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Vanguard [US Clan]

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Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Astro_Pheonix (Changing it in version 1.8.1)

Age: 16 years of age (17 on July 10th).

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

My Stats: Click Me For My Stats!

Skype ID: I am not comfortable giving this out in public. Please message me if you'd like my Skype ID.

Teamspeak [Y/N]: [Y]

Mic [Y/N]: [Y]

PVP Strengths: Well, I do have lots of PvP Strengths. To start off, I love the FISHING ROD! When I find a fishing rod in a chest, my face lights up with joy, knowing I can win any fight I walk into! Knocking people into walls, or trying to make a quick getaway is just right for me! Furthermore, my other PvP Strength is the bow! With the bow, if you are being chased by a player or multiple players, you can quicky turn around, depending on the situation, and fire a few shots off, and potentially damage your opponents before charging them, head-on. Lastly, my favorite PvP Strength is the Flint & Steel! I use Flint & Steel to win constantly because of the savior! Flint & Steel has the best effect of all; lighting people up like the 4th of July! With 8 ticks of fire, you can get out of a bad situation, or turn the tables for your opponent and make them a cooked slab a beef laying on the kitchen floor!

PVP Weaknesses: Ahh, what the hell! I do have a couple of PvP Weaknesses! To start off; Water Battles are probably my biggest weakness! With water battles, you can die instantly from anywhere, it is always easy to die if you are being chased in the water, by a team, unless you have like the Jesus Mod or something...In addition, my other weaknesses, are teams of 3 or 4, when I am a lone gun (erk), and people with 2 ping (I think I explained that there :p).

How active are you?: I am on MC Gamer everyday, for around 3-12 hours, yeah, that's right!

Why do you want to join Vanguard?: Well, I'd like to join Vanguard for various reasons, let's get into them (metaphorically, not literally)! To start with, I'd like to join Vanguard for the reason that everyone in the clan has amazing team work and participation when it comes to MC Gamer! I see other clans (not naming) that just go off, and try and win the game as soon as possible without any team work, just rushing for the hell of it. And well, Vanguard is among very few that don't do that, so it was kind of a green light for me! Secondly, I'd like to join Vanguard for the specific reason of everyone in Vanguard is amazing kind, funny, and mature all, at the same time. Good personalities are something you rarely come across on the MC Gamer Network, unless it's with staff or so, but I'll tell you, Vanguard members and staff sure do have good ones! Unlike most clans (and people), Vanguard members do find time to pass jokes, be kind, caring, and mature at any moment, it's the thing that sets them all apart, which is what I love to look for! Lastly, I'd like to join Vanguard because everyone in here is super layback, no one in Vanguard pressures each other to get wins, kills, or go back to back with amazing statistics! Other clans differentiate from this by far, meaning most clans only look for good players, and that they don't care about how they act, or behave in general, but you probably know my answer by now, Vanguard does! <3

How would you benefit the clan?: Hmm, I can actually benefit the clan in a few ways, want me to list them? First and foremost, I am available, whenever, wherever, need a sponsor? I'll be the first one to give! Need a teammate, oh hell, I thought you'd never ask! Secondly, I differentiate from other players, I am not average player, I have a variety of play styles. Some of which are; being a lone gun, going head on, cleaning up the game in a short amount of time. Another one of my play styles, is being a team supporter, going around with my team or whomever I'm with, and sticking by their side 'till the death or death-match. Finally, one of my last play styles is being a "Security". By this, I mean sticking by my team's side, leading, in particularly, so if another party or opponent is planning to ambush, I'd get hit before everyone else, giving time for us to either run, go into play, or regenerate, and then go back to kicking ass. For my last benefit (or x out of x), I can quickly adapt to conditions of a map that we're not used to, or I can simply adapt to the other opponent's or party's play style, oh and don't worry, I don't bite, I kill.

Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: To be honest, no, I have never gotten the opportunity to team with anyone in the clan.

Additional comments: I have been in a few matches with some Vanguard members, and let me tell you this, they are pretty damn good.

Note: I may be not on as much as I stated until the school year is over (around 2 weeks), but I will certainly be on to make any meets, games, or whatever events!


Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Astro_Pheonix (Changing it in version 1.8.1)

Age: 16 years of age (17 on July 10th).

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

My Stats: Click Me For My Stats!

Skype ID: I am not comfortable giving this out in public. Please message me if you'd like my Skype ID.

Teamspeak [Y/N]: [Y]

Mic [Y/N]: [Y]

PVP Strengths: Well, I do have lots of PvP Strengths. To start off, I love the FISHING ROD! When I find a fishing rod in a chest, my face lights up with joy, knowing I can win any fight I walk into! Knocking people into walls, or trying to make a quick getaway is just right for me! Furthermore, my other PvP Strength is the bow! With the bow, if you are being chased by a player or multiple players, you can quicky turn around, depending on the situation, and fire a few shots off, and potentially damage your opponents before charging them, head-on. Lastly, my favorite PvP Strength is the Flint & Steel! I use Flint & Steel to win constantly because of the savior! Flint & Steel has the best effect of all; lighting people up like the 4th of July! With 8 ticks of fire, you can get out of a bad situation, or turn the tables for your opponent and make them a cooked slab a beef laying on the kitchen floor!

PVP Weaknesses: Ahh, what the hell! I do have a couple of PvP Weaknesses! To start off; Water Battles are probably my biggest weakness! With water battles, you can die instantly from anywhere, it is always easy to die if you are being chased in the water, by a team, unless you have like the Jesus Mod or something...In addition, my other weaknesses, are teams of 3 or 4, when I am a lone gun (erk), and people with 2 ping (I think I explained that there :p).

How active are you?: I am on MC Gamer everyday, for around 3-12 hours, yeah, that's right!

Why do you want to join Vanguard?: Well, I'd like to join Vanguard for various reasons, let's get into them (metaphorically, not literally)! To start with, I'd like to join Vanguard for the reason that everyone in the clan has amazing team work and participation when it comes to MC Gamer! I see other clans (not naming) that just go off, and try and win the game as soon as possible without any team work, just rushing for the hell of it. And well, Vanguard is among very few that don't do that, so it was kind of a green light for me! Secondly, I'd like to join Vanguard for the specific reason of everyone in Vanguard is amazing kind, funny, and mature all, at the same time. Good personalities are something you rarely come across on the MC Gamer Network, unless it's with staff or so, but I'll tell you, Vanguard members and staff sure do have good ones! Unlike most clans (and people), Vanguard members do find time to pass jokes, be kind, caring, and mature at any moment, it's the thing that sets them all apart, which is what I love to look for! Lastly, I'd like to join Vanguard because everyone in here is super layback, no one in Vanguard pressures each other to get wins, kills, or go back to back with amazing statistics! Other clans differentiate from this by far, meaning most clans only look for good players, and that they don't care about how they act, or behave in general, but you probably know my answer by now, Vanguard does! <3

How would you benefit the clan?: Hmm, I can actually benefit the clan in a few ways, want me to list them? First and foremost, I am available, whenever, wherever, need a sponsor? I'll be the first one to give! Need a teammate, oh hell, I thought you'd never ask! Secondly, I differentiate from other players, I am not average player, I have a variety of play styles. Some of which are; being a lone gun, going head on, cleaning up the game in a short amount of time. Another one of my play styles, is being a team supporter, going around with my team or whomever I'm with, and sticking by their side 'till the death or death-match. Finally, one of my last play styles is being a "Security". By this, I mean sticking by my team's side, leading, in particularly, so if another party or opponent is planning to ambush, I'd get hit before everyone else, giving time for us to either run, go into play, or regenerate, and then go back to kicking ass. For my last benefit (or x out of x), I can quickly adapt to conditions of a map that we're not used to, or I can simply adapt to the other opponent's or party's play style, oh and don't worry, I don't bite, I kill.

Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: To be honest, no, I have never gotten the opportunity to team with anyone in the clan.

Additional comments: I have been in a few matches with some Vanguard members, and let me tell you this, they are pretty damn good.

Note: I may be not on as much as I stated until the school year is over (around 2 weeks), but I will certainly be on to make any meets, games, or whatever events!


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Astro_Pheonix (Changing it in version 1.8.1)

Age: 16 years of age (17 on July 10th).

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

My Stats: Click Me For My Stats!

Skype ID: I am not comfortable giving this out in public. Please message me if you'd like my Skype ID.

Teamspeak [Y/N]: [Y]

Mic [Y/N]: [Y]

PVP Strengths: Well, I do have lots of PvP Strengths. To start off, I love the FISHING ROD! When I find a fishing rod in a chest, my face lights up with joy, knowing I can win any fight I walk into! Knocking people into walls, or trying to make a quick getaway is just right for me! Furthermore, my other PvP Strength is the bow! With the bow, if you are being chased by a player or multiple players, you can quicky turn around, depending on the situation, and fire a few shots off, and potentially damage your opponents before charging them, head-on. Lastly, my favorite PvP Strength is the Flint & Steel! I use Flint & Steel to win constantly because of the savior! Flint & Steel has the best effect of all; lighting people up like the 4th of July! With 8 ticks of fire, you can get out of a bad situation, or turn the tables for your opponent and make them a cooked slab a beef laying on the kitchen floor!

PVP Weaknesses: Ahh, what the hell! I do have a couple of PvP Weaknesses! To start off; Water Battles are probably my biggest weakness! With water battles, you can die instantly from anywhere, it is always easy to die if you are being chased in the water, by a team, unless you have like the Jesus Mod or something...In addition, my other weaknesses, are teams of 3 or 4, when I am a lone gun (erk), and people with 2 ping (I think I explained that there :p).

How active are you?: I am on MC Gamer everyday, for around 3-12 hours, yeah, that's right!

Why do you want to join Vanguard?: Well, I'd like to join Vanguard for various reasons, let's get into them (metaphorically, not literally)! To start with, I'd like to join Vanguard for the reason that everyone in the clan has amazing team work and participation when it comes to MC Gamer! I see other clans (not naming) that just go off, and try and win the game as soon as possible without any team work, just rushing for the hell of it. And well, Vanguard is among very few that don't do that, so it was kind of a green light for me! Secondly, I'd like to join Vanguard for the specific reason of everyone in Vanguard is amazing kind, funny, and mature all, at the same time. Good personalities are something you rarely come across on the MC Gamer Network, unless it's with staff or so, but I'll tell you, Vanguard members and staff sure do have good ones! Unlike most clans (and people), Vanguard members do find time to pass jokes, be kind, caring, and mature at any moment, it's the thing that sets them all apart, which is what I love to look for! Lastly, I'd like to join Vanguard because everyone in here is super layback, no one in Vanguard pressures each other to get wins, kills, or go back to back with amazing statistics! Other clans differentiate from this by far, meaning most clans only look for good players, and that they don't care about how they act, or behave in general, but you probably know my answer by now, Vanguard does! <3

How would you benefit the clan?: Hmm, I can actually benefit the clan in a few ways, want me to list them? First and foremost, I am available, whenever, wherever, need a sponsor? I'll be the first one to give! Need a teammate, oh hell, I thought you'd never ask! Secondly, I differentiate from other players, I am not average player, I have a variety of play styles. Some of which are; being a lone gun, going head on, cleaning up the game in a short amount of time. Another one of my play styles, is being a team supporter, going around with my team or whomever I'm with, and sticking by their side 'till the death or death-match. Finally, one of my last play styles is being a "Security". By this, I mean sticking by my team's side, leading, in particularly, so if another party or opponent is planning to ambush, I'd get hit before everyone else, giving time for us to either run, go into play, or regenerate, and then go back to kicking ass. For my last benefit (or x out of x), I can quickly adapt to conditions of a map that we're not used to, or I can simply adapt to the other opponent's or party's play style, oh and don't worry, I don't bite, I kill.

Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: To be honest, no, I have never gotten the opportunity to team with anyone in the clan.

Additional comments: I have been in a few matches with some Vanguard members, and let me tell you this, they are pretty damn good.

Note: I may be not on as much as I stated until the school year is over (around 2 weeks), but I will certainly be on to make any meets, games, or whatever events!
i see that ur banned though
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