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Emperors EU

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Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
helo i have 203 wins and my name is alien767 pls accept


Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
1. IGN : alien767

2. Skype name(If private PM us) : u have me mom

3. Nickname/Name : fish Henrik

4. Age : 15

5. Where are you from :Norway

6. Do you have donator : yes 4 days until it ends

7. How many wins: 203

8. How many games played : to many

9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail) : im fast with 360 fns and bow and combos

10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc) : ice fighting

11. What type of player would you say you are : dont know

12. What clans have you been in previously : Emperors and shiid

14. Have you played with any members of the clan before : do mutch

15. How much do you play? to mutch

16. Why do you want to join Emperors : becous im good


District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
1. IGN : alien767

2. Skype name(If private PM us) : u have me mom

3. Nickname/Name : fish Henrik

4. Age : 15

5. Where are you from :Norway

6. Do you have donator : yes 4 days until it ends

7. How many wins: 203

8. How many games played : to many

9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail) : im fast with 360 fns and bow and combos

10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc) : ice fighting

11. What type of player would you say you are : dont know

12. What clans have you been in previously : Emperors and shiid

14. Have you played with any members of the clan before : do mutch

15. How much do you play? to mutch

16. Why do you want to join Emperors : becous im good
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District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
1. IGN: KingDerpTheIII
2. Skype name: KDGaming.
3. Nickname/Name: Sydney / KingDerpityDerpDerpDaDerp
4. Age: 12
5. Where are you from: USA
6. Do you have donator: No
7. How many wins: 3 / 130 on Hive
8. How many games played : 100

9. PvP Strengths:
Flint and Steel: I can use flint and steel to my advantage in me vs. team situations. This will help me because the fire will get down their health and make them back off. An example of this situation would be when I'm running away from a team and I am decently under stacked. I then proceed to quickly and unexpectedly place a Flint and Steel, and it will get them lower which will give me the upper hand because the fire will make them low.

Bow: I can use my bow with sharp accuracy most of the time in intense fights. Having a bow in an intense fight helps because it will help you get them low for the melee kill. An example of this situation would be when I am running from a very good player and I have a good amount of arrows. I will them turn around and get them lock downed with my bow, which means that the shots will coordinate with the way he runs. This will get him low, which will make it quite easy for a melee kill.

10. PvP Weaknesses:
Water fights; I am not good at water fights because it is hard to get hits while opponents are under me because they get way better hits than me due to their position. It is also bad when I am in a water fight with a team because they will often boost to get to me and kill me quite easily. An example of this is when I'm on Breeze Island and I'm running from a team. They booth their teammate to me, which makes them get good hits. They then get under me and get a lot of hits, then usually resulting in me dead.
11. What type of player would you say you are: I'd say I am a defensive player because I usually play in a defensive matter during fights, even when I am not low. This helps because I can use flint and steel and bow to a defensive matter in very intense fights.
12. What clans have you been in previously: None :c
14. Have you played with any members of the clan before: Yes, ofc.
15. How much do you play?: I didn't really play MCSG before, but since I kind of switched to MCSG for now I will be playing every day or if not, every other day.
16. Why do you want to join Emperors: I would like to join the Emperors because this looks like a very good clan with skilled PvPers that can help me become a better player. I also have a lot of friends in here that I play with quite often, which makes us have good teamwork. I would also like to join to play in Inter Clan Battles and Clan Battles which will be enjoyable to participate in. It would also be fun to be in an MCSG clan for a change.

Thanks for reading <3
You have been accepted for Trials. Contact xjaneka (Batman_Return) on skype for further information. Also, nice aplication!
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