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MJM239's MCSG Story (Cause there just isn't enough of these)


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, some of you forum-goers might recognize me, some of you new folks might wonder who the heck I am, but it's alright. I'm MJM239, a Survival Games player, and a daily poster on the forums. That's really all I am. Since these Story Threads seem to be a huge trend now, today I've decided to make one of my own.

(Warning: This story is very long. If you are impatient, don't like reading, or have good taste in reading, this story is probably not recommended for you.)

July, 2012:

Now, this was at a time where I haven't discovered MCSG yet. I was playing on other Survival Games servers, and one of them I went on daily, and played for hours at end. I was hooked. I played for about 2 months when something hit my mind: "Hey MJ, you haven't won a single game yet, that kind of sucks, right?" Well, this thought kept ringing in my head, and loss after loss, I got frustrated.

I'd say I played about 1,000 games there, and every one of them I just got annihilated, absolutely annihilated. There came a point in time where I just lost it, I deleted the server from my list and forgot about it. I joined creative servers, and screwed around on there discovering my natural talent at being a good builder. But, something was missing after a couple of months. I had that bloodthirsty feel, like I just needed to get some rage out, and kill something on MC.

September, 2012:

My first thought to this problem was to find a Survival Games server. When the thought came to mind, I found the IP to my old server, added it in to my list, and I was ready to play.

Turns out, the server got shut down cause the guy who owned it didn't pay the bills for it. -_-

Knowing that my usual server went down, I had to find something else, and hopefully better. I did searches for Survival Games, and nothing I liked was up. It took me days before I finally found this gift, that would change my Minecraft legacy forever, MCSG.

I looked at the website, found a server, and I joined in game. The community (at the time) was very friendly, I even had a couple guys welcome me, and teach me how it worked. I stuck around until the game ended, and it restarted. I joined back, and realized there was a voting option, which actually amazed me. In my old server, there was only one map. (Survival Games 1) I looked and saw there was a variety of maps, and I knew I would be hooked to the games.

October, 2012:

After playing many matches, and trying very hard, I still was going through my bad luck of not being able to win. But, I realized I was improving. I was getting better every game, getting second very often, and almost winning matches. I knew sooner or later I would win.

This was the month where I started getting to know the community, and different strategies that nobody would've known in my old server. I was using them to my advantage, and I was making friends so I would have a good team on my side.

November, 2012:

This was the month. The month where after 300 games, I got my first win. Let's go to a side story, and talk about my first win, shall we?

Alright, now the map had been voted, and it was Survival Games 2. I wasn't particularly fond of SG2, and I kind of sucked at it, so I knew this map I would have to try really hard to get a good place, let alone win. Game started, and I ran for the cornucopia, broke some leaves, and got my chest.

I almost couldn't believe my eyes, iron chestplate, leggings, and helmet along with 3 diamonds all in one chest. I got everything except for some food that was also left in there. Knowing that even with all this good stuff, I still had to get a weapon. So I ran down my route, and got a stone sword after a couple chest draws.

The match went on, and I kind of wandered around looking for any players, and I never found any. The sun was going down, and I had to get to the cornucopia before somebody was equal with me. I ran there, where I found my match.

A player who had a stone sword, will full iron was sitting at the top of the cornucopia like it was his throne. He looked down at me, I looked back at him. I knew this fight would be everything for me. My first win, and dignity were on the line.

He made the first move, running down at me, making him a little weak. We had a good clash back and forth, the fight was basically neck to neck. I had gotten a little away from him, and he got a bunch of hits on me. At this point, I thought I was dead. There was no shot, so I ran out of the cornucopia out to to a street and into a building. I looked through a window and noticed he was still coming at me, and I had to think of any last minute moves that could give me a chance.

I noticed it.

A pair of flint n' steel was in my hotbar, I whipped it out, and lit the doorway as soon as he ran through it. He caught on fire, and I killed him. The glory of that fight felt so good, and will always be my favorite fight.

I then went on to kill everybody else, and then won in deathmatch. It was an amazing feeling, almost undescribable. I knew from that day, I needed to win more and more, and that I had found my MCSG server.

Present Day:

While typing this story, I have 180 wins on the US servers. I've played over 800 matches, and I'd say I'm a good member of the community. Instead of being the bad player I was who never won, I feel good about myself, and I feel any match I can play I CAN win. No matter what I have.

So, if you find yourself having trouble on MCSG, here's my Golden Tip:

Never think that you can't win. There is always an opportunity for you to do something and win.

And that's my story! If you actually read that abomination to literature, thanks I guess.

Oh yeah, here are some milestones for the sake of hilarity:

First Win: November 2nd, 2012.
First Good Friend: October 5th, 2012.
First Time Getting Yelled at by a Mod: October 16th, 2012.
First Time Getting Yelled at by a Sr. Mod: January, 2012. (Couldn't remember the date)
First Time Getting Donor: November 24th, 2012.



Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
How do you memorize those dates? O-o Btw was I your first good friend? <3 If not, it's okay.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
How do you memorize those dates? O-o Btw was I your first good friend? <3 If not, it's okay.
Idk, I wrote them down in case I needed them for something like this.

And sadly, you weren't. You're my BFF now though! :D


Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
Idk, I wrote them down in case I needed them for something like this.

And sadly, you weren't. You're my BFF now though! :D
I should've wrote mine down D: I remember getting banned for spamming once though. I'll show you guys the picture that got me banned.

Cue epicness.



District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
I remember my first win. On breeze i was the underdog too i just spawned beside the decked out guy and charged him hit him 5 times then he flew against the mountain he was pinned he layed about 1 hit on my, then i killed him took his good's and the other guy drowned.

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