze and catch the foe in it as we'll.
6. DON'T TEAM! Just don't do normal chat teams with random people it doesn't help u get better at all. I only Skype team and only chat truce with a few exceptions. I got more wins in my first week of not teaming in chat then I got in the first MONTH I chat teamed.
7. Know when u meet ur match. Don't attack a stacked guy when u have a wood axe, no bow FnS or anything. Instead try to gear yourself up while avoiding these people to hopefully be able to take them later on.
8. Corn for refill is not a requirement to win. If u see a stacked guy or a team of 3 guarding corn leave it be. Instead avoid being sighted and loot every tier 2 chest u know of on the map. All those chests are usually enough to at least be able to put up a good fight against the people at corn.
9. A good strategy for winning with much worse stuff. Example: u was in dm with half gold half chain and a stone sword. My competition was a guy in full iron with an iron sword and a guy with full chain diamond sword. (Map 4 by the way) anyways dm started so I ran up to the top half or corn. The other 2 began to fight, the diamond sword guy winning a close battle. After he began rooting through the gear if the other guy, hoping to get the armor. I just waltzed right in and he was a 2-hit. This strategy doesn't always work but if the other 2 Are pretty evenly matched it can be a very easy way to get a win with worse gear.
10. Be a good sport. It's just a game, don't rage, spam, or accuse everyone who kills u of hacks. It's all in good fun.
Leave a comment if these tips helped or if u have any suggestions :D


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
I accidentally posted this twice could a mod or admin lock this one so it can't get replies? Sorry for the inconvenience.


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Another tips guide, meh, it should go along nice with the others. :rolleyes: You could improve on some of your grammar, but I assume it will help someone. ;)


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Another tips guide, meh, it should go along nice with the others. :rolleyes: You could improve on some of your grammar, but I assume it will help someone. ;)
Sorry about the grammar I was on mobile and am too lazy to fix everything :p And yes this is another tips guide but its my tips guide :p


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry about the grammar I was on mobile and am too lazy to fix everything :p And yes this is another tips guide but its my tips guide :p
Haha, cool. It's always nice to see players trying to help each other rather than bring them down. :D

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