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Amaterasu-Build Team (RECRUITING NOW!!!)

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Mar 21, 2014
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Minecraft IGN: 1defer
Age: 13
Skype: deferisawesome
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu? I would love to contribute to the mcsg community by building wonderful mcsg maps! I saw your fourm while searching for a build team, and I took immediate action to try to apply!
How long have you worked with Redstone? All my minecraft career! So about 2.5 years!
Are you good at complex Redstone contraptions? Yes. I Know how to make all sorts of redstone things. Even computers!
Post pictures of your work:

Anything else you would like to tell us? The pictures I uploaded are not my best. The other ones are on my other computer!!! AND I have ALOT of experience with terraforming with WorldEdit, and making houses and stuff. I believe my redstone is my best skill though! Thanks Again!
I, [Nolan (1defer)], pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.


Aug 22, 2014
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Minecraft IGN: bikerplayer
Age: 13
Skype: filip.batistuta
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu? I really need a building team , cause for 4 years I alweys built alone.
How long have you built in Minecraft? Basicly for 4 years from the moment I Started playing minecraft...IT's the only reason I started playing it
What kind of building styles fit you best? Detailed medieval/steampunk
Post pictures of your builds: That is the problem. I built like 1k mega builds and things , but it was on last computer , I Dont have SS here. However you can test me out :)
Anything else you would like to tell us? Absolutley! :) I build for free and for fun , Don't expect me to overchat on minecraft or to rage. I played LEGO's all the time as kid , so I got some imagination from it! :p

I hope you accept me , ignoring my age :)


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:AssasinDragonz
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu?I love to build and it is hard to find a server where i can build and have it shown publicly.
How long have you built in Minecraft?I have been building for about 3 months and have built with many expert builders.
What kind of building styles fit you best?I can build alot of differnt things and i work best with an team i usualy build spawns and shops for servers.
Post pictures of your builds: http://gyazo.com/d155db469f14c343ef30202ef209698d , http://gyazo.com/ece5050ca927f1b6256195e50196418b
Anything else you would like to tell us?I am glad that you have taken a little bit of you time to look at this.

I, AssasinDragonz, pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.


Sep 20, 2014
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Minecraft IGN: SirWhisper
Skype: Eliot_Painter
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu? I just want to build!
How do you add detail? I tend to check for three things when adding detail; Block differentiation, depth, and well, detail! I add detail depending on the build. If its a small medieval house, I may add some hay stacks outside, or a forge! Possibly some item frames, fences, many blocks can be used to add detail!
How can you make each build unique? I can make each build unique by looking better than the rest :)
Post pictures of your details:





Please msg me on Skype if I'm accepted!

Anything else you would like to tell us? I have been payed in the past to do solo jobs...but never have I worked with a team. I look forward to it!

I, SirWhisper, pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.


Oct 22, 2014
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Minecraft IGN:Sugarcane2000
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu?: I would love to help out with anything related to building. I can do just about anything a
fair amount. Generally im better at terraforming/basic structures. But i would absolutely enjoy working with you guys on your projects! And improving my skills as a builder. And i look forward to possibly joining :)
How long have you worked with Terraforming?: For quite a while now, Although i cannot give an exact time.
Are you familiar with WorldEdit? VoxelSniper?Indeed i am! I work with both quite comfortably.
Post pictures of your terraforming: I think it might be best if you PM Me on skype just about any late-afternoon ish And ill show you
Around one of my current projects on a server.
Anything else you would like to tell us?I am from Costa Rica And have loads of spare time! I am nearly always available for skype when im home. I speak Spanish and Portuguese mostly but i am fluent with english. I hope i can give it a try! :)

I, Sugar, pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.


Oct 3, 2014
Reaction score
Greetings, Everyone!

Varo here from Amaterasu. This is the official thread for our build team. I am excited to share to you guys our maps, updates, members, etc. If you are interested to apply, please make sure that you check the requirements. Hope you like the thread and our build team!

Members of Amaterasu

Amaterasu Leader/Owner : ronaldiaz (changing IGN soon)
Amaterasu Co-Leader/Owner :

Amaterasu Head Terraformer: shnitzel704
Amaterasu Head Builder: w0wmonkey
Amaterasu Head of Details:
Amaterasu Head Redstoner:

Amaterasu Head All-Arounder:
Terraformers: shnitzel704


Trial Builders:

Our Maps:
Soon with enough Builders we will start our Map :)
Our Server:
For now Our Servers aren't online yet but when it is, It will be white listed and I will give out the IP's
The application process is as follows:

If you submit an application, all of our members will review it. If the majority says yes, we will accept you and put you in a trial build, to prove your skills and to make sure you didn't post your images off of Google. :p

You can do your trial build within 10 days of us accepting you or you will be demoted, unless stating why (vacation, family things, etc.). When it is done, message us on the forums or in Minecraft with the /mail command with the coordinates and we will take a look at it. If it is similar to images you posted on your application and looks good, you will be accepted. However, if your builds vary drastically from your application, you will be denied.

Minecraft Forge 1.8

-You must be 12+ years of age. (Exceptions Can Be Made)
-You must have Skype so we can communicate.
-Anyone who does not follow the template will be overlooked.
-You must speak fluent English, for communication reasons.
-Posting an application without pictures will automatically get you denied. You may re-apply
-Posting pictures of stolen content will have you denied.
-Posting a low-quality application or one-sentence applications will likely be denied.
-If you have a ban record on MCSG, you will most likely not get accepted.

Currently, we are looking for builders on Every Position. If you do want to post in another category, your application must be incredible for you to accept. Here is the list of the applications for the ones who are interested in applying:

Terraformer- Open
Terraformers are in charge of using WorldEdit or VoxelSniper to create awesome natural features or to work with the programs to make awesome looking features. Copy and paste the application below to apply:

Minecraft IGN:
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu?
How long have you worked with Terraforming?
Are you familiar with WorldEdit? VoxelSniper?
Post pictures of your terraforming:
Anything else you would like to tell us?

I, [Name Here], pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.

Builder - Open
Builders are in charge of building us our structures and main features, such as houses, libraries, airships, anything that has to do with building. Copy and paste the application below to apply:

Minecraft IGN:
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu?
How long have you built in Minecraft?
What kind of building styles fit you best?
Post pictures of your builds:
Anything else you would like to tell us?

I, [Name Here], pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.

Details- Open
Detail is one of the most important parts of a map, so we need some talented detailers to help us make our map look great! Copy and paste the application below to apply:

Minecraft IGN:
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu?
How do you add detail?
How can you make each build unique?
Post pictures of your details:
Anything else you would like to tell us?

I, [Name Here], pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.

Redstone - Open
Redstone is, by far, the most challenging position we have. These players have to work with redstone to create all sorts of traps, secret rooms, doors, you name it. Copy and paste the application below to apply:

Minecraft IGN:
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu?
How long have you worked with Redstone?
Are you good at complex Redstone contraptions?
Post pictures of your work:
Anything else you would like to tell us?

I, [Name Here], pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.

All-Around - Open
This position is for the ones who are good at pretty much everything. However, if you want this position, you better be VERY good. These applications take a bit longer to review and are a lot more strict. Copy and paste the application below to apply:

Minecraft IGN:
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu?
What qualifies you to be an All-Arounder?
Would you build something for all categories for you trial build?
Post pictures of your work:
Anything else you would like to tell us?

I, [Name Here], pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.

Unban Application
Post one of these if you were removed from the server.

Minecraft IGN:
Position that you were:
Why were you removed from our team?
Do you agree that you will not break the rules again?
Do you agree to the Amaterasu oath?

If you post a dispute and it is poorly-written or it is your second dispute, you will be denied and cannot re-apply. If you want to be re-added, you need to prove it to us. If you get banned after we re-hire you, you can not post a dispute.

Rules<<<Read please
-If you are found guilty of griefing our server, you will be deopped, demoted, and de-whitelisted from your team and you will not be able to re-apply.
-Respect each and every team member. Failure to do so will be a week temp-ban the first time, a permanent ban the second time.
-You must be an active team member. Being inactive for over 1 month will result in you being demoted, unless stated why (vacation, family issues, etc.). You must tell us before leaving.
-Do not modify other people's work unless they say so or if the team says so. Failure to do so can result in bans from 1 day to 1 month.
-If you wish to leave us, please state why. Failure to do so will result in no reapplying.


I hope our build team goes far! If you want to join, feel free to do so! We love to see new members! We all are looking forward for new maps, good times, and great friends!

Greate! :D I Like the map, I will Add your skype, I wait in a Map Soon


Nov 1, 2014
Reaction score
Redstone - Open
Redstone is, by far, the most challenging position we have. These players have to work with redstone to create all sorts of traps, secret rooms, doors, you name it. Copy and paste the application below to apply:

Minecraft IGN: zeeper100
Age: 13
Skype: morgan.kobayashi
Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu? Because i really want to take on a large project. but i have found that it is hard by your self so i was looking around for what looks like a good build team
How long have you worked with Redstone? ever since i got minecraft wich was 1.0.0
Are you good at complex Redstone contraptions? Yes i am i have built very big contartions not copyed off anyone but using all my own ideas and lots of command blocks.
Post pictures of your work: http://imgur.com/4gFFLWO,ehoKZuD,N8pS9Xh,05pBAYz,7ht3toy,QLhhr4M,6tDvkU4,XOMyAK2,7pGD8nr#7 7 8 and 9 are all pictures of a complex redstone contraption i just made in two hours
Anything else you would like to tell us? Yes in the pictures you will also see some builds those are all builds i made my self for my freinds server and i am pretty good at pixel art without having to copy

I, Zeeper100, pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.


Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
Builder - Open
Builders are in charge of building us our structures and main features, such as houses, libraries, airships, anything that has to do with building. Copy and paste the application below to apply:

Minecraft IGN: Epic_Pharaoh

Age: 13

Skype: The Epic Pharaoh

Why do you want to be a part of Amaterasu? The reason that I want to be part of this build team, is mostly because I want to be able to build impressive things in MC. I have always kind of wanted to be in a build team, but I have never really applied for one, mostly because I thought that school would be an issue, but I now think that I would be able to put time aside to build things with other people.

How long have you built in Minecraft? I have owned MC for about 2-3 years now I believe, and have been building all that time. I have never been part of a build team however, so this would be my first build team experience.

What kind of building styles fit you best? I mostly like to build modern Sci-Fi like structures that use beacons and Quartz, but have found that Nether structures also look very cool, and mixing the two together is just... awesome.

Anything else you would like to tell us? I have had building experience on a few, now shut down, servers, but have until now ,mostly built for recreation. My microphone is a Blue Yeti (which is currently getting repaired, but I will have it back this Wednesday), and my favorite food is spaghetti.

I, Russ, pledge that I will work with Amaterasu to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove you from our team.

Post pictures of your builds:


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