• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Cleansweep - Week Two Results!


Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
For those that don’t know what the EU Cleansweep is, here is the previous post:

First result thread can be seen here:

More good news everyone, week 2 is over!

It’s the end of the second week of the EU cleansweep and I’m hoping we've seen some changes and improvements! We couldn't do it without the staff members here and you guys! Thank you to everyone that came along! You were all great.

A Note about Times and Days:
Due to scheduling issues and optimal time management, each sweep is organized for a span of two hours. As such, knowing when to schedule a time when the most hackers will be on is essential to our efforts. The times of our current sessions may change to suit where the community needs us most. If you have any suggestions as to when you have been noticing a higher amount of hackers, please let us know either via Private Message or with a comment here. We will take these suggestions into account, experiment with time zones, and organize sweeps during the times when hackers are most prevalent.

The Week’s Sweep Stats:
60 Participants (Including 28 players, two waiting and one VIP)
1,400 servers monitored
14 Hours of sweeps

225 Hackers Banned
72 were Permanently Banned

Session Days and Times:
(All times are in BST):
Monday - 7pm - 9pm
Wednesday - 8pm - 10pm
Friday - 6pm - 8pm
2 sessions on Weekends - 3pm - 5pm and 8pm - 10pm (7pm-9pm for meeting day.)

Daily Results from sessions this week:
The first session of this week started at 7pm - 9pm UK time on Monday 20th of October and 42 bans were issued by the mods in the session.

The second session was hosted at 8pm - 10pm UK time on Wednesday 22nd of October and 37 bans were issued by the mods in the session.

Session three was hosted at 6pm - 8pm on Friday 24th of October and 52 bans were issued by the mods in the session.

The 25th of October (Saturday) consisted of an afternoon session (3pm - 5pm) and another session was done at (8pm - 10pm) and 48 bans were issued for these sessions combined. 24 non-staff community members volunteered their time and effort to these crackdowns, and they helped bring in quite a few more hackers!

The 26th of October (Sunday) also consisted of an afternoon session (3pm - 5pm) and evening session (8pm - 10pm) and 44 bans were issued for these sessions combined.

How can you help?
Also, as said before, we’ve already had a lot of community members coming in and helping out! Everyone is welcome to join, and we encourage everyone to get involved in help fighting back against hackers. I’d personally love to meet some of you and I’m sure the mods involved would too, its a great way to be more connected!

If you want to get involved with any cleansweep, you can do so by logging onto our teamspeak (ts.mcgamer.net) and asking a staff member to join the Cleansweep channel (see times above). Upon doing so, you will be designated an amount of servers in which you can spectate for hackers. Once you have found one, either record them and upload them yourself or notify a staff member in the channel. Do note that you will be expected to record hackers in a timely manner and behave appropriately for the duration of the crackdown. We encourage everyone get involved if you have the time!

Again, thank you to all that came along, and everyone is welcome!


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Definitely nothing negative about getting the people who shouldn't be here, out.


Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
Again a great set of results, good to see. Can't wait for the AU cleansweep :)


Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
There are between 2-5 hackers in EU
just play some games and you'll ban much more xD
From an AU Players Perspective It must be that Bad To have 2-5 hackers Every game.

For those that don’t know what the EU Cleansweep is, here is the previous post:

First result thread can be seen here:

More good news everyone, week 2 is over!

It’s the end of the second week of the EU cleansweep and I’m hoping we've seen some changes and improvements! We couldn't do it without the staff members here and you guys! Thank you to everyone that came along! You were all great.

A Note about Times and Days:
Due to scheduling issues and optimal time management, each sweep is organized for a span of two hours. As such, knowing when to schedule a time when the most hackers will be on is essential to our efforts. The times of our current sessions may change to suit where the community needs us most. If you have any suggestions as to when you have been noticing a higher amount of hackers, please let us know either via Private Message or with a comment here. We will take these suggestions into account, experiment with time zones, and organize sweeps during the times when hackers are most prevalent.

The Week’s Sweep Stats:
60 Participants (Including 28 players, two waiting and one VIP)
1,400 servers monitored
14 Hours of sweeps

225 Hackers Banned
72 were Permanently Banned

Session Days and Times:
(All times are in BST):
Monday - 7pm - 9pm
Wednesday - 8pm - 10pm
Friday - 6pm - 8pm
2 sessions on Weekends - 3pm - 5pm and 8pm - 10pm (7pm-9pm for meeting day.)

Daily Results from sessions this week:
The first session of this week started at 7pm - 9pm UK time on Monday 20th of October and 42 bans were issued by the mods in the session.

The second session was hosted at 8pm - 10pm UK time on Wednesday 22nd of October and 37 bans were issued by the mods in the session.

Session three was hosted at 6pm - 8pm on Friday 24th of October and 52 bans were issued by the mods in the session.

The 25th of October (Saturday) consisted of an afternoon session (3pm - 5pm) and another session was done at (8pm - 10pm) and 48 bans were issued for these sessions combined. 24 non-staff community members volunteered their time and effort to these crackdowns, and they helped bring in quite a few more hackers!

The 26th of October (Sunday) also consisted of an afternoon session (3pm - 5pm) and evening session (8pm - 10pm) and 44 bans were issued for these sessions combined.

How can you help?
Also, as said before, we’ve already had a lot of community members coming in and helping out! Everyone is welcome to join, and we encourage everyone to get involved in help fighting back against hackers. I’d personally love to meet some of you and I’m sure the mods involved would too, its a great way to be more connected!

If you want to get involved with any cleansweep, you can do so by logging onto our teamspeak (ts.mcgamer.net) and asking a staff member to join the Cleansweep channel (see times above). Upon doing so, you will be designated an amount of servers in which you can spectate for hackers. Once you have found one, either record them and upload them yourself or notify a staff member in the channel. Do note that you will be expected to record hackers in a timely manner and behave appropriately for the duration of the crackdown. We encourage everyone get involved if you have the time!

Again, thank you to all that came along, and everyone is welcome!

Mods and Members of the EU Clean Sweep should Aim to 40-50 Bans of hackers for great results.
This is a Step Forward For The Community!


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Why do you post the session times in the thread? If I was a hacker I would not play during those time...

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