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#Silence [Elite AU Clan]

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Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Artistic_Buffalo
Age: 14
Skype: luke.douglas13
Wins/Games: 856/5480
PvP Strengths: Bow and rod
PvP Weaknesses: Just sword
Passed Bans on MCSG ? Abuse 1
Why do you want to join #Silence? Just want to be in a good clan and Im friends with a lot of people in this clan, I think it will be fun :)
Trial! you have me on skype!


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: starstrong
Age: 15
Skype: blueslime12
Wins/Games: 279/4921 (Shocking)
PvP Strengths: Sword, bow, fns, strafes, hot baring, fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights, eating golden apples, when I am on fire.
: I have currently been banned three times on the MCGamer network, this is how the first one happened. So I was playing mcsg around four months ago and I was in a game with the mod "wertea". I got a stone sword off spawn on breeze island and chased wertea until we both died by a 2 team. I joined a differnt game and the map was "Rugged lands". Considering it is a box it is hard to get out of spawn. This random disguised player fists me to death and then I see in the chat "gg nub, don't chase me off spawn". So then I thought to my self, is this wertea? I do /stat w(tab) and it showed wertea. I got quite annoyed because I didn't have a good day. I get my anger out by saying this in the spectator chat "you suck, get good". After that I got banned for 7 days. The second banned which happened around 2 weeks ago. The second banned happened excactly like this. I was banned for using something called gamma. Before I started my old youtube channel I let my friend have a go on my account. I said I will be back in around 10minutes. In the meantime my friend was doing some bad thing. He said some disrespectful things on the mcsg servers, nearly installed hacks, and got gamma (I only knew the hacks and being disrespectful when it happened). I got banned from a mod because he/she saw my montage that had gamma in it. I was only banned for 7 days. The third one was "Abuse". I don't get who I was abusing but anyway.
Why do you want to join #Silence ? Silence, is a good clan. It has strong members yet a good owner. I know a lot of you guys hate me but if I get in, I can show you that I am a nice person. I know my ratio is bad but, I just play for fun. I have been called a "clan hopper" and everything but, I don't clan hop. I either get kicked out or the clan gets disbanded. If you guys could just give me a chance to prove myself, that I am sorry, we can have a fun time :)


Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: starstrong
Age: 15
Skype: blueslime12
Wins/Games: 279/4921 (Shocking)
PvP Strengths: Sword, bow, fns, strafes, hot baring, fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights, eating golden apples, when I am on fire.
: I have currently been banned three times on the MCGamer network, this is how the first one happened. So I was playing mcsg around four months ago and I was in a game with the mod "wertea". I got a stone sword off spawn on breeze island and chased wertea until we both died by a 2 team. I joined a differnt game and the map was "Rugged lands". Considering it is a box it is hard to get out of spawn. This random disguised player fists me to death and then I see in the chat "gg nub, don't chase me off spawn". So then I thought to my self, is this wertea? I do /stat w(tab) and it showed wertea. I got quite annoyed because I didn't have a good day. I get my anger out by saying this in the spectator chat "you suck, get good". After that I got banned for 7 days. The second banned which happened around 2 weeks ago. The second banned happened excactly like this. I was banned for using something called gamma. Before I started my old youtube channel I let my friend have a go on my account. I said I will be back in around 10minutes. In the meantime my friend was doing some bad thing. He said some disrespectful things on the mcsg servers, nearly installed hacks, and got gamma (I only knew the hacks and being disrespectful when it happened). I got banned from a mod because he/she saw my montage that had gamma in it. I was only banned for 7 days. The third one was "Abuse". I don't get who I was abusing but anyway.
Why do you want to join #Silence ? Silence, is a good clan. It has strong members yet a good owner. I know a lot of you guys hate me but if I get in, I can show you that I am a nice person. I know my ratio is bad but, I just play for fun. I have been called a "clan hopper" and everything but, I don't clan hop. I either get kicked out or the clan gets disbanded. If you guys could just give me a chance to prove myself, that I am sorry, we can have a fun time :)
Come back when you have 350+wins :D


Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Choclitt
Age: 13
Skype: ben.ritchie21
Wins/Games: 612/3944
PvP Strengths: Bow, Sword, FnS and getting there with teh Rod
PvP Weaknesses: Water Battles, Hackers and 4+ Teams
Passed Bans on MCSG ? Never had one
Why do you want to join #Silence ? It has been around for 2 months and it seems like a very good clan



Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Choclitt
Age: 13
Skype: ben.ritchie21
Wins/Games: 612/3944
PvP Strengths: Bow, Sword, FnS and getting there with teh Rod
PvP Weaknesses: Water Battles, Hackers and 4+ Teams
Passed Bans on MCSG ? Never had one
Why do you want to join #Silence ? It has been around for 2 months and it seems like a very good clan

Trial: you have me on skype :D


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: josh_legend
Age: 11 (almost 12)
Skype: xxgeodudexx But thunderbacca has me
Wins/Games: 234
PvP Strengths: Melee fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses: bow spam
Passed Bans on MCSG ? once
Why do you want to join #Silence ? because it seems like a fun clan and I like the clan members :D


Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: josh_legend
Age: 11 (almost 12)
Skype: xxgeodudexx But thunderbacca has me
Wins/Games: 234
PvP Strengths: melee fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses: bow spam
Passed Bans on MCSG ? once
Why do you want to join #Silence ? because it seems like a fun clan and I like the clan members :D
Declined: Come back when you have 300+wins.


Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: BeastyRebals
Age: 14
Skype: beasty.rebals.swag
Wins/Games: 352 / 1884
PvP Strengths: Sword
PvP Weaknesses: FnS
Passed Bans on MCSG ? No current/past bans, hopefully never will be in the future.
Why do you want to join #Silence ? My clan disbanded, after many fights and fails and I've been asked to join this clan by some. So I'm interested, and hopefully I do make it in.


Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: BeastyRebals
Age: 14
Skype: beasty.rebals.swag
Wins/Games: 352 / 1884
PvP Strengths: Sword
PvP Weaknesses: FnS
Passed Bans on MCSG ? No current/past bans, hopefully never will be in the future.
Why do you want to join #Silence ? My clan disbanded, after many fights and fails and I've been asked to join this clan by some. So I'm interested, and hopefully I do make it in.
Trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have you on skype!
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