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Zombie apocalypse Roleplay.

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May 24, 2013
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Survivor Name: Tristan Rold
Age: 17
Back story: Tristan is an athletic person, playing basketball, baseball, and hockey. He goes to a pretty normal high school and in grade twelve. He lives out his life, playing video games from time to time when he's not out running or doing his homework. He lives in an apartment with his mom and dad. He is an only child.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Fast runner, quick thinker.
Weapon of choice: Hatchet
Appearance: He is 5'8" tall and weighs 156lbs, He has short dark brown hair, tanned skin, blue eyes, and is slightly muscular. Wears jeans, graphic t-shirt, and black windbreaker.
In a group or alone?: A group with his mom and his dad. For now.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Two, George and Lily.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Beep, Beep, Beep, went Tristan's alarm clock. "Ugh..." He groaned as he turned it off and looked at the time. He slowly got out of bed and stretched, heading over to his dresser to put on his usual wardrobe of jeans and a t-shirt. He listened to see if anyone else in the house was awake. He could hear the T.V. on and guessed that his dad, George, was up watching the news. He also heard the shower running so he guessed that his mom, Lily, was taking a shower. He sleepily stumbled down the hallway and into the kitchen where he poured himself a bowl of cereal and milk. He then headed down further to the end of the hallway and sat down on the couch to watch the news with his dad while he ate.

"Good morning Tristan," his dad said, his eyes still glued to the T.V. screen.

"Good morning," Tristan garbled through a spoonful of cereal. "What's on the news?" Tristan asked once he swallowed his cereal.

"Oh, nothing much really just the usual boring stu-" his father was cut off from the T.V. starting to blare an alarm as an emergency broadcast came up on the screen, Tristan and his dad both listened carefully with their eyes wide as the broadcast started to inform them of a contagious disease. As the T.V. started to inform of all the symptoms Tristan and his dad started to talk to each other about what they should do. Once they had a plan devised, Tristan told his mom to hurry up in the shower.

Tristan and his dad informed his mom about what was going on once she got out of the shower.

"Wait, so you're telling me the dead are coming back to life and they're here to eat us?" his mom asked, panicking.

Tristan and his dad looked at each other then looked back to her and said in unison, "Yep."

Tristan went to his room and grabbed his backpack, he quickly emptied all of the school supplies out, assuming that school was cancelled for the day, and started to fill it with some extra clothes, a sweater, his sleeping bag, and a pillow. Finally he went to his dresser and opened the top drawer, moving aside a few sweaters he uncovered a hatchet in a sheath. As he picked the hatchet up he started to remember the time when his family visited the countryside where his aunt and uncle lived. Last time they were there his uncle gave him a hatchet before he left, which he hasn't been able to use yet but he figures now is a good a time as any. He then attached the sheath to his belt and put the hatchet in it.

"C'mon Tristan!" his dad yelled across the apartment. "We have to go, now!"

So Tristan put his backpack on his back and headed to the kitchen where he threw a few cans of beans and a box of Kraft Dinner into his pack. He then headed for the door where his parents were waiting. They all quickly filed out of the apartment and headed down the stairs. Once at the bottom they hopped into their car and started to drive into the traffic.

Tristan looked up the huge line of cars on the highway and sighed as he relaxed back in his seat, assuming it'd be a while.

"So, where should we head to?" his dad asked.

"To uncle Mike's farm," Tristan replied. His dad nodded his agreement and they continued their long wait in the traffic. Tristan comfortably relaxed in his seat once more as he started to doze off.


Okay, there's the beginning of it. Will probably put some actual zombies into the next chapter. :p Hope you enjoyed!


Dec 15, 2012
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Survivor Name:
Age: 15
Back story: Likes to drink cookies, has a pet fishing rod. He was abandoned by his mother and father. He woke up one day to see his arm being eaten off so he created a bionic arm that can shoot poisoned hamburgers at an incredible rate
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Amazingly efficient with a fishing rod
Weapon of choice: Poisoned hamburgers
Appearance: Average 15 year old, brown hair, blue eyes
In a group or alone?: Alone
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Sydney, Australia


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Survivor Name: Haz
Age: 14
Back story: He was born on a farm and can drive and use a lot of tools
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Driving, Shooting, Cooking
Weapon of choice: Gun
Appearance: Average body, brown hair, 5"9
In a group or alone?: With family so about 5-7
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Rebecca, Clifton, Samuel, Jamie, Abbie, Rosie (dog)
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Farm


I woke up on Tuesday 4th March 2014 to an unusual blood red sky. I stode up and walked to my window to see helicopters soaring across the sky in the hundreds. This was when I started to panic, I ran into the front room and turned the TV on to see that people are eating each other in London. This was when the fear started to settle in. I ran into my parents room and told them what I just saw. They dismissed this by saying that it is most likely just a prank I am playing.

I walked outside the room and heard an explosion. I ran out into the front garden to see a helicopter crash with bodies all across the floor. I saw some movement and I called my brothers to help me out. We started to move the fiery wreckage when a hand grabbed hold of my ankle. In panic I started to tug and without realizing the hand of this man had been ripped off and was still attached to my ankle. I managed to release my ankle when we heard groaning.

We looked over the wreckage to see a body I swear was dead before now. My brother immediately tried to get this man out when my dog Katie ran up to the man. In a matter of seconds, Katie was being eaten. The once playful dog that was always loyal is now just a lifeless pile of meat. My dad grabbed a stone and smashed the skull of this sick and twisted man until he stopped moving. We looked around to notice that the other bodies were starting to move.

We didn't know what to do, so we grabbed a gun from mantel piece above the fire place and we started to get ready to move out. Just as we were getting ready to leave, a man crashed through the window. He grabbed hold of my dads neck and didn't stop shaking until a large chunk of meat was ripped out. We watched as Clifton just drowned in his own pool of blood while this man was eating him alive. We didn't know what to do. Clifton had the gun and the keys to the car. I grabbed one of my mums expensive knives and just as I was about to lodge it into the head of this 'man', he turned around and pushed me to the floor. His body just kept on trying to get nearer to mine, and his teeth was covered in the blood of my dads and now he wanted to try mine.

Just before he could lock his jaws into me, my brother drove a screwdriver into the back of his head. I pushed the lifeless person over and grabbed the keys, the gun and my bag and we started to leave. Since I was the only person to know how to drive (except my mum as she was grieving), I decided to drive. We got into our car and just as I was beginning to drive, another 'man' lept onto the bonnet of the car. In panic I drove forward and into the side of the garage. I reversed to see the body slump off.

I kept driving until we found ourselves at a motorway. Cars from miles around must have been trying to escape, but it turned into their death trap. People were screaming in their cars as hordes of people were breaking into and murdering them. This was when I truly realized that these wern't humans anymore.
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May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Survivor Name: Haz
Age: 14
Back story: He was born on a farm and can drive and use a lot of tools
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Driving, Shooting, Cooking
Weapon of choice: Gun
Appearance: Average body, brown hair, 5"9
In a group or alone?: With family so about 5-7
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Rebecca, Clifton, Samuel, Jamie, Abbie, Rosie (dog)
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Farm


I woke up on Tuesday 4th March 2014 to an unusual blood red sky. I stode up and walked to my window to see helicopters soaring across the sky in the hundreds. This was when I started to panic, I ran into the front room and turned the TV on to see that people are eating each other in London. This was when the fear started to settle in. I ran into my parents room and told them what I just saw. They dismissed this by saying that it is most likely just a prank I am playing. I walked outside the room and heard an explosion. I ran out into the front garden to see a helicopter crash with bodies all across the floor. I saw some movement and I called my brothers to help me out. We started to move the fiery wreckage when a hand grabbed hold of my ankle. In panic I started to tug and without realizing the hand of this man had been ripped off and was still attached to my ankle. I managed to release my ankle when we heard groaning. We looked over the wreckage to see a body I swear was dead before now. My brother immediately tried to get this man out when my dog Katie ran up to the man. In a matter of seconds, Katie was being eaten. The once playful dog that was always loyal is now just a lifeless pile of meat. My dad grabbed a stone and smashed the skull of this sick and twisted man until he stopped moving. We looked around to notice that the other bodies were starting to move. We didn't know what to do, so we grabbed a gun from mantel piece above the fire place and we started to get ready to move out. Just as we were getting ready to leave, a man crashed through the window. He grabbed hold of my dads neck and didn't stop shaking until a large chunk of meat was ripped out. We watched as Clifton just drowned in his own pool of blood while this man was eating him alive. We didn't know what to do. Clifton had the gun and the keys to the car. I grabbed one of my mums expensive knives and just as I was about to lodge it into the head of this 'man', he turned around and pushed me to the floor. His body just kept on trying to get nearer to mine, and his teeth was covered in the blood of my dads and now he wanted to try mine. Just before he could lock his jaws into me, my brother drove a screwdriver into the back of his head. I pushed the lifeless person over and grabbed the keys, the gun and my bag and we started to leave. Since I was the only person to know how to drive (except my mum as she was grieving), I decided to drive. We got into our car and just as I was beginning to drive, another 'man' lept onto the bonnet of the car. In panic I drove forward and into the side of the garage. I reversed to see the body slump off. I kept driving until we found ourselves at a motorway. Cars from miles around must have been trying to escape, but it turned into their death trap. People were screaming in their cars as hordes of people were breaking into and murdering them. This was when I truly realized that these wern't humans anymore.
Whoa .-. 1 massive paragraph :p I'd recommend separating that so it's not a pain to read :p That is a literal wall of text :p


Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
I don't care if this is a necro.

Darkness is all I could see, screaming is all I could hear. I'm guessing you're wondering how I got in this mess. Well, here's my story

I was at a baseball game, there was 10 seconds left, little did I know that they were the only 10 seconds of happiness I would have for the rest of my life. I never would of guessed this would happen, atleast not so suddenly. At that moment of shock, I panicked. I was selfish. I ran away not even attempting to save anyone. After I got out of there I ran straight to a car, smashed the window, got in and set off. I obviously crashed a few times with all the zombies and what not.


Jul 19, 2014
Reaction score
(Don't have time to write a story now, will write more later;))
Survivor Name: Mike
Age: 25
Back story: Mike was an average guy, with an average life, until the day that his brother was murdered, Brutally murdered in a violent gang attack. His brother always told him "Learn the ways of many weapons, one day it will be usefull." After that day he started taking martial arts lessons, going to shooting ranges, buying guns and other weapons (Bows, crossbows, Katanas)
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Great hand eye co-ordination and amazing aiming skill.
Weapon of choice: Most weapons work for him but his favourite weapon would be a magnum .45.
Appearance: Tall (6ft 3), brown hair and muscular in complexion.
In a group or alone?: He used to be in a group, but they where attacked by a group of bandits, He was the lone survivor, now he works alone.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): His journey starts in Orlando, Florida.


Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
The app for your main survivor:
Survivor Name: Hobbes
Age: 18
Back story: Lived a simple life until the day "they" rose.
Special Abilities: Pilot/Medic
Weapon of choice: Shotgun
Appearance: Simple
In a group or alone?: Alone (for now)
Starting location: Oregon


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
The app for your main survivor:
Survivor Name: Hobbes
Age: 18
Back story: Lived a simple life until the day "they" rose.
Special Abilities: Pilot/Medic
Weapon of choice: Shotgun
Appearance: Simple
In a group or alone?: Alone (for now)
Starting location: Oregon
You almost made a necro, for future reference, try not to post on threads that have not been posted on in over a month. Thank you :D


Jan 16, 2015
Reaction score
Survivor Name: Henry Dawson
Age: 24
Back story: Henry used to work in a gas station before the apocalypse, he lived in an apartment with two roommates, Kevin and Riley. When the apocalypse began, he and his roommates fled the city, hiding out in the gas station Henry had worked in. They stayed there for a while, scavenging nearby houses, shops and other gas stations for anything they could find. They soon became short on supplies and had to go scavenging further than they had ever been from the gas station since the apocalypse started. When they came back, they heard screaming coming from the station, someone was inside and was clearly wounded. They approached, their weapons drawn, no one guarding the station. When they entered a group of people about their age, were huddled around the counter. One of them turned around and ran up to Henry, begging him for help, he didn't even seem to notice that Henry had a gun. Henry nodded, looking quite confused but soon ran over to the table, examining the person. He had been shot in the stomach. Henry thought for a second before pointing to Kevin: "Kevin! Find some tongs, I'll get him some anti-biotics!" Kevin then ran over to the hardware section, rummaging through the tools. "I can't find anything Henry!" he shouted across the room. "Look... under the shelves or something... and check the counter!" Henry replied. Kevin got on his knees and looked under the shelf, pulling out some damaged packaging with what looked like tongs inside. "I think I found some!" he shouted. "Good for you, now get the hell over here!" Riley shouted back. Kevin aggressively hacked his way into the packaging with a knife, then quickly ran over to the table, flinching as he sees the wound. He passed Henry the tongs "Here... you do it" he said. Henry took the tongs out of Kevins hand, grunting. Henry carefully lowered the tongs to the man's stomach, hesitating slightly as he approaches the wound. The man cried in pain as the cold metal touched his wound. Henry then shoved the tongs into the wound, twisting and turning, trying to look for something metal-y. He clenched his fist and started to pull out, a small metal nugget in between the tongs. The group stared at the tongs for a moment before sighing in relief. Some of the visitors then began to clean the wound and bandage him up.

A few weeks later, a jeep could be heard pulling over outside the gas station. Three people from the group had gone out scavenging and weren't expected until the next day so there were only three guns left in the gas station. "They must've arrived early" one of the group members said. Henry turned around and replied "That doesn't sound like my truck". A bullet then hurtled through the glass and flew through the head of one of the newcomers. The group stared at the body in shock, then looked out the window, a group of armed men were waiting outside, one had his weapon raised. Henry, Riley, Kevin and a few other people from the group ran out the back entrance taking one of the guns with them while the rest stayed in the station and fought. They ran up a hill behind the gas station, and through a large field. They ran towards some tall grass, two more shot down in the process. They were alone now, just like before. They hid in the tall grass for a while. Suddenly, a hand grabbed Riley's foot. He squirmed and clawed at the ground. A decomposed face reached out of the grass, sinking his teeth down into Riley's foot. Henry's eyes widened, everything around him was blurred, Kevin tried to pull him along, Henry wouldn't budge at first but then turned around, running towards a forest. They ran and ran until they were about half way to the forest. A bullet flew through Kevin's shoulder. Henry ran to him, supporting him as they towards the forest. He turned his head to Kevin as a bullet hurtled through his head. Henry then dropped Kevin to the ground, continuing to run to the forest. The bandits surrounded Kevin's body, searching him for any ammo or food. Henry has been alone since then, moving from location to location.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Henry has a decent aim and is very handy with cars and machines.
Weapon of choice: Henry prefers using rifles over hand guns or assault rifles. He uses a hatchet in close combat.
Appearance: Henry has brown hair, blue eyes and has a rather round face. He's rather short.
In a group or alone?: He travels alone.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Berrien Springs, Michigan.
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Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Survivor Name: Miles Way
Age: 27
Back Story: Miles Way was born a bit before the whole entire world went into the apocalypse. He was born into a family of his mom,father,and 4 siblings(a brother and 3 sisters). His earlier years were very simple, sort of like a normal person's life before the world goes into an apocalypse, go to school, get physically fit, and make friends. However, unlike most people his age, Miles was incredibly smart. In fact, he achieved an I.Q. of 170 when he was 15.
Unfortuantly this lead to problems like bullying for being a "nerd" so eventually Miles started to train himself in combat and got adept with swords and machine guns. However, during his training the apocalypse started and he was forced into survival. Fortunately, he started in a group with 4 of his friends he meet when he was trained (Nick Jackson,Violet Jade,and Ahron and Kyle Dirnt) and there "master," Axl Von Lych. They started by camping out in a gym they found abandoned.
They fortified most of the gym and eventually started searching for supplies. It went decently well for the most part, only the occassional zombie, until one day Miles and Kyle were scavenging for supplies. They then heard a truck heading towards the building they were in. Kyle then looked out and realized it was there truck except it wasn't being driven by anyone they knew. They realized that 4 armed men had gotten to the gym, killed Violet, Nick, Ahron, and Axl, and stole their supplies and they were going to search the building they were in.
This was trouble since if they were to get into a fight, it would be a 4v2 and the men had better weapons. Their only chance to live was to get out of the building. It went well until they came up to one of the armed men. Miles managed to shot the man but the man shot Kyle. In his last breath, Kyle told him to get out. So, then Miles ran away and went away from the city until he came across a camp of survivors.
One however managed to sneak up on Miles and knock him out. Miles then woke up tied to a chair in a tent. One of the survivors then started to question him. First he informed him the his name was Will and the group was made up of Sally,Jackie,Gerard,Jenny,Curtis,and himself. Will then asked where Miles was from, his name, and why he ran here. Miles explained that he was from Davis,his name was Miles,and that he was just trying to escape the city and the armed men. Will's next set of questions were if he had supplies,why he was alone,and will you help us. Miles then explained that what happened to his supplies and friends and agreed to help them,however in his head, he was slightly mad and was planning to kill them all.
Eventally one night he decided to initiate his plan. He had already gained the groups trust and was going to take the night's watch. However since all the group slept in the same area he just walked in with an pistol and put a bullet through most of their heads.
First he killed Jackie since he hated him the most. Then he moved on to kill Curtis and stab Jenny. Next he shot Sally when she attempted to grab a gun. To end it he walked up to Will, who was trapped in a corner,put a gun to his head slowly,and pulled the trigger. However,he missed that Gerard had slipped away. He just brushed it off, stole their supplies,and ran back to the city.
Today, Miles is slightly insane. He will gain a groups trust and then kill them, and take there supplies. This is why currently he is mostly alone since he has encountered very few groups.
Special Abilities: Very good with knifes and guns. Is not affected by people dying in front of him.
Weapon of choice: A Pistol
Appearance: Blue eyes, blonde hair,about 6' 1",and thin
In a group or alone?:Alone,but has been in many groups he has betrayed.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: ^
Starting location: Davis,California
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