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What maps should be in the next map push?

What maps do you think should be added?

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Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with these.

I can understand the terraforming being not amazing, but I was pretty pround of the builds. Can you please elaborate, maybe specifically which ones you don't like so much? Just private MSG me plz :)

However, we can keep it updated, but is it going to be that far away?!?
I also believe that mcsg maps are to similar these days, just like you mentioned in your thread, maps such as California, Highfield estate and rebellions district, we have never seen before, the terraforming, detail and especially the theme play a big Impact on maps such as these ^ however when you look at maps such as Hamlyn, maybe well built, but it's nothing unique. Now this is ,the juicy part, builders also play a part in this update, we usually have similar builds because of people such as RF and TE submitting maps, a lot of the builders from TE etc made Hamlyn, which also doesn't give it that brand new feeling. This maybe hard to understand but just for conclusion, we have the same style, themes repeated on mcsg, and it's getting boring, people's building techniques/sense is growing old, but with maps that may not be the communities favourite, they still hold that honey inside that gives out a brand new design, feel and look that Influences on mcsg. Max Factor - get the new look :p


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with these.

I can understand the terraforming being not amazing, but I was pretty pround of the builds. Can you please elaborate, maybe specifically which ones you don't like so much? Just private MSG me plz :)

However, we can keep it updated, but is it going to be that far away?!?
Your builds weren't bad, but they weren't anything over the top amazing. Like I said, you have more potential than most within the community as far as building goes. I expect great things from you. I can't really tell you specifics, but I can just say that I wasn't a fan. It was just one of those things that I can't explain.

And they apparently aren't waiting as long as I thought before the next map update.
You make a lot of sense, but you gotta think about the actual map update, you gotta have a range of maps, one that looks nice, one that is ideal for PvP and one that has both. There you have more variation and diversity between the maps, it's not always about pushing out the maps that look best, it's also about fairity so the community enjoys it as well. As for your comment on my map, I'd like you to elaborate on your point, why doesn't it look like California?
There has never been a map update where they pick 3 maps based on "1 that looks nice, 1 that is good for pvp, and 1 that has both". They always pick 3 that have (supposed to have) both. Also, its always about pushing the maps that looks the best. I can assure you of that. Of course there are other factors that play into this, but the sure way to get a map accepted it to make it look the best. The way you were arguing made it sound like you think they should pick maps that don't look the best too.

As for your map, there is not really a way for me to explain how it doesn't look like California other than by saying that it doesn't look like California. The theme that you chose was hard to execute in a way where you accurately represent California as a whole and still make the map organized and presentable. You guys did a good job with the map, but calling it California is a long shot. You had the ideas, and the effort, but I feel as if it could have been done better. I am sorry if I didn't elaborate good enough, I enjoy your builds, but the map as a whole didn't strike me as something that would eventually be added. You, of all people, have potential to be great in this building community, but even my first map (first 3 maps...) didn't go to well. xD

Edit: Also, MCGamerzism and benji_r I wanted to say how impressed I am with your dedication to your map. Most people won't defend their maps like you two. But remember, don't 'love' your map to a fault. Just because you two are impressed with it doesn't mean everyone else will be. That was the hardest part for me when sharing my map. Just make sure that you are open to criticism, even if it is negative (example: benji didn't put a "no" choice on his poll, and both of you are quick to ask questions when people don't like your maps). It is GOOD to be dedicated to your maps, but don't let it blind you to what the people who don't like it think.
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Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Your builds weren't bad, but they weren't anything over the top amazing. Like I said, you have more potential than most within the community as far as building goes. I expect great things from you. I can't really tell you specifics, but I can just say that I wasn't a fan. It was just one of those things that I can't explain.

And they apparently aren't waiting as long as I thought before the next map update.

There has never been a map update where they pick 3 maps based on "1 that looks nice, 1 that is good for pvp, and 1 that has both". They always pick 3 that have (supposed to have) both. Also, its always about pushing the maps that looks the best. I can assure you of that. Of course there are other factors that play into this, but the sure way to get a map accepted it to make it look the best. The way you were arguing made it sound like you think they should pick maps that don't look the best too.

As for your map, there is not really a way for me to explain how it doesn't look like California other than by saying that it doesn't look like California. The theme that you chose was hard to execute in a way where you accurately represent California as a whole and still make the map organized and presentable. You guys did a good job with the map, but calling it California is a long shot. You had the ideas, and the effort, but I feel as if it could have been done better. I am sorry if I didn't elaborate good enough, I enjoy your builds, but the map as a whole didn't strike me as something that would eventually be added. You, of all people, have potential to be great in this building community, but even my first map (first 3 maps...) didn't go to well. xD
That made a lot more sense thank you, not sure if you've seen it but in the California thread I've announced massive changes for the map, so hopefully that may please you in some points, as for the best 3 being picked, your true, however basing it of past updates, it doesn't look like they've always done it. But I'm gonna see how things flow after California is revamped!

Edit: SuperXAndrew I understand what you mean, I try to take criticism, but sometimes some comment are ridiculous unlogical and are basically idiotic and stupid, but I'm usually open for it...if they say it in the correct time of voice :p :D
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Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Your builds weren't bad, but they weren't anything over the top amazing. Like I said, you have more potential than most within the community as far as building goes. I expect great things from you. I can't really tell you specifics, but I can just say that I wasn't a fan. It was just one of those things that I can't explain.

Edit: Also, MCGamerzism and benji_r I wanted to say how impressed I am with your dedication to your map. Most people won't defend their maps like you two. But remember, don't 'love' your map to a fault. Just because you two are impressed with it doesn't mean everyone else will be. That was the hardest part for me when sharing my map. Just make sure that you are open to criticism, even if it is negative (example: benji didn't put a "no" choice on his poll, and both of you are quick to ask questions when people don't like your maps). It is GOOD to be dedicated to your maps, but don't let it blind you to what the people who don't like it think.
Ok then, thanks and I understand where you are coming from. But the only thing that confused me was that you left this comment on my maps thread

The builds are cool though. They are definitely the high point of your map. They look amazing to be honest. I really like them. Lots of detail and very clever. A+ on these.
so, yeah, I get that you probably changed your mind. And yeah, I understand that my map does have it's faults, and so I'd be happy to drop this here and pull it back on topic :)


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Ok then, thanks and I understand where you are coming from. But the only thing that confused me was that you left this comment on my maps thread

so, yeah, I get that you probably changed your mind. And yeah, I understand that my map does have it's faults, and so I'd be happy to drop this here and pull it back on topic :)
I still think the builds do look very nice, but... The map as a whole just doesn't work (my opinion of course). I just think there is still room to improve. I didn't mean to sound like I hate the map, but I don't love it either.


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Here is a list of possible contenders for the next map push. Please remember this is only my opinion, so if you think your map should be on this list please just leave a comment with the link, and I will add it in. (However it will not be possible to add it to the poll.) If you are interested in the map, all links are provided so you can go and check it out.

Possible Contenders:


Hamlyn is a small remote medieval fishing village protected by mountains that looks out into the Atlantic ocean. The town now almost completely abandoned except for a few brave soldiers that keep guard of its treasures.
This map was based with PvP in mind. It includes a variation for all aspects of fighting with terrain that you can use to your advantage, weather it be flat land to take on a team or a cliff you jump off into a lake to escape its up to you.

Built by Sean and Swordz_


Rebellion's District

Welcome to Rebellion's District all! A brand new map based upon the original Hunger Games District 13 and several other Survival Games maps. The map consists of 2 section's known as "The surface" and "The underground". The Idea for Rebellion's District was to create two maps connected to each other by tunnels to create an new and interesting way of playing Survival Games. The map can still be altered/changed, even major changes can be made! I want to say thanks to everyone who supported me building this map by giving feedback/suggestions to improve the map!
Built by Sanders2408


Highfield Estate

Set in an inescapable valley, the economy thrives off the land around it. The land, all owned by the late Lord Arthur Highfield, has recently come up for sale. But being the quality area that it is, a simple transaction is not possible. So it is decided. Twenty Four people will battle to the death, all to have the rights to the whole valley. Will you be one of them?

Built by benji_r and GibbyMC



Survival Games California

SG California, the map is obviously based upon the popular american state, specifically LA. The map is split into 4 parts, East is the Neighborhood, West is the nature park/attractions, North, the financial and business centre/city and south is the beaches and resort. Typical California!

Built by MCGamerzism and niek, with help from their build team helix



Shady Hollow

Shady Hollow is a small town that lies at the bottom of a river valley. Secluded by the mountains that surround it, the only way out is through long dark tunnels at each end of the town or by train at the station.

Built by SuperxAndrew and cadbane4321




From The creators who brought you Survival Imperius.
This map was based off a traditional house feel. This map contains large custom trees, very large homes, a private airfield for the residents, and cars placed through the roads.

Built by Novaaa mat56789 MasonBulldog19 Chris|Bro

Link: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/forestside.120811


The Forgotten Times

All was lost. They invaded during the night. There was absolutely nothing we could do. Fortunately, I managed to escape. I ran off into the wilderness with only a supply of necessary items that would keep me alive. I thought that it truly was the end...

20 Years Later...

They're gone. Gone. Just like that. One night they were there, the next day they are completely wiped out. I can't believe my good fortune! The apocalypse appears to be over...

I need to restore humanity and gather as many survivors as I can. I know what I must do: I must head back to the place where I once lived and loved:

The Forgotten Times

3 Weeks Later...
Well. There are indeed survivors left. I know this because as soon as I entered the town I instantly started getting shot at! I managed to get away without getting seriously injured, but I got shot in the foot once. It's not that bad of a wound, so I should be fine. I have to fight off the rest of the survivors who have formed a pact. I think everyone left is fighting for control of this place. Why can't we all work together?!?!? If I can regain control of these Forgotten Times, I can restore democracy.

I remember an old legend my grandfather told me when I was just a young boy:
With your last breaths and in times of greatest needs, the vault in the land of the undead will lead you to rise again once more. You must bring all the keys with you. Do not fear.

Maybe this vault can help me... If only I knew where it and the keys were hidden!

Built by xNovaXHDx Captain | Lqzer afrecqnzwelo cowman213 Aedrift MrKorrenian



As previously stated, leave a comment on your thoughts.
They should (In my opinion) Push for nice maps. Just trying to keep this short :p
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hamlyn (not Biased at all so ignore)

In my opinion, Shady Hollow is my favourite by far, then Rebellions District:p


Rebellion's District is a gem of a map, if it is not accepted I will be highly disappointed in the decision making of the mcsg senior staff.

Shady Hollow is a very clean and well executed map, so I would like to see it added as well.

Hamlyn has a very generic theme, but it is nicely done. I wouldn't put Hamlyn on the same caliber as Shady and Rebellion's but I would be fine with it's acceptance.

All the other maps I haven't looked at too extensively, but by looking at screenshots they don't appear to be as good as the maps I have listed, (I could be wrong about this).

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