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District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
I played on this map for the first time yesterday, and I must say, I was overall VERY impressed. The builds/layout/design on the map is true brilliance. However, the amount of tier 2's was discouraging.

Now, not to take away from what RF did here, the map is truly fantastic. However, this is Survival Games we are talking about. I feel like it completely undermines the gamemode to put that many tier 2 chests in. For example:

-Half of the strategy of the game is to develop chests routes that maximize the player's chances of winning. On Inertia, you literally can run in a random direction and get just as stacked as a strategic chest route on another map would get you.

-It takes a lot of skill out of certain aspects of the game. When everyone is running around in full iron (or that one time a guy had full diamond in my game) and yielding diamond swords, it makes the game less interesting. Instead of formulating strategies to kill people who are more stacked, everyone is on a level playing field. It also allows the noobs, for lack of a better word, to succeed in a game that they really shouldn't be succeeding in.

Once again though. The build itself is awe inspiring (as I saw a previous comment thought it wasn't, but the tier 2's are ridiculous. I've been around long enough to know that this gamemode is constantly evolving, and this map definitely sends it in a new direction, but I think I'm right in saying that this is not the direction it should be headed in.

Nice work as always. I hope RF/MCG considers changing the tier 2's. I just don't want other map makers to catch on and head in this direction too; I'd hate to see all maps become tier 2 infested. Might as well go play battlegrounds if you want to fight a bunch of people with basically free full iron.


May 16, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, you probably shouldn't use capitalisation in your posts to try to accentuate a point as it just reads as a bit juvenile and if anything devalues your opinions, the map was accepted as it was a great success in the deception games where people came in and played the map, the map was not accepted due to screenshots, if anything screenshots are just a courtesy for players who were not able to be in or watch the deception games. There is a lot of logic to why the map was accepted, a lot of hard work was put into it, it is well built and was well accepted by the community during the deception games. If you have researched Red Forest you would realise we do not put out a map every month and we put a lot of effort into our maps, our maps aren't accepted just because we are a popular build team, our recent map Ozymandias came out much before Inertia and it has not been added. I completely agree that builds should be awe inspiring but the general player of MCSG does not care about awe inspiring builds, they want the easiest wins and best pvp environment so that is what we catered for in Inertia. We put in a lot of effort on this map and the work on the laboratories by my builders is outstanding so I would appreciate if you do not diminish the work they put into it, it seems as if you are judging just from the screenshots and not the in game experience. I do believe there should be a variety in the maps added but Inertia is not just another copy of a previous map it has a lot of character and hidden secrets and is a new spin on an indoor style map like solar frost.
Well, how do I start? Some of this is coming from my map not being accepted and jealousy. I see what you mean by the "general MCSG player" wanting easy wins and easy places to pvp in, but have you noticed that usually the MCSG community is wrong. About 1.8, about stats reset, about policies, a large portion of the community is inexperienced. If you want to appeal to the MCSG player, you might as well have a button in the edge of the map that instantly kills all other players. Another thing is, while playing this map is that it is pretty laggy when trying to record, 1080p60 (even with a high end, custom build) and I am sure that the average computer could not handle the map as easily. This is most likely due to the fact that their are an enormous amount of item frames, which if you have researched minecraft, you would know that entities are lag causers. An item frame, which is an entity, with or without an item in it, causes the most amount of lag of all other entities (even armor stands) when in large amounts as is in this map (every chair has two item frames, every computer is and item frame. These factors are not much of a detail and should be accounted for in latest maps. I don't see what you mean by "Inertia is not just another copy of a previous map" have you seen Icarus, Moonbase9, or Return to Moonbase9? I'm talking originality in the means that there is a huge difference in play style. I want the player to have to change their whole pvp mindset for different maps, not just say "oh, this map has some close spots, but I could just go to a more open place to pvp". You gotta make them work for the win, the tier twos, the tactics. Too many players have become lazy, making MCSG less of what it could be.
Last edited:


Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
Well, how do I start? Some of this is coming from my map not being accepted and jealousy. I see what you mean by the "general MCSG player" wanting easy wins and easy places to pvp in, but have you noticed that usually the MCSG community is wrong. About 1.8, about stats reset, about policies, a large portion of the community is inexperienced. If you want to appeal to the MCSG player, you might as well have a button in the edge of the map that instantly kills all other players. Another thing is, while playing this map is that it is pretty laggy when trying to record, 1080p60 (even with a high end, custom build) and I am sure that the average computer could not handle the map as easily. This is most likely due to the fact that their are an enormous amount of item frames, which if you have researched minecraft, you would know that entities are lag causers. An item frame, which is an entity, with or without an item in it, causes the most amount of lag of all other entities (even armor stands) when in large amounts as is in this map (every chair has two item frames, every computer is and item frame. These factors are not much of a detail and should be accounted for in latest maps. I don't see what you mean by "Inertia is not just another copy of a previous map" have you seen Icarus? I'm talking originality in the means that there is a huge difference in play style. I want the player to have to change their whole pvp mindset for different maps, not just say "oh, this map has some close spots, but I could just go to a more open place to pvp". You gotta make them work for the win, the tier twos, the tactics. Too many players have become lazy, making MCSG less of what it could be.
I personally think this map could be the spark that sets of MCSG again, and if other maps added are similar to this one (good PvP and a lot of tier 2's) more people would play. Of course this wouldn't make as much of a difference as New NCP and solo + team queues but I think this map could make a big difference. I don't think the whole concept of this map is laziness but something new. The map has quickly become a lot of peoples favourite so the builders must have been doing something right. Also, recently (kind of) mcsg has become a place where people team and tryhard, and for a player who wants to get some *easy* wins this as a really good map, easy to get stacked and simply fun PvP.


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
How did you come up with such a great map? I am wowed. ;)
uh its a bit hard to answer really.. we wanted another space map but wanted it to be largely inside, and it just kinda developed from there with the base concept of the laboratory rooms in a circle around the central base

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