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A Build Team Guide


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
A Build Team Guide

Hello builders & tributes,

Today I am writing to you an official thread on tips when creating a build team. Please remember that this thread format does not need to be followed when creating your build team. It is only here to give you some tips to possible receive more applicants and make your build team more known.

So here are a few things we are going to cover when you are reading this thread and a couple of things that you should take away from this text. Some things we are going to cover is:

  • Thread Formatting
  • Build Team Structure
  • Build Team Rank Hierarchy
  • Build Team Graphics
  • Advertising The Team
  • Finding The Right People
  • And More!
So now we are going to hop right into this thread with explaining a couple general standards you should have when creating a team.

1. Never Steal Builds
You should never steal builds when you are owning a team or applying for one. When you steal builds it makes your team look overly bad and no one will want to apply for your team.

2. Never Break The MCGamer Rules When Creating Your Team
If you break MCGamer rules when creating your team your team could be disbanded by administration and will give your team a very harsh reputation.

3. Never Cause Flame
If you cause flame between other teams or within your team your team could break up, get a bad reputation, or be disbanded by administration. So please be careful when replying on other peoples threads.

Creating Your Team

Team Structure:

When creating your team you will need to keep in mind a few things:

  • Where am I going to get a server from?
  • What will be our form of communication?
  • How many team members should I be expecting?
When you are thinking about these things write down some of your answers so you can get more of a picture of how your team is going to lay out. One main recourse that the MCGamer staff team uses and many other build teams use it slack. Slack is a form of communication were you can create channels within a website to talk to your team, send out notifications, and receive updates. And if you would like to message a team member in private there is a whole list you can chose from to personally DM them and share with them whatever you would like to share. If you are interested in using slack as one of your main forms of communication click here to get started.

Now let's talk about server communications. Now let's say you just got a server and you want to know how to format it / structure it into a build team. There are many ways you can go about this situation but one plugin that I advise you use is plotme & multiworld. Both of these plugins are useful in many ways, the plotme plugin is useful because it provides unlimited little squares that an individual user can build on to practice. This would increase your builders skills and hopefully get them prepared for the next project. Multiworld is a plugin that allows you to create multiple worlds that can be flat, normal, empty, ext. When you have this plugin like I said you can create worlds, then start your projects on them for whatever you sigh to build. If you would like to download plotme or mulitworld you can download them here:

PlotMe: Download

Multiworld: Download

Multiverse(Just the same as multiworld but more compatible with PlotMe): Download

Team Rank Hierarchy:

Having a staff hierarchy is very vital to a build team. Without a ranking system the teams power would be out of control and there would be no order within the staff team. You will need to make this ranks interesting, and assigning different talks depending were they are in the ranking system. Here is what an example staff hierarchy would look like:

1. Owner

2. Admin

3. Manager

4. Old Timer

5. Builder

And this is just an example, it does not need to be what your ranking system should look like, just to give more of a rough idea. When distributing power you should be able to rank up a user based on what your assets are within the upper class team. Then when you feel that the time is right then you could rank up a user.

Thread Formatting:

When you format your thread you want to make it desirable for applicants. When you format your thread you may want to have to following information:

  • Name Of Team
  • Server Info & Possibly TeamSpeak Info
  • What Your Team Is About
  • Members Of Your Team
  • Application To Get In
  • Ending Speech
If you want a rough idea of what an application could look like take a look at this:
Minecraft IGN:
Why do you want to join our team?:

Those are some useful things that you can have on your thread that will most likely attract players but also make your team look professional.

Build Team Graphics & Display

On a build team thread and server one thing that stands out is a logo! When you have a logo one, it will make your team look very professional, and two, attract players to your team. Make sure your that you do not just get your logo from paint.net and just draw the team name. Make sure you have someone professional making your build team graphics, because the better it is the more attraction it will bring to your thread.

Also, please keep in mind to have some back up graphics for a server icon and what not, because if someone sees the server icon and name it could also make the attraction of the team become more known.

Advertising The Team

When you advertise the team you don't want to be obnoxious or break any MCGamer rules when advertising your build team. When you break rules or be obnoxious it will make you and your team look less desirable and less and less people will want to join your team. Methods are to positively remind people and show off your team in friendly way.

Finding The Right People

When you are accepting people into your build team you want to insure that those team members are a assortment of qualities like:

  • Trustable
  • Talented
  • Friendly
I suggest trying to look at the background and getting a hold there friends possibly to see who / what they are like. Just remember who you are hiring because making one wrong move will end in a whole mess.


Just remember to keep a friendly atmosphere and always be kind to others within the build team community.

Thank you for reading and hope you got some useful information out of this.

If there is anything you think I should add please feel free to message me or inbox me here on the forums. Have a great day here on the MCGamer Network!

Last edited:


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
- Reserved for possible new section in the future -


Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Just a few extra tips:

Join a build team before making one because then you will have an idea of how your meant to run a build team before you go off and do something wrong. That can consist of plugins, organization and quality maps.

Have good builds to showcase:

Doesn't have to be an MCSG build but something quality that people will be attracted to. (Gfx isn't really that important.)

Choose the size of your team:

Are you going to make your team massive like Elite or Invictus or Variade etc, or make your team very close with only a few people. If your team is bigger then it's more unorganised and you would need server admins to resolve conflict In the team. If your team is small there is no point to have hierarchy because it will be more like a family.

If you would like a good idea of how a small team thread should look like my build team thread is in my signature.
Last edited:


May 22, 2015
Reaction score
Where do you upload the maps to MCG?


Feb 15, 2014
Reaction score
A Build Team Guide

Hello builders & tributes,

Today I am writing to you an official thread on tips when creating a build team. Please remember that this thread format does not need to be followed when creating your build team. It is only here to give you some tips to possible receive more applicants and make your build team more known.

So here are a few things we are going to cover when you are reading this thread and a couple of things that you should take away from this text. Some things we are going to cover is:

  • Thread Formatting
  • Build Team Structure
  • Build Team Rank Hierarchy
  • Build Team Graphics
  • Advertising The Team
  • Finding The Right People
  • And More!
So now we are going to hop right into this thread with explaining a couple general standards you should have when creating a team.

1. Never Steal Builds
You should never steal builds when you are owning a team or applying for one. When you steal builds it makes your team look overly bad and no one will want to apply for your team.

2. Never Break The MCGamer Rules When Creating Your Team
If you break MCGamer rules when creating your team your team could be disbanded by administration and will give your team a very harsh reputation.

3. Never Cause Flame
If you cause flame between other teams or within your team your team could break up, get a bad reputation, or be disbanded by administration. So please be careful when replying on other peoples threads.

Creating Your Team

Team Structure:

When creating your team you will need to keep in mind a few things:

  • Where am I going to get a server from?
  • What will be our form of communication?
  • How many team members should I be expecting?
When you are thinking about these things write down some of your answers so you can get more of a picture of how your team is going to lay out. One main recourse that the MCGamer staff team uses and many other build teams use it slack. Slack is a form of communication were you can create channels within a website to talk to your team, send out notifications, and receive updates. And if you would like to message a team member in private there is a whole list you can chose from to personally DM them and share with them whatever you would like to share. If you are interested in using slack as one of your main forms of communication click here to get started.

Now let's talk about server communications. Now let's say you just got a server and you want to know how to format it / structure it into a build team. There are many ways you can go about this situation but one plugin that I advise you use is plotme & multiworld. Both of these plugins are useful in many ways, the plotme plugin is useful because it provides unlimited little squares that an individual user can build on to practice. This would increase your builders skills and hopefully get them prepared for the next project. Multiworld is a plugin that allows you to create multiple worlds that can be flat, normal, empty, ext. When you have this plugin like I said you can create worlds, then start your projects on them for whatever you sigh to build. If you would like to download plotme or mulitworld you can download them here:

PlotMe: Download

Multiworld: Download

Multiverse(Just the same as multiworld but more compatible with PlotMe): Download

Team Rank Hierarchy:

Having a staff hierarchy is very vital to a build team. Without a ranking system the teams power would be out of control and there would be no order within the staff team. You will need to make this ranks interesting, and assigning different talks depending were they are in the ranking system. Here is what an example staff hierarchy would look like:

1. Owner

2. Admin

3. Manager

4. Old Timer

5. Builder

And this is just an example, it does not need to be what your ranking system should look like, just to give more of a rough idea. When distributing power you should be able to rank up a user based on what your assets are within the upper class team. Then when you feel that the time is right then you could rank up a user.

Thread Formatting:

When you format your thread you want to make it desirable for applicants. When you format your thread you may want to have to following information:

  • Name Of Team
  • Server Info & Possibly TeamSpeak Info
  • What Your Team Is About
  • Members Of Your Team
  • Application To Get In
  • Ending Speech
If you want a rough idea of what an application could look like take a look at this:

Those are some useful things that you can have on your thread that will most likely attract players but also make your team look professional.

Build Team Graphics & Display

On a build team thread and server one thing that stands out is a logo! When you have a logo one, it will make your team look very professional, and two, attract players to your team. Make sure your that you do not just get your logo from paint.net and just draw the team name. Make sure you have someone professional making your build team graphics, because the better it is the more attraction it will bring to your thread.

Also, please keep in mind to have some back up graphics for a server icon and what not, because if someone sees the server icon and name it could also make the attraction of the team become more known.

Advertising The Team

When you advertise the team you don't want to be obnoxious or break any MCGamer rules when advertising your build team. When you break rules or be obnoxious it will make you and your team look less desirable and less and less people will want to join your team. Methods are to positively remind people and show off your team in friendly way.

Finding The Right People

When you are accepting people into your build team you want to insure that those team members are a assortment of qualities like:

  • Trustable
  • Talented
  • Friendly
I suggest trying to look at the background and getting a hold there friends possibly to see who / what they are like. Just remember who you are hiring because making one wrong move will end in a whole mess.


Just remember to keep a friendly atmosphere and always be kind to others within the build team community.

Thank you for reading and hope you got some useful information out of this.

If there is anything you think I should add please feel free to message me or inbox me here on the forums. Have a great day here on the MCGamer Network!

very well done thread this should help out a lot of people

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