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Welcome to MCSG! (A thread for beginners)


May 30, 2013
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Hello. You might not take this thread serious, because, as you will later learn in life, I am not very serious. Ever. Now, if you are reading this, you are probably new to the servers. Welcome! The MCSG servers are a lot of fun to play on, and they have a great community that you are probably willing to become part of. First, I would just like to inform you that the easiest way to become recognised on the servers is to talk to people on TeamSpeak. You can easily do this by downloading the program if you haven't already, connecting to the MCSG TeamSpeak chat, choosing a nickname (preferably your username) and joining a channel. Don't be shy. If you see someone in a channel that you have seen in a game before, don't be shy to talk to them! They are probably a friendly person. By clicking on their name, you can see their nationality, so if you are a player who is mainly on the AU servers and you see that someone has an Australian flag next to their name, it would be an idea to talk to them. You will quickly start a conversation, or, if there's more than one person in the channel, you'll become part of the conversation, and before you know it you will have friends. If you aren't a good player, then find a PvP practice server to improve your skills. People will start to recognise you if they see that you have a lot of wins. Also, MCSG will be a lot more enjoyable for you if you're good at it. Well, that's about it. You should be somewhat of a recognised community member now. I hope I have helped you, and I'm glad if I did, because shyness can be bad if you're playing on a large community server like MCSG. Thanks for reading! -Carz
P.S. For any regulars on the forums reading this, I did not copy duckluv321 by making this post colourful. I did it to make things not only look pretty, but hopefully become more helpful. kthxbye


District 13
May 5, 2012
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19th thread of the exact same thing from normal members..GG

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