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My anonymous complaints on MCSG as of 7/25/2013 6:31 AM


Jul 25, 2013
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Before clicking the spoiler button, you must agree to these rules to keep the thread positive and an ongoing discussion.

1). When you post, please post something that will contribute to this thread.

2.) Please act like mature adults about this.

3.)Please do not flame, or it will get the thread locked.

Hi MCSG Fans! I've been a long time player of MCSG, ever since SG1 was the only map. I thought it was time to express how I feel about MCSG now. I'm writing this anonymously so no disrespect is lost for ANYONE.

Okay, how do I start off? How about the actual game.

I just wanted to start off with saying why V2 was more of a Downgrade than a upgrade to the MCSG servers.

List of disappointments..

*Insane increase of loot in chests

*Announcing who dies (Really don't like this since it ruins the suspense the Survival Games are supposed to offer)

*Lightning strikes where someone dies (It can give away your position, and can end the game for you.)

*Decrease of map quality

*Maps that were removed that shouldn't be? (Opinions?)

*I can see the edge of the force field from 85% of maps, this shouldn't be happening.

(More will be added later)

I know many problems are being sorted out, and I understand that, which is making me feel a bit better inside. The first being the tier 2 chests. Let's start off with a normal game of Survival Games 4 on 3 diffrent servers. I conducted 3 runs on three different servers.

Click the spoiler for the results..
I run my route on Survival Games 4 on MCSG

My earnings....

Chainmail Chest, Iron Helmet, Golden Leggings, Iron Boots. Enough Iron to make a sword, as well as 4 sticks. (ALOT Of other junk, Arrows, Flint, Gold.. etc.) And not to mention, SO much food that can last probably a minecraft THREE MINECRAFT WEEKS.

I run my route on Survival Games 4 on a typical Survival Games Server (Normal Default Plugin)

My earnings....

Gold sword, just leather leggings, 2 raw meat, and serveral other junk that I never got to use.

Do you see the difference? Did you know what I died from later that game on that other server?


Do it. Ironic enough, it was-


Should I mention you can't even die of starvation? I mean it's not the ridiculous amount of earnings in chests, but if you somehow were unable to get enough food, it would drop you to half a heart, and that's it. You're still alive.


Okay, so next topic I wanted to talk about was the quality of the maps.

There has been several threads before saying how the quality maps have dropped, NOT going to say which ones so I don't hurt anyone else's feelings... But, yes. They unfortunately have. Although again, I do see that MCSG has made an attempt with fixing this issue by adding better quality maps, which I'm happy of, now it is just time to remove the, ones that are a bit lower in quality..

Next topic I wanted to talk about was, well, the staff. Whoa put down the pitchforks and torches! I'm going to quote someone's post anonymously.
These are the following offending mods:

Captain_Fluffszz (13)
K259864 (14)
ryry636 (14)
JustaHotDog (14)
InfinitySx3 (14)
Buxtonaters (14)
PaulthethirdMC (14)
This quote was taken from : http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/is-chadthedj-hypocrite-or-something-else.50010/

Hold on I KNOW the limit was raised to 15, so for that reason they shouldn't be demoted or the anything, and exceptions can be made for young people aswell, but is there any ACTIVE moderators, that are over 18? The average server on several video games including minecraft's staff is around 16-30.

Why is our staff made of people still going through puberty, I don't trust people who are 13-15 moderating our servers. "But that doesn't mean they can't moderate good!"

I KNOW that, But if your moderators are just full of kids and teenagers, then maybe I see a reason for all those complaints on mods.

How do you get into being a moderator? A well written application. HAHA-WHAT? Okay, I see that having proper grammar and such is important, but you shouldn't be allowed in JUST because your application was good. You need to have SOME experience in moderation. NO, moderating your own server does not count, think about it. If you got accepted to moderate a server, it's because you knew what you were doing, but if you're moderating your server, who's there to tell you what to do? Yourself. You make your own rules, and if you're moderating your own server with your own guidelines, then that's bad.

Edit: Okay, hold on, that wasn't the way to put it. (Lack of sleep, okay?)
What I mean by your guidelines is your own judgement. Everybody in their lives has that one time where you must use your own judgement, because it's not listed in the rule book that moderators and us must follow.

The next thing I wanted to talk about is the ungratefulness of some people. Not mentioning which. I see various complaints on the new/old revamped lobby. I was so happy, sure it was changed a little, but I was filled with joy. I log on the forums expecting to see happy people, so very happy, but what do I see? People are ANGRY. They complain that Team Elite RUINED THE LOBBY. People LOSING RESPECT for Team Elite, the one that SERVED you AMAZING maps, which we have VERY FEW OF! What do I say? They touch the lobby a little bit and all you want is the old untouched lobby? Do you not realize that it's gone, with very few copies left? Do you realize that Team Elite had to build it? Yeah, I was really disappointed, and I think everyone should think about it.


District 13
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Let's talk about the list of disappointments:

Insane increase of loot in chests: Yea, I agree, too much food.

Cannot place water/lava anymore: Never did that before so I don't know. :p

The new chat color, the old one was a lot better: In my opinion, the chat colors in MCSGv2 is a lot better to me, again, just my opinion.

Announcing who dies (Really Hate This) then later saying it again at night, which is POINTLESS: When it announces who dies, that is actually good. For example, if you are with a team and not on Skype or TS, you can tell if he died or not (even though you can use tab, it's much faster ;)) And FYI, it doesn't say it again at night.

Lightning strikes where someone dies (Hate this even more): Why do you hate this? If there are only 5 people and someone just died and now there are only 4 people, then you can see where the lightning striked and kill the last guy to get it in to deathmatch. Or another example, if you are teaming with a friend without Skype or TS, and your friend dies, but you saw where the lightning striked, then you can find the person that killed your teammate and plot revenge.

So overall, I think the disappointments are more satisfied.


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Let's talk about the list of disappointments:

Insane increase of loot in chests: Yea, I agree, too much food.

Cannot place water/lava anymore: Never did that before so I don't know. :p

The new chat color, the old one was a lot better: In my opinion, the chat colors in MCSGv2 is a lot better to me, again, just my opinion.

Announcing who dies (Really Hate This) then later saying it again at night, which is POINTLESS: When it announces who dies, that is actually good. For example, if you are with a team and not on Skype or TS, you can tell if he died or not (even though you can use tab, it's much faster ;)) And FYI, it doesn't say it again at night.

Lightning strikes where someone dies (Hate this even more): Why do you hate this? If there are only 5 people and someone just died and now there are only 4 people, then you can see where the lightning striked and kill the last guy to get it in to deathmatch. Or another example, if you are teaming with a friend without Skype or TS, and your friend dies, but you saw where the lightning striked, then you can find the person that killed your teammate and plot revenge.

So overall, I think the disappointments are more satisfied.

It actually does say it again at night, and I guess the new chat color is more of an opinion, so scrapping that. I hate lightning strikes because they reveal your position, which is bad. And not knowing when someone dies gives you that moment of whether your teammate just died, or will he be at the place you told him/her to meet? Also I think the tab menu should not show the players, just you. I know this is possible. Also, what you just said is exactly what I don't like about it. I want it to be the survival games, not the fighting games..


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
TE fan/member hmm..

Please edit your post to say something productive, because that's what I'm looking for, a discussion. Or in the future post something that can help this topic.

Can you at least explain why you don't like something? You're just stating things you hate with no reason why you dnt like them.
May you please quote an example? I'll gladly fix it.
I agree with fud and placement of water/lava, everything else >: ( y u hater.

Why do you approve of this? Give a reason.


crafter extraordinaire
Jun 2, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with fud and placement of water/lava, everything else >: ( y u hater.


Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Please edit your post to say something productive, because that's what I'm looking for, a discussion. Or in the future post something that can help this topic.
Why should I?

Anyways you seem to hate everything about MCSG right now.. The chat is perfect . Water and lava are kind overpowered so it's good that they patched it and the only problems are the maps and the ammount of stuff in the chests.. If you don't like MCSG don't play. Go and play on that server that you liked.


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
>Points out people are ungrateful and complain but this thread is a complaint thread about V2? which people worked hard on
>asks for people not to flame when this is blatently a thread thats going to start people flaming on each other

Personally I think progress is a good thing and V2 does have some flaws but its slowly working for the servers to become better, people have put lots of hard work into it so respect that and why post anonymously? if you expect negativity towards you for making the post.. maybe you should reconsider what you are writing.


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Why should I?

Anyways you seem to hate everything about MCSG right now.. The chat is perfect . Water and lava are kind overpowered so it's good that they patched it and the only problems are the maps and the ammount of stuff in the chests.. If you don't like MCSG don't play. Go and play on that server that you liked.

You're not helping. I never said I didn't like it, stop jumping to conclusions. It's awesome, my favorite survival games server. I'm telling you my DISLIKES of it. I love MCSG, it's fantastic, I think it would help to have a discussion about it.

Sigh.... I'm not even going to try.
If you're going to post, please post something helpful so I can correct my errors, or give a helpful opinion! Thanks. :D


District 13
Jun 24, 2013
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It actually does say it again at night, and I guess the new chat color is more of an opinion, so scrapping that. I hate lightning strikes because they reveal your position, which is bad. And not knowing when someone dies gives you that moment of whether your teammate just died, or will he be at the place you told him/her to meet? Also I think the tab menu should not show the players, just you. I know this is possible. Also, what you just said is exactly what I don't like about it. I want it to be the survival games, not the fighting games..
1) If the lightning strikes reveal your position, is that bad? You can either run away if you're low on health, or stay and loot the items if you have lots of health. Easier way of finding (attracting) people.

2) Not knowing when someone dies is more uncomfortable, isn't it? You want to know if your teammate died or not, because if they did die, then you can plot revenge at where you saw the lightning.

3) The tab menu should show players, because most gamers are to lazy to think. I know I am :p

4) If you want it to be Survival Games, then the lightning is the cannon firing, and knowing who died or not is the screen thingy on the globe in the movie, the tab menu... eh, we too lazy. Just leave it there. So pretty much, it is the Survival Games, just the Minecraft way. If you don't like these SG servers, then you should just go find another server to play on.


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
I think that
a. You're probably the same guy who made that other thread
b. So if you need to have moderation experience to be able to be a moderator, how do you get moderation experience if you need moderation experience to get moderation experience?

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