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Ban Forgiveness Policy

What are your thoughts concerning this suggestion?

  • I think it is a good idea.

    Votes: 29 52.7%
  • It is a nice concept, but has issues.

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • No opinion.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It needs improvements.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's a bad idea.

    Votes: 4 7.3%

    Votes: 15 27.3%

  • Total voters


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I promised a friend of mine that I'd write this thread a while ago, but I never got around to it for the same reason that I've pretty much stopped posting - no motivation to actually start writing.

A way for someone who was permanently banned to have their ban lifted - not removed from the database as a "false ban," but to have their account unbanned and to be allowed back onto the servers.
I recommend that you read the extended explanation.


Extended Explanation:
If a player has been permanently banned on the MCGamer Network for a long period of time (6-12+ months) but has shown that they are more responsible than previously and will no longer break the rules, then they can submit a request for "Ban Forgiveness."

To have a chance for a ban to be forgiven, the person would have to be able to show several things: Integrity, responsibility, and maturity. However, in addition to that, they would also have to have a way to "give back" to the Network.

If the Senior Staff (and, in some cases, an Administrator) deems them worthy of returning to play on the network, then they are unbanned.


An example of someone who might successfully have his or her ban forgiven is a well-known and respected UHC player with a growing YouTube channel that can provide exposure and media attention for MCG.

This is keeping in mind MCG's policy that rule-breaking VIPs are dealt with individually, in a different manner from a regular member. While the person may not be a VIP, considering they're banned, there are people who have risen to prominence within the Minecraft community in general, and shown their merit through things like leading projects which have positively affected MCGamer, either directly or through a cascading effect.

I'm sure it's no secret that many people who play on MCGamer also spend time on other servers, playing other gamemodes. There's also social medias like Twitter that players use to connect in different ways, and I've seen regular players using them to interact with all levels of Staff members. These are two things that can potentially be used as a factor when considering whether or not an individual deserves to be forgiven for long-past offenses.

Now, you might remember that MCGamer can only accept evidence for bans if the evidence is taken from their own platforms, such as the in-game server, TS, or forums. However, does it say anything about having bans lifted? As far as I know, this has never been a point of interest before. However, seeing as people who are banned may not have as many opportunities to prove themselves worthy of being unbanned, so things such as their behavior on public social medias such as Twitter and YouTube are also relevant indicators.

And, of course, MCGamer doesn't only have one platform. There's the forums, TeamSpeak, and the Minecraft server. People who are banned on one can still show exemplary behavior on the other two, if they're truly dedicated to the community. May I remind old-timers of ExKing? (I'm not sure of the exact forum name). That one person was banned for over a year in-game, and yet persevered for months on the forums, striving to be unbanned so that he could play once again on MCGamer.


MCGamer has been around long enough that there are a lot of people who have been banned that are vastly different than the person that they used to be. While some of them either don't care about being unbanned or aren't deserving, I'm sure many players know at least a few other people who would not only really like to be allowed to play on the network again, but also are deserving (depending on the point of view) of being unbanned.

While it's true that the person broke the rules, you have to remember that we're all prone to mistakes, and I've seen a lot of people make the same mistake over and over again - for example, a friend of mine who dated the same guy four times and had her heart broken each and every time (despite my constant reminders not to!)


Similar to the Age Exception process, this would be something that the person needs to find individually, and would be a thorough process that not just anyone can complete.
This would require quite a bit of looking-into by the senior staff and administrators, as well communication with the person in question.

Although the implementation, if done using social medias such as YT/Twitter, would require methods that may be slightly unusual, I think that it could bear fruits which could quite easily make it worthwhile. Thinking from my own personal point of view, I can remember quite a few people that would be enticed to return if certain members were unbanned. I also know of a handful of rapidly-growing YouTubers who would be more than glad to record on the servers, if only they were unbanned.

With the implementation of UHC Worlds, a lot of ex-MCGamer players who were banned are turning eyes to MCGamer to see what happens with Worlds, and what better way to provide them with a positive point of view than allowing them to play once again, if they prove themselves to be worthy?

Thoughts and opinions? Additions to the suggestion?

...#UnbanLeafyGreenTea2k15 #ItWasJustLag
Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score
I tried to suggest something like this on the Hive and I crashed and burned. I still think this is a great idea!


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Yes I agree, after being banned for a certain amount of time players should have a chance to redeem themselves, as I am sure that most people will have regretted their previous decisions and change.


May 3, 2015
Reaction score
I think this is a good idea since most people learn their lesson after that much time, so it'd give the people that did learn a chance to change and not follow the same mistakes again.

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