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The hub


Apr 14, 2014
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I haven't been on the forums much since my resignation a week or so ago but I noticed you guys pushed out an update. I decided to hop ingame today to see what the new update was like and I'm liking most of what I see so far, but there was always bound to be something that I didn't quite like. This just so happens to be the new hub.

I think it looks good- hats off to the builders- but I'm not entirely sure it 'fits' the community aspect of things. By this I mean that in the old hub and the previous ones before that, the hub has always been a place for people to talk and have fun- do whatever. But I feel this new hub is a bit restrictive when it comes to those kinds of things. There's rarely any chat, and (from my experience) you can only see 3 or so other people on in the hub at any one time. I also went to the hub selector in your hotbar and I have one question; why is there ~20 hubs? 17/20 of the hubs were empty when I hovered over them, and the ones that weren't only had a maximum of 6 players, with most only containing 1 or 2.

I liked the old hub system, the one we had prior to the 1.8 update. It would've been nice to see MCGamer return to that hub as well, along with the return to 1.7, but that's just me I guess. That hub system was a lot simpler, had the community at its core and there weren't 20 different hubs. I, along with many others I'd assume, would like to see a return to this hub, because it just fits MCGamer more- it reminds people of the old MCGamer that we knew and loved.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
I definitely see where you're coming from. Although the builders that built the new hub did a fantastic job, it would be cool if they could possibly add back some of the old hubs/lobbies like the much loved Hub 8.

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