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Staff GeckoGoggals - Meet the Staff 2


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
First name: Matt
IGN(s): GeckoGoggals
Nickname(s): Gecko
Age: 16
Region: US
One Cool Fact: I'm a varsity athlete in 3 sports.

One Embarrassing Fact: I'm socially awkward
One Non-Gaming Hobby: Running
Most Common question you get asked: "Hi can you help me?" or "Is SS in CB obligitory?"
Favorite Animal: Gecko
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Pineapple
Personal Catchphrase: Never underestimate your enemies, but never underestimate yourself.
Heard about MCG by: An old baseball teammate
Ever Bring someone to MCG: Countless People
MCG role-model: Ceroria, Col_StaR, Alyssa
Ever Broken a bone: 2 Fingers
Personal Skills: Leadership, running, and math skills.
Computer operating system: Windows 7
Favorite movie: Mockingjay Part 1
Favorite game: NCAA Football
Favorite character from fiction:
Terrified of: Breaking a tooth

Favorite website: Reddit (r/cfb)
Dream job: Astronomer/Physicist
What job you currently are doing: Summer Camp Counselor
Been a member of staff since: May 24, 2015

So as you can see that's a little shorter than the usual, that's because I wanted to leave room for a little window into my life as a moderator down here. So I've been a mod for a while now and have had all kinds of ups and downs, but really haven't hit a wall yet. I've kept motivated mainly because of the work cycle I have that helps me from getting burnt out. I have a few weeks where I just get out of rhythm and barely get on and realize I need to get some work done and have a spurt of about a month of some really productive work, before repeating the cycle. I'm more of a keep-to-myself mod that does lots of my work alone. I'll get bans and mutes quietly, and help the community quietly in the Poke If Needed channel on TeamSpeak. I like it here and don't think leaving would be a constructive choice. It keeps me relaxed from the stress of everyday life and I really enjoy what I do here.

It's tough to see so many people come and go, and before I knew it I was one of the oldest ones here. It's crazy how time flies and at this point I'm looking to stay here for a while. I don't see myself resigning anytime soon and honestly just don't like thinking about it.

Away from that topic, I'd like to open up to any questions you guys have (AMA) and I'll reply, and also post them here in the main thread so there aren't duplicates. Ask away!

Q: What math are you in currently?
A: Calculus

Q: Is there a reason you're terrified of breaking your tooth?
A: A lot of money went into my braces and I like my teeth and its a long process if you break one.

Q: What is your 5k time?
A: 17:58
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Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Is there a reason as to why you're terrified of breaking your tooth?
I had braces and it really made me conscious about my teeth and don't want to break something my family put thousands of dollars into. My sister also broke a tooth and it was a super long process that I don't want to have to go through.
What's your 5km time?
Set a PR today of 17:58

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