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#Harmony [US] Seeking Active Members

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Nov 10, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN : Ritch/dman773/tbnrfrags_123
Skype : maxleyfer
TimeZone : Pst, 8:eek:5 when posted
Age: 12 ;-;
SoloSg wins : 0/0
Regular Sg wins : 8/35 better than my stats ;)
PvP strengths : My aim, jitter clicks, Sword, Bow, fns, rod, team takeouts, and good communication
Weaknesses : Defensive players, and water fights.
A reason that I should be in this clan? : Well i've been in many clans and want to have a well and organized clan. I've been playing minecraft for 2 1/2 to 3 years, and a good player with communication skills. I hope I get accepted and another reason why I should be in this clan because I don't people down. :) Hope I get accepted


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:amcromwell and TKOva
Skype Name (Mandatory):andy.santanaPC
Can you use TeamSpeak?:Yes
What timezone do you live?:EST
SoloSG Wins/Games Played:9/256
RegularSG Wins/Games Played:17/796
PvP Strengths:FnS, BOW, Rqd, Sword
PvP Weaknesses:Hackers
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:yes i can read.
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory):No but next week Bizzyy will buy me gold rank for a month.
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony?6 hours
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly):i is very good pvp. I is funney too. Boww god more than xNestorio. I is very active.

Tank 5 for reading.
Congratulations, you've been accepted as a prefatory member! Your qualities will be observed to decide if you will be accepted fully into#Harmony.


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: FlameFusion
Skype Name (Mandatory): FlameBusterFTW
Can you use TeamSpeak?: Yeah No problem at all.
Age: 15
What timezone do you live?: Eastern Standard time.
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: lmao 0 I reset.
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: lmao 0 I reset. /debug is 256/2k
PvP Strengths: Rod, Sword and Bow.
PvP Weaknesses: FNS -____- if mcgamer Decides to fix it.
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: Yes i do.
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): Mhm, Platinum
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? 24/7 #Nolife
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): Ive versed this clan before and i feel that its really good clan. i make smart decisions and i can help out a lot, Clan wise and PvP wise. So Hopefully you understand i Disbanded my clan just for this.
Congratulations, you've been accepted as a member! Enjoy your stay in #Harmony!


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: plO_X
Skype Name (Mandatory): Yodaxon
Can you use TeamSpeak?: I use it very frequently.
Age: 13
What timezone do you live?: Western Mountain Time
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: I'm going to be honest with you. I have the worst stats for clans. My stats don't show my skill ;-;
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: ( same for the top )
PvP Strengths: Rod, FNS ( ish ), L strafe c;
PvP Weaknesses: Bow ( I only put it here because it's my least used secondary
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: Yes, I can read.
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): No, I'm too poor.
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? On weekdays I finish my homework and then play. Weekdays 4 hours ( 4:30 to 8:30 ). Weekends 8 hours ( 12:00 am - 8:30 )
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): I don't mean to be cocky, but I'm a good pvper. I'm calm and I don't lose my temper very often and I enjoy making people laugh.

I'm a graphics designer c;
Congratulations, you've been accepted as a member! Enjoy your stay in #Harmony!


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Skype Name (Mandatory): max_hoogland
Can you use TeamSpeak?: Yes
Age: 13
What timezone do you live?: Eastern Time Zone
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: Don't play SoloSG
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 44 wins out of 769 games
PvP Strengths: Melee, Rod, Bow
PvP Weaknesses: FnS
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: Yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): Not Currently (planning on getting one for christmas)
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? The whole week (depending on school)
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): I have been in many other clans before and I love to play with other players and help the community grow... I can be a little in mature sometimes but I can get serious when I need to focus. My stats don't match how I pvp in a way... (screwed them up a long time ago) I know the roots of clans as well so if I could get into this clan it would make me so happy. I think this will be good for me and I am willing to accept consequences throughout the experience. Thank you for you're time <3

Congratulations, you've been accepted as a prefatory member! Your qualities will be observed to decide if you will be accepted fully into#Harmony.


Aug 21, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:GodQG
Skype Name (Mandatory):GodQG™// Mistakes//MCSG
Can you use TeamSpeak?:Yes.
What timezone do you live?:Az
SoloSG Wins/Games Played:59 wins games played 1000. I don't really try hard on sg solo
RegularSG Wins/Games Played:48 wins games played 1369 don't really try on stats.
PvP Strengths:Rod Sword Bow and Strafe
PvP Weaknesses: Taking 3 team out and Combos
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:Yes.
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): No I Don't.
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? once a day because my brother take turns on playing.
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): I am Good at taking out people when I play for a while and get lots of combos


Oct 5, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: xJqy/Vied
Skype Name (Mandatory): itzjayj
Can you use TeamSpeak?: yes
Age: 17
What timezone do you live?: EST
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: Don't play solo
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 12/451/443
PvP Strengths: Melee, Bow, fns
PvP Weaknesses: BowSpam, rodspam
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:Yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory):No
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? Almost everyday
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): I was a Loyal Member of Zodiac, But the clan has disbanded and left me with no choice to be on my own with a good friend arrival, who i hope is to be applying and hopefully going to be accept to join me on this Clans Journey to the top. i'll be on anytime i am needed to be on for a inner scrim or cb at anytime I'm not traveling IRL


Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
Founded by ImGlorious on 6/24/15
TeamSpeak Server IP: harmony.teamspeakcp.com
Official #Harmony Cape (colors may vary): http://www.needcoolshoes.com/banner?=pajwjsjypGphpcmp

Please read the following rules before applying:
-If you're accepted as a prefatory member, your qualities will be observed over the next few days after acceptance
-Do not cause flame or continue to argue
-Do not ask for a promotion
-Do not constantly ask for a clan battle/scrim, they'll happen when the time is right
-Do not constantly ask to be in a clan battle/scrim, I try to put everyone in equally
-In a clan battle/scrim, do not say ANYTHING in in-game chat, this rule is EXTREMELY important and if you violate it, you’ll be INSTANTLY suspended
-Let me know if you are going to be inactive for a period of time or if you have computer issues, so I can put you “on break"
-If you are "on break", you are prohibited from going on the clan TeamSpeak
-Please respect and listen to everyone
-If I catch you breaking an MCSG rule or regulation, I will report you to the staff team
-If you have an issue with someone, message me privately, not in the group chat
-If someone pokes you or says something offensive to you in-game, take a screenshot of it and send it to me—I cannot punish without proof
-If you change your Minecraft IGN, tell me immediately, so I can alter your IGN on the roster
-If you chose to leave the clan, please privately message me that you left and at least give me a reason
-You may invite a friend on the TeamSpeak server, but you need my approval first
-You may advertise a video, website, etc. once per day, but only if you're deemed active by myself, I will request to remove advertisements if you're not deemed active enough (prefatory members cannot advertise)
-Be friendly and pleasant to everyone
-No accusations directed towards anyone
-Enjoy yourself
-Have pride in being in #Harmony

Any violations will result in a punishment
Minecraft IGN:
Skype Name (Mandatory):
Can you use TeamSpeak?:
What timezone do you live?:
SoloSG Wins/Games Played:
RegularSG Wins/Games Played:
PvP Strengths:
PvP Weaknesses:
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory):
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony?
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly):

*If you are not comfortable sharing any of this information publicly, please message me your application*

-Knowledge of Routes on Clan Battle Maps
-Good Attitude
-Respect Towards Others
-Listens to Others
-Abide By All MCSG Rules & Regulations (If I catch you breaking the rules, I will report you to the MCGamer Staff)

I'm the founder of #Harmony and I pay for the clan TeamSpeak. I take my position very seriously, therefore if I'm harsh towards you, don't take it personally.


To graduate to a Leader, which is the highest achievable rank in #Harmony, you need to have experience with everyone in the clan and the ability to interact congruently with everyone. As a Leader, complete loyalty and dedication is expected and having pride in being apart of #Harmony is required. In addition, with Leader, you have the privilege to conduct clan battles. However, you cannot conduct clan battles freely, you need my permission and approval. Also, a priority of Leaders is to unify the clan in scrims/clan battles and to defuse flame or arguements. Most importantly, try your best to make sure the clan acts in harmony.
-No_PVP_Skills [Head Leader]


To graduate to an Officer, absolute and definite dedication and loyalty are required. You should be familiar and compatible with most, if not all, people in the clan. As an officer, you should be helping enforce the rules and be capable of hosting scrimmages efficiently. In addition, as an Officer, you are granted the privelage to punish Elites and lower.
However, whenever there is a complex situation, disagreement, or argument, you need to notify me directly through Skype. In addition, you should be displaying traits of an emerging leader.


To graduate to an Elite, I need to know that you have a thorough understanding of the rules and can begin enforcing them. In addition, as an Elite, you should know other people in #Harmony very well and can interact with them sufficiently. By that, I do not mean everyone apart of #Harmony, but definitely most. After you've been promoted as an Elite, improving on your leadership skills is absolutely necessary and complete conformity is required.


After you've either been accepted initially as a member or promoted from prefatorial member to member, you should be trying to improve on your leadership and communication skills. In addition, getting to know other people apart of #Harmony, displaying effort and pride, and proving your value to me, will help your potential of a promotion in the future. Also, activity is noted and very much appreciated.
-Pqranoia [On Prolonged Break]
-iWound [On Prolonged Break]

After you've been accepted as a prefatory member, I'll ask you a series of questions and provide you with #Harmony's rules and regulations. Once you've said you understand the rules and agree to the rules, I'll ask you if you if you believe they are fair and reasonable. After you answer, I'll add you to the #Harmony Skype chat and whenever you interact with the clan, an officer, leader, or myself will be observing your qualities. After I or others have came to a conclusion, I'll inform you whether you've completed or failed the prefatory stage. If you've failed the prefatory stage, you'll be debarred from #Harmony.

(Wins - 14 | Losses - 1)

Harmony v. Tide |5-2| [W]
Harmony v. Crew |5-4| [W]
Harmony v. Inrelevation |1-5| [L]
Harmony v. Venemyx |5-3| [W]
Harmony v. RoadToast |5-0| [W]
Harmony v. Breakout |3-4| [W/DQ]
Harmony v. Technic |5-0| [W]
Harmony v. Living |5-1| [W]
Harmony v. Avire |5-2| [W]
Harmony v. Collapse |3-1| [W]
Harmony v. TheCore |5-0| [W/DQ]
Harmony v. Darkened |5-3| [W]
Harmony v. Tremble |5-1| [W]
Harmony v. TurnedUS |5-3| [W]
Harmony v. Desipher |5-1| [W]

"I, ImGlorious, leader of the clan Harmony, agree to the MCGamer Clan Rules and the MCGamer Administration. We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the MCGamer community. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered."



Mar 5, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Bizzyy.
Skype Name (Mandatory): ceejay.alexson1
Age: 14
Wins outta Games Played: Wins: 250 Games Played: 2100
PvP Strengths: My everything is on fleek, my communication is on point.
PvP Weaknesses: Nothing at all, im huahwis son.
What Makes You a Good Asset to this Clan?: For starters, im the best in mcgamer. No one can beat me. I slay everyday. I also have plenty experience with many clans. I know a lot of your players. Communication is ez. My pehvehpeh is really good. I have all requirements.


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Bizzyy.
Skype Name (Mandatory): ceejay.alexson1
Age: 14
Wins outta Games Played: Wins: 250 Games Played: 2100
PvP Strengths: My everything is on fleek, my communication is on point.
PvP Weaknesses: Nothing at all, im huahwis son.
What Makes You a Good Asset to this Clan?: For starters, im the best in mcgamer. No one can beat me. I slay everyday. I also have plenty experience with many clans. I know a lot of your players. Communication is ez. My pehvehpeh is really good. I have all requirements.
Unfortunately, you've been denied acceptance into #Harmony, as your application isn't entirely complete and lacks essential details and effort required to be in #Harmony.


Nov 11, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Syck_Ryder_
Skype Name (Mandatory): syck_ryder_v2
Can you use TeamSpeak?: yes
Age: 14
What timezone do you live?: eastern
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: 1/11
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 31/1169
PvP Strengths: I'm good with stars and a bow (use rod sometimes not often)
PvP Weaknesses: f&S
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): no (might get gold)
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? i will be on almost every day for atleast an hour
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): i was just in a clan darkened and i made a lot of friends in it but it sadly disbanded so I've bin looking for a clan and i think this clan is organized and very good (thank you). :)


Aug 5, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Soul_
Skype Name (Mandatory): Im already added to you glorius
Can you use TeamSpeak?: yes
Age: 13
What timezone do you live?: eastern
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: 10/43
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 272/2372
PvP Strengths: My best quality is sword and rod (my bow is decent )
PvP Weaknesses: F&s
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): no
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? i will try to be on every day or every other day at least 1 hour
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): I'v been in this clan once before. I know a good amount of people in the clan and they know me. I had a great time when i was in the clan but now that i have more time on my hands I'v gotten to know more about the members of harmony so I believe my communication would be great and would help in cbs/ scrims
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