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Suggestions to the Forums!

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Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone, Pip here. I have noticed that on the forums, you are not allowed to view ban disputes, reports, or applications. I think it would be great if everyone would be able to look at the ban disputes, reports, and applications. People will be able to post their opinions, and could even suggest some things, too!
If there is anyone that breaks a forum rule, they can be warned.
Or, for the ban disputes, reports, and applications, maybe per thread, you will be able to post a certain number of times to get your main opinion out, to prevent any hate, and flame wars from happening.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I think that doing that would just cause flame. People would rage on the threads people made where someone was accusing them of breaking the rules, people could repeatedly say "hax no dont unban them they r noob" on someone's ban dispute or on someone's application they could say "no dont accept him i hayt him dood he is a loser dont accept him".
I might be willing to consider being able to view mod applications if the chances of what I said above were low, because then people could give good feedback on someone's application and maybe where they could improve and all that.
Although in the end, I think the risks are greater than the gains with this suggestion and I think it should stay the way it is.


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
I think that doing that would just cause flame. People would rage on the threads people made where someone was accusing them of breaking the rules, people could repeatedly say "hax no dont unban them they r noob" on someone's ban dispute or on someone's application they could say "no dont accept him i hayt him dood he is a loser dont accept him".
I might be willing to consider being able to view mod applications if the chances of what I said above were low, because then people could give good feedback on someone's application and maybe where they could improve and all that.
Although in the end, I think the risks are greater than the gains with this suggestion and I think it should stay the way it is.
On a server I play on, it's forums allow users to view the ban disputes, reports and applications. There are little flame wars, and little amounts of hate. As I said, players might only post a few times, to prevent flame wars. Thanks for posting your opinions though. :)


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
On a server I play on, it's forums allow users to view the ban disputes, reports and applications. There are little flame wars, and little amounts of hate. As I said, players might only post a few times, to prevent flame wars. Thanks for posting your opinions though. :)
Well, this community is probably a lot bigger than most other communities. There are many more different people here, and quite a few of which I imagine would hate on people.


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Well, this community is probably a lot bigger than most other communities. There are many more different people here, and quite a few of which I imagine would hate on people.
Yeah, you're right. But I haven't seen many haters/people that cause flame wars so far. I may be wrong though.


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
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I completely disagree. Ban disputes, applications and reports are private information that is disclosed between the staff members and the member that has submitted the content.

There are many players who would rather not have everybody know that they were banned and would greatly prefer to try to quietly resolve it with the Sr. Staff members. This especially is very important and it is ensured that if a player has submitted their ban dispute, they get uttermost privacy and the only people who will ever view it are the Sr. Staff members. Even regular moderators don't have access to this, further proving that we keep the player's feelings into consideration.

Applications especially should not be public. While many people do choose to share their applications with their friends, it is something that you do not want everybody to have the ability to see. This would be even further discomforting if regular members had the ability to comment on it. People who dislike the user who submitted the application would pick at every little bit of the application that seems a tiny bit off. Other users may even try to steal segments of the application for their own use. Just like with ban disputes, applications are only visible to the Sr. Staff members in order to guarantee that the applicant's application will be completely private.

Reports are iffy, but something that I have to disagree on in the end. It would especially be a bad idea for it to be public if players are sending us incorrect reports, or submitting reports on more popular players.

TL;DR: There are a lot of disadvantages with no benefits.


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
I completely disagree. Ban disputes, applications and reports are private information that is disclosed between the staff members and the member that has submitted the content.

There are many players who would rather not have everybody know that they were banned and would greatly prefer to try to quietly resolve it with the Sr. Staff members. This especially is very important and it is ensured that if a player has submitted their ban dispute, they get uttermost privacy and the only people who will ever view it are the Sr. Staff members. Even regular moderators don't have access to this, further proving that we keep the player's feelings into consideration.

Applications especially should not be public. While many people do choose to share their applications with their friends, it is something that you do not want everybody to have the ability to see. This would be even further discomforting if regular members had the ability to comment on it. People who dislike the user who submitted the application would pick at every little bit of the application that seems a tiny bit off. Other users may even try to steal segments of the application for their own use. Just like with ban disputes, applications are only visible to the Sr. Staff members in order to guarantee that the applicant's application will be completely private.

Reports are iffy, but something that I have to disagree on in the end. It would especially be a bad idea for it to be public if players are sending us incorrect reports, or submitting reports on more popular players.

TL;DR: There are a lot of disadvantages with no benefits.
Algiht then. You can go ahead and lock this thread.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Confidentiality is of utmost importance when it comes to those things, so that's why it wouldn't be a good idea. Thread locked on request.
EDIT: Woops, it was already locked :p
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