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We have more maps. Guess what...Still Breeze Island half the time..

Should there be a solution to Breeze Island being overplayed?

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I liek mudkips

Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, so I know what the mods will say already, "It's the majority of people who vote so we will cater to those people and not change how things are going." And yes Breeze Island isn't played AS much but it's still played 60% of the time (And no that is not actual math that is an educated guess, so don't say my math is wrong here) The new maps are good and I enjoy them when I play them don't get me wrong (except for the ruins one, still to small for my liking) but the terewan, and pyramid one, wich the name escapes me, themselves aren't played much at all from what I've SEEN, while the ruins one is played a bit more often then those two.

I was just reading a thread that was complaining about how Breeze Island was way overplayed, witch I agreed on. A certain reply from one of the moderators was this

"You have to realize that the maps are chosen by majority vote, right? That means that the majority of the people in that game want to play the map. If that's so, then that map will be played. Sure, you may not like the map after a while, but that's the way it is. Maybe you'll get lucky and find a game with another map."

This topic is partially a reply to this post. While you do prove a valid point (I'll call him/her Bob for the sake of not saying names) What your saying Bob, is not entirely fair. So your just going to leave those who do not like the map in the dark. Part of the reason those who hate breeze island and rage may be because you won't listen to us.

Just because the majority of people like your going to cater to them and not listen to those who want it to stop. You don't care about those people. To me that isn't exactly the most fair.

I know this may seem old but please just listen to us, and try and come up with a solution. It seems like your not even trying to do anything. So I ask you to please try and come up with a solution.

Also please understand this is not raging, and I am not mad at anyone but it is quite fustrating to see Breeze Island played over and over.



1:Go back to the old random pick

2:Make a cooldown time (witch I understand can't be done)

3:get rid of breeze island (Witch would also be unfair)

4:Make it so that 1 vote counts for half a vote.

5:A person can only vote for X map 1 time then the next game you can't vote for that map.

6:Have and anti vote option (You can use it to counter a vote for a map, and it count's as a regular vote so you can't vote for a map.)


May 31, 2012
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48 servers are a great option to those not wanting to play Breeze Island, however, the new maps aren't loaded, which causes a dilemma. I agree with you partially - the biggest cause of this is that I don't see Breeze Island played on the servers I go to, so I can't really agree with you fully. It's generally the new maps, which discourage me (biggest map two junkie you'll ever see .-.), but I digress.


May 29, 2012
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We'll find a solution to stop poverty while we're at it.

We can't just mysteriously find a solution, why not suggest one instead of asking for one.

I liek mudkips

Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
We'll find a solution to stop poverty while we're at it.

We can't just mysteriously find a solution, why not suggest one instead of asking for one.
Here's some.

1:Go back to the old random pick

2:Make a cooldown time (witch I understand can't be done)

3:get rid of breeze island (Witch would also be unfair)

4:Make it so that 1 vote counts for half a vote.

5:A person can only vote for X map 1 time then the next game you can't vote for that map.

6:Have and anti vote option (You can use it to counter a vote for a map, and it count's as a regular vote so you can't vote for a map.)


District 13
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Here's some.

1:Go back to the old random pick

2:Make a cooldown time (witch I understand can't be done)

3:get rid of breeze island (Witch would also be unfair)

4:Make it so that 1 vote counts for half a vote.

5:A person can only vote for X map 1 time then the next game you can't vote for that map.

6:Have and anti vote option (You can use it to counter a vote for a map, and it count's as a regular vote so you can't vote for a map.)
1. http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/community-vote-voting.15206/
2. not possible
3. big "screw you to the creator" so no
4. wouldn't change much...
5. not possible
6. would pretty much be the same as voting for a different map.

We realize that breeze's island is played too much and we're fixing it. We're not "catering" to anyone, we're doing what's best for the community.

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