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Balancing Donor Privileges

Should donors only be able to kick up to half the lobby?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 40 54.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 33 45.2%

  • Total voters


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
From what I understood of it, when members join a server they can't get kicked until 1 minute after they joined. That seems a bit unfair to donors, maybe 20-30 seconds if that's what you mean.


May 4, 2012
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I wouldn't really want that implemented. It would just seem like an unnecessary hassle for donors, and also pointless because they will probably get kicked anyways. Also, if they somehow manage to join in the last minute (assuming the protection would last a minute) they will definitely be in. Also, you have to take into account that the lobby IS only 2 minutes. So no matter what, you're protected for half the lobby. It also means donors won't be able to join at all until the lobby is half done, which seems a bit unfair to me.


Jul 8, 2012
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Maybe but that should only be for donors. Not V.I.P and staff :p


Nov 2, 2012
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While I understand the central idea here, I think that I should be able to join a server when I want, and if this infringes on that, I have a problem. I voted no, but I would support a 2/3 donor kick, I think that is more fair.


Mapping Team Lead
Oct 6, 2012
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If you did that, then you would end up with a bunch of donors who can't join any servers and don't get what they paid for. bad idea


May 14, 2012
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I see both pros and cons in this system. :p

Right now, there has been a large wave of people who got 3 month donor for Christmas or a similar winter holiday, on top of the people who bought a bunch of donorships when MCSGv2 came out or was coming out. Bundle this with the extreme amount of traffic we've gotten since MCSGv2, and you have iron donors unable to get into lobbies currently, let alone regular players. Cutting the amount of donors in half make it so people can get even less use of their donorship, which might make people ask for their money back. :/ I've kicked quite a few iron donors recently when I'm not in /gamemaster and just want to play the game. Currently, it's just hard for anyone to get in a lot of the servers.

Pros would obviously be it makes it easier for the general MCSG player to get into a full lobby and be able to stick, which I agree needs to be sorted out. But I also see a bunch of US servers packed to the brim, while CA servers, which would be an easy substitute, might start with, like...18 people half the time. :/ (I actually prefer CA servers when I can, because they're on the east coast, but that's just me.)

I think this could work, we just need to make sure donors won't RQ for it, because as is, some donors are finding it hard to find a lobby. I'd maybe dedicate, like. 8 slots to non-donors and 16 to donors, just so it won't get as much backlash. If it did get implemented, it'd have to have some trial and error before we find something that works, but the same can be said about a lot of things on these servers, and there would need to be a notice posted on the Upgrade page, clearly stating there would be a change in donor perks and just how the new kick system would work.


Feb 22, 2013
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So, today I was going about my business, playing some MCSG, when I player said, "I ALWAYS GET KICKED BY A DONOR!!!" After telling him to turn his rage mode off, I said to him that there was nothing that I could do, and that donors are the things that keep these servers alive. Now, I did some thinking for a while, then it dawned on me. What if, instead of removing donor privileges, we balance the distribution of them on the servers? Now, before you say, "I payed for my donor, I want to have the ability to join a full server!" let me go into some detail.

First, I've noticed that the way servers are laid out, you will find 80% of the donors within the first 10-15 servers. The last 20% are distributed throughout the last servers. My idea is to make it so donors are equally spread out throughout all of the MCSG servers. To do this, I suggest making it so that donors can only kick up to 50% of the lobby, or 12 players per server. (This percentage can be increased or decreased depending on what is needed.) So, instead of having five servers where there is 100% donors and 120 non-donors that got kicked, there would be 10 servers filled with half donors and half non donors. 120 non-donors will still be kicked, but the 50% of non-donors that joined quick enough to not be able to be kicked by donors would be able to stay in lobby.

Now, I admit this method will not be 100% effective, as technically, the same amount of non-donors kicked will be the same as before. This does give new incentive for non-donors to be able to join quickly, as there would be an almost guarantee that they will not be kicked from the server, (Unless multiple staff join the server after half the lobby is filled with donors of course.)
Thats a good suggestion they should add it.
Some people may be saying right now "But this is nerfing the power donors get!!!" Well, yes and no. While in fact, it does make it so donors cannot always join a full server, it does not restrict them from being able to join a full lobby. For example, just now I looked see how many games were in lobby, I found three US servers to be in lobby. Now, in technicality this would allow for up to 72 donors to join, but with my suggestion it would cut it in half to 36 possible donor slots. While this may seem like a detrimental loss, it really isn't. This is because of the number of servers we have. With 30 servers to choose from, it ensures that at least one server is always in lobby. (In theory of course) The way my suggestion balances out the donor to non-donor ratio on the servers wold make it so the massive amount of time it takes a non-donor to join a server would be reduced because they have a chance of not being able to be kicked, while a donor's time spent finding a server would take slightly longer. Lets just say it takes a donor 30 seconds to find a server to join. With this suggestion implemented, it would take a maximum of double the time to be able to find a server because, once again, donors can only kick half the lobby. Since it only takes them one minute to find a server they can join, the amount of time lost looking for a server is insignificant, while the time that is reduced for a non-donor to join a game is detrimental. I hope this makes sense.

Anyways, I've brought this up in the feature suggestions thread to see what the community's opinion is on my idea. Do you love it? Do you hate it? Do you just not care? Please let me know, as I thought this was a pretty good idea.


District 13
Oct 15, 2012
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For the time being, we've added more servers instead of nerfing donor privileges; lets see how that goes first, then I'd say we can venture about methods like this. I do like the idea of only kicking up to half a lobby though.


Honestly make it so only 20 iron donators can join a game, 22 golden donators and 24 diamond donators/vip's/staff, because of to be honest, I bought golden donator twice, and the only good thing about it was the different name tag and that your vote registered as 3 not 2 votes. You never really get a entire lobby full of donators, but when you do, you don't want to kick a donator, you want to kick one of them last four normal players on the server.
Golden kicking the last four normal players then moving onto iron.
Diamond kicking the last two then moving onto iron. If servers full of golden donators then it'll start kicking the golden donators.

And golden donator is double the money, so they should get much better privalges than three votes, kick, and different colour name...

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