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Lets talk MCGamer credits and MCGamer v2

Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
edit: I am not bashing on the staff team. please no flame

note: this is the 5th time I am making a thread like this and the staff team shut me up. This is for discussion and my recommendation. If it causes flame rather than deleting the thread from public eyes delete the posts. Don't dare say MCG is fixing it or we didn't promise anything for most of the stuff I have proof of chad talking about the platinum and Diamond donor things. If you want to cause flame I recommend you should go away-Nirmit

Fox commented on my thread saying. All credit goes to Fox
"Revolution" Okay then.

If we are going to talk about revolution, let's talk about MCGamer V1; MCGamer v1 came with the Hub, Zed Chase, MCTF2, Survival, and thanks to the Hub they ended up adding 100 servers for MCSG game mode. Unifying with MCTF2 brought so many players —which eventually pretty much all of them left since it took MCSG more than a year to bring MCTF2 back. Also the hub made helping players easier; since there was only 1 Hub and not 4, helping was faster. Everything was so much simpler back then and easier to understand.

Not to burst your bubble, but have you even seen all the other game modes? They're all empty. I couldn't even play any of them because of how empty they were.

I don't have anything against AntVenom unifying with MCGamer, but MCGamer V2 is very insignificant as a whole. If we remove the game modes out of the MCGamer v2's additions, this is the only things that were updated: Credits, Hub even more complex and complicated, Colors in chat, that make the chat stand out more and mods stand out less, and that is really it.

Can someone clear this for me? When I bought Platinum donor, I bought it with the perk of Hub Pets already included; Now I have to pay more for something that I had supposedly already payed for?

This is my opinion and how I see these updates regarding MCGamer. If you don't agree, good for you; I am fine with that.
*I highlighted what I am talking about in this.

MCGamer credits/platinum rank: So when the idea was originally came I thought it was cool. But then I saw this only the new donors get the credits, you have to buy them. When the platinum rank was made, People bought it for two reasons. 1. PETS AND HATS. 2. 1 priority is still here. But $25 for chat colours and 1 priority. Plus existing donors should and I mean THEY HAVE TOO Get the credits that they deserve. If you have bought gold rank two times you should get the credits two times. It is unfair to the people that bought the rank.

For the past 2 weeks, we been testing a new "secret rank" on the servers. We started inviting players who participated in the meetups to test it out in a closed beta and word spread like wildfire. Now it's time to release the rank to the community!

View attachment 23366
Launch sale! For this weekend only, purchase platinum for 20% off! Offer expires Monday (4/28 PST).

Usual perks of this rank gives you the power to join full servers (be able to kick regular players, iron, gold, and diamond premium members). Increased voting weight at 5 votes and a nice points boost at 500 per month. Some of the exclusive platinum perks include:
  • All perks of the previous ranks.
  • Scramble your points! If you have lots of points and get targeted, use /scramble to get a lower disguised/scrambled number. To return your points to normal, do /unscramble.
  • Fly in the hub and lobby! (/fly)
  • Use (most) chat color codes! (Example: &a, &c, etc.)
  • Exclusive Wardrobes!
  • Pets! (BETA)
Please note that the pets system is still in beta and only a few of them are available at this time. More will be released in the near future as we finalize the system.

Diamond donator rank upgrades: after four threads mods say "MCG have more important things to work on." the thing is when I bought the rank I thought that MCG will update more to it. But they didn't instead they made a new rank and then a new rank again! Chad said this

For the past 2 weeks, we been testing a new "secret rank" on the servers. We started inviting players who participated in the meetups to test it out in a closed beta and word spread like wildfire. Now it's time to release the rank to the community!

Now to address the rumors that been going around to clear some things up:

    • Diamond Ranks will remain lifetime and more perks will be added in a later date. However, the platinum exclusive commands will not be available on this rank.
    • If you are a current diamond sponsor, you do not have to pay the full upgrade again and only a 1 time small upgrade fee of $25. All other members will have to pay the face value of the rank.
Pets will be available for separate purchase in the lower ranks and regular players. Platinum premium will include all of the pets to start as they release. Diamond will get some pets included, but not all of them.

See I am not lying, We were promised them but we still haven't got them. I haven't edited a single bit but I only kept one section and if you think I am lying for some reason please see this thread http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/introducing-mcgamer-platinum.100519/

MCGamer V2
Different hubs: There are so many hubs on the US and EU servers. Why do we have them? everyone goes in the hub that has the most people to chill out with their buddies? there is no point and I think we should have a hub like the old one, preferably the old old hub. Wink wink nudge nudge.
The unnecessary gamemodes:They are broken and possibly may make MCG broke. No one plays them and they are taking up space and money that the server could invest that money by making more servers for fixed gamemodes. Either fix them or just REMOVE them from the servers.
/rant off.
Last edited:
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
That literally had nothing to do with my comment. It's like someone saying 'Hi' and you saying 'Potato'.
Yes It did you said right after I make a thread about remaining positive I didn't see that thread and I was giving you reason


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
note: this is the 5th time I am making a thread like this and the staff team shut me up. This is for discussion and my recommendation. If it causes flame rather than deleting the thread from public eyes delete the posts. Don't dare say MCG is fixing it or we didn't promise anything for most of the stuff I have proof of chad talking about the platinum and Diamond donor things. If you want to cause flame I recommend you should go away-Nirmit
The "Diamond donor things" we're something Chad said he might do, but it was never guaranteed. Most of these questions have been answered in your previous threads, yet you keep complaining and insisting that they haven't or that these specific features were promised.

EDIT: "more perks will be added" didn't they add silent join or something?
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
The "Diamond donor things" we're something Chad said he might do, but it was never guaranteed. Most of these questions have been answered in your previous threads, yet you keep complaining and insisting that they haven't or that these specific features were promised.
Really? He said it IS GOING TO BE ADDED IN A LATER DATE. he didn't say that it might happen it said that It will. If MCG reason for not fixing everything or adding things are going to be We never promised then how is the community moving forward. For God sake everything that the MCG delays they say WE NEVER PROMISED THEM OR THEY ARE BEING FIXED RIGHT NOW SO WE ARE ALWAYS ON TIME AND IT IS YOUR FAULT FOR COMPLAING.


Jan 11, 2015
Reaction score
And right after I make a thread about remaining positive... there is a thread complaining...
Being positive makes MCGamer better, but so does constructive criticism. If people don't give there opinions the server would not be as good. MCGamer staff should try to improve the servers based upon the communities opinions more often rather than trying to delete threads like this.

Yes, it is complaining, but it is him just trying to give his opinion and improve the server.


Nov 1, 2014
Reaction score
This is the reason I left. MCSG was my favorite thing to do in my spare time, Playing with friends, having fun with "Good" players, being apart of clans. I left because, I didn't like how they merged with antvenom, added all of these unnecessary details like: seperate hubs, games no one ever plays, ect ect. MCG was well known for its creative, survival, and its hunger games minigames. Although I only played hunger games, I wish it could stay like this and add different things to THOSE gametypes.

I miss the days where you could see a team of 3 donors who were actually good at the game, who gave me a good fight. not to have team of 3 boosters who only care about stats. I missed when this game was more competitive than a ratio comparing contest.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Being positive makes MCGamer better, but so does constructive criticism. If people don't give there opinions the server would not be as good. MCGamer staff should try to improve the servers based upon the communities opinions more often rather than trying to delete threads like this.
I didn't delete the thread, but this doesn't include any ideas either...

Either way, I'd like to apologize Nirmit|NirmitPlays, ImProfuse, and I_love_desk for being argumentative and at some times rude. I've been really stressed out and I am incredibly tired, but I've vented to some fellow staff and I feel a little better now so can we please just get along? Please <3

EDIT: Once again, I choose to ignore the argumentative and rude comments, so please don't respond with hate.

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