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Zombie apocalypse Roleplay.

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Mar 15, 2015
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Name: Skittle
Back story: A normal teenage boy with a zombie themed room and loves zombie games. He despises getting zombie guts and blood on him to prevent infection. He always wished the zombie apocalypse would happen but now that it happened he hates the fact that he used to want it to happen. He is very smart and studies computers and technology. He loved his 2 dogs but 1 died and the other one has one of his legs broken. He meets Tony at age 5 and his neighbor
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : A huge zombie nerd and is very swift.
Weapon of choice: Long Swords or Long Range Weapons.
Appearance: Small with zombie themed clothing.
In a group or alone?: Has 1 friend in his group named Tony.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?):Alaska.

Survivor Name:Tony
Back story:He is a nerd and hates killing zombies. He keeps a zombie how to guide in his jacket pocket.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Really nerdy but hates killing zombies.
Weapon of choice: Dictionary.
Appearance:Nerdy looks and has big glasses
In a group or alone?: He is in a group with Skittle.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?):Alaska.

"AH I HATE MY FAMILY!" Yells Skittle. Then Tony sees a man out the window that's limping to their house with little clothing in shambles. "Hey Skittle stop raging and look out there at that person, he must be freezing!" said Tony. "Tony you help him I'm mad right now and I don't want someone to see." said Skittle. As Tony leaves the room to give the strange man a coat, Skittle hears a big scream and sees some smoke. As Tony is about to open the door, Skittle yells "TONY DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR!" Skittle grabs Tony and goes through the basement and outside. They go into their dads car and Skittle drives as fast as he can away from the city.

When life gives lemonade make lemons then life will be all like WHAAA.


Mar 15, 2015
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Survivor Name: Ann
Age: 13
Back story: Goes to a normal middle school in the USA, Georgia. Ann never thought zombies were going to be real, but she loved playing video games like C.O.D. zombies and minecraft. She takes karate classes and in her free time she is out in the woods practicing throwing her pocket knife at the trees.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Stealthy and swift on her feet and is amazing with a small knife.
Weapon of choice: Ann steals a small pistol and keeps her pocket knife with her.
Appearance: Short and choppy brown hair, light brown eyes and full lips. Ann is 5 feet in height and she wears a long sleeved white shirt and a black leather jacket. She has on shorts and a pair of black and white converse.
In a group or alone?: First she's with her best friend Samantha but in a day or so she finds a 15 year old boy names Isaac.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: There is Isaac who is great with the SMG and then there is Samantha who is a smart girl that hates killing but keeps a metal baseball bat just in case.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Ann starts in the United States of America in Georgia but keeps moving with Isaac and Samantha from state to state in a car (which Isaac drives) to look for other survivors.

I held my breath, pulling my knife out of the forehead of another zombie. Sweat beads down my forehead as I wipe my knife on the zombies shirt which was at least slightly clean, for a zombie of course. Why is killing zombies so hard in real life? I shook my head, stepping over the dead bodies that littered the ground in puddles of crimson. "Hey, Ann, come over here! You might want to take a look at this!" I heard Samantha yell from behind a garbage can in an alley. I jogged over to her, my greasy brown hair falling in my eyes. "What is it?" I asked, squinting through the darkness to get a peek of what she is looking at. "It looks like a secret passage of some sort," She answered while jiggling the locked door knob. "Here. Let me try," I took out a bobby pin from my hair and put it in the key lock. A few seconds later I heard the click of a lock, so I pushed open the door. It was pitch black. "C'mon," I yelled back to Samantha and my voice echoed. I shivered, feeling my way around. "Do you have a flashlight?" I finally asked. "Yeah," Samantha turned on a light, and I cringed at what I saw. There was spider webs all around the room and in the corner was a dead body. "Hey Samantha maybe we should..." I looked back to Samantha and am surprised to see a boy covering up her mouth, holding a knife to her throat. "Who are you people? What are you doing here?" The boy asked, pressing the knife closer to her throat. Blood drips down Samantha's neck, and I fumble for my knife in my pocket. "Let her go or I'll-" "You'll what? Kill me? That would be a waste since I'm not infected," The boy cuts me off and I bite my lip. "If you're not infected then we're on the same team," I said, and he nodded. "Good. That's just what I wanted to hear," He said, letting Samantha go. She gasped for air, stumbling towards me. "Let's go, then. We need to find more survivors. By the way, my name's Isaac."


May 23, 2015
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Survivor Name: Connor
Back story: I went to a bar for my birthday just getting to the age were I can legally drink. My friends forced me to go said I would have a fun time but then zombies came and attacked. So I escaped and hit the road not sure what to do or where to go
Special Abilities (Why would I do that)
Weapon of choice: anything I can get my hands on
In a group or alone: Alone
Starting Locaction: Places


Dec 11, 2015
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Name: Jack
Age: 23
Back story: Getting off my daily work at a supermarket like a normal day, going to my apartment, and getting on my computer seeing the News that a "Zombie Outbreak has just occurred." I quickly grab my 10mm pistol and lock my door and look out the window, seeing the bloody corpses around, I quickly run to my bathroom and throw up, I had no idea what was going on, I was not prepared, had five mags in my clip, knowing that my life was about to change, I quickly go outside and start clearing up the streets, finding a little bit of ammo here and there, I suddenly hear a radio go off stating that the infection has spread, I quickly ran into my office, knowing that we keep a gun in hand under the desk, I quickly grab the 9mm pistol and look for ammo under the other employees desks, I get 7 mags and then quickly run for the exit then I see a zombie, I run for the garage exit and quickly run through that, getting out and sneaking about, I know that I have to get some camouflage, I grab a bandanna, and dress up like the old thieves in the middle ages, and run, I quickly find some melee weapons in an abandoned building (A sword and some more ammo) I clearly run for my life, I don't know what will happen next...

Special Ability: Very stealthy and athletic
Group: No Group


Jan 30, 2016
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Survivor Name: Johnson
Age: 24
Back story: Johnson was a man that had 2 kids and a wife. As a kid he loved to play zombie video games and just pretend it was the zombie apocalypse.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Nothing. Just experienced.
Weapon of choice: A pistol.
Appearance: A red shirt with a black belt and black hair. A slight beard growing and torn jeans.
In a group or alone?: Alone.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Alone.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Ireland.


Mar 14, 2016
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Survivor Name: Owen
Age: 16
Back story: Grew up in a small town in the english countryside, Lost his parents at the start of the apocalypse and is in search of his girlfriend who has not been confirmed dead or alive. Prepared for the apocalypse as a hobby pre-apocalypse. Held up in a university complex before it got overrun.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Shooting, Crafting, Survival, Hunting, Slaying Zombies.
Weapon of choice: Shotgun
Appearance: Male, Short hair.
In a group or alone?: Alone, in search of a friendly group to hold out with while searching for his girlfriend.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Cheshire, England.


Mar 21, 2016
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Survivor Name: Sam
Age: 17
Back story: Parents died on the highway because a walker got in front of their car, later on got found by Jack< Military man... he got escorted to a military camp, he got trained in special close combat...
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Agile and fast, athletic, leader, not afraid, good aim, good at close combat.
Weapon of choice: .45 Caliber H&K USP with Taclight attachment. and a Swiss army knife for secondary/close combat

Appearance: Skinny fit ripped jeans, long white t-shirt, and a black jacket long blackish hair, kinda black eyes
In a group or alone?: group
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: A group of 5, Jack ofc, Martin, Lloyd, Henry, and Isaac.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?):we start in Savannah.
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Mar 30, 2016
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Name: Koji
Age: 15
Short Backstory: My parents were killed by these freaks on my birthday, i want to kill every last one of them.

Weapon Of Choice: Any Silent Weapon Other than melee
Power: Quick on feet,
Personality: Mostly quiet to new people, Kind.
Appearance: Red Cloak with a Red Mask, white hair, red eyes.
Starting Area: A town
Group: Hopefully town members, otherwise None


May 22, 2016
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The app for your main survivor:
Survivor Name:Elijah Todd
Back story:Elijah is a policeman he was in a police car when he saw a man tearing out someone's guts he swerved the car and rolled on top of the zombie he was getting out the car and looked at the mess on the roof of his car "what the bunnies is this zombie apocalypse Good" he realized that this was real he called for back up and got a weird answer he decided to go too the city too try to get survivor out of there when he went there (oh he's in london) the place was in panic he saw everything destroyed he went to the high way and drove until he found a nice place to camp for the night he fell asleep in the car when he woke up he drove until a car in the middle of the road stopped him and he crashed unconscious. He woke up and walked to the nearest gas station killed the zombie with his baton and grabbed as much as he can carry he found a car with a backpack in the trunk and stayed at this gas station
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : able to shoot he's fearless and is only afraid of losing loved ones
Weapon of choice: Glock or pistol and baton
Appearance: brown hair scar on his left a
In a group or alone?: alone
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): london


Dec 25, 2013
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I will be locking this thread due to necro. Please refrain from necro-posting in the future. Thanks :)
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