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Achivements for MCSG collect them all!


Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
1. Camp Corn 'til morn. You must stay at the Cornucopia for one night and leave at morning.
2. Fail Blocker. You failed at blocking in a deathmatch, you won with your over powered armor.
3. Chest Lover. Get killed while have a chest open.
4. Doesn't help in the long run. Enter a deathmatch with a wooden sword and no armor.
5. Afk. Died after moving 0 blocks since the game started.
6. Blood Bath. Kill 5 people at the cornucopia in one minute. Then being killed after 5 people are slayen.
7. Blame it on the lag. Die from lag at the deathmatch.
8. Afk: The Sequel. Die after moving 0 blocks after the deathmatch has started.
9. Waterboy. Kill a team of 2 in water.
10. Parkour! Die from falling 30 blocks.(SG 2)
11. Spiderman. Get killed while stuck in cob webs.
12. Pink House. Die while in the crypt/pink house.(SG 2)
13. Pirate Cove. Die from a creeper explosion at the pirate cove.(SG 1)
14. Avenger. Die after killing someone in the final 2.
15. It's a Trap! Get trapped in the pink house crypt.(SG 2)
16. Pro Tip #1. Don't die.-Added by At God
17. Sore Winner. Rub it everyones face.
18. Arrow Attrative. Die from a arrow.
19. Tree hugger. Stay in a tree the entire game until deathmatch.
20. Tree hugger: Deathmatch. Hide in a tree during a deathmatch.
21. Iron Man. Wear full iron armor and equip an iron sword.
22. Runner. Climb the highest building.(SG 2)
23. Never alone. Tame a wolf and win the game with the wolf alive.
24. 0 Hero. Have never won a game.
25. Doggy style. Swim 50 blocks in 1 game.
26. Boxer. Kill 2 people with your fist at the cornucopia.
27. Butters. Hide in a corner most of the game.
28. Career. Make it into a deathmatch.
29. Burgers. Eat this in order. Bread-Beef-Breed.
30. Lunch money. Have 3 gold nugget in your hand slot.
31. Old lady. Hit someone from the back 3 times.
32. 360. Jump of a high place and shoot an arrow and hit a player while surviving the fall.
33. Fat. Eat Pork or Steak 5 times a game.
34. Healthy. Eat only apples and golden apples a game you win.
35. Iron Stomuch. Win a game without eatting anything.
36. Tree puncher. Punch a tree and find out you can not break logs.
37. Cut 'em up. Kill someone whiel equipting shears.
38. Ruthless. Win a game while in district 2.
39. May the blocks be ever in your favor. Win a game.
40. Partners. Team up with your district partner.
41. Love doesn't last long. Kill your district partner.
42. Smelt it you dealt it. Die while "smelting" food.
43. Swordsman. Find a sword at the cornucopia.
44. Hungry Games. Win with your hunger bar empty.
45. Nerd. Calculate your W/L and K/D ratios.
46. Puppy Love. Tame and get 2 wolves to mate.
47. More soup please. Win a game with only eatting soup.
48. BACON! Kill a pig and cook the meat.
49. What ever. Enter the cornucopia when the chests refil.
50. Overachiver. Complete achivements 1-49. Reward Title: Overachiver.
51. Pain brings laughter. Block arrows in spectate mode and the arrow hits the shooter.
52. Haters. Find a feather in the cornucopia chest you look in.
53. Mr. Showoff. Make your signature your SG stats.
54. Stone Cold Killer. Push a mob down a hole someone is stuck in while spectating.
55. Aussie Support! Support the Aussie server thread.
56. Greedy. Kill your friend because he found an item you want.
57. The long run. Win and don't sprint for one whole game.
58. No deathmatch? You or someone in the final 2 dies before a deathmatch.
59. Triple Match and rising. Face 3 or more players in a deathmatch.
60. Fatigue Winner. Win a game while tired.
61. What the code? Enter a room with a code.
62. Robbing the bank. Rob the bank(Library).(SG2)
63. Minceraft. Play the Minceraft Survival Games.
64. Crasher Attack. Attempt to join an sg server when someone has made all multiplayer down.
65. Prison Break. Break out of the prison.(SG1)
66. Desaplingcatior. Kill inthelittlewood or Totallyliketoby.
67. Vote 1 for a gun. Vote map 1.
68. Vote 2 for a moo. Vote map 2.
69. There is only 2 maps. Type to type /v 3.
70.Exceptional Achiver. Complete 50-69 achivements. Title: The Achiver.
71. Make love, not war. Mourn for someone you just killed.
72. Rageaholic. Rage 100 times from dying.
73. You need optifine. Die from "lag" 50 times.
74. Are you running a Windows 98? Die from lag "100" times.
75. It roll down stairs. Have a pet log.
76. The block are not in you favor. Find nothing in the chest you look in.
77. Eugene Krabs. Be filthy rich.
78. Square Pants. Wear leather pants.
79. Skill<Armor. Win a game with no skill, just armor.
80. Armor<Skill. Win a game with skill.
81. Know your map. Open every chest in both maps.
82. GPS. Write down your route on a piece of paper.
83.Peaceland. No one dies in the first minute in your game.
84. I has an idea. Have your achivement idea put on this thread.
85. Gotta catch them all. Post 5 replys on this topic.
86. Stranger Danger. Approch some random person during a game and talk to them without attacking.
87. Seizure. Have a seizure during a game.
88. Freaked out. Fall out of you chair during a game.
89. Kicking the noobs. Buy donator.
90. I don't care if someone else has done this. Post a link to someone else achivements.
91. Zooming in so fun and increased FPS. Install and use Optifine.
92. No Bounty 4 U. Leave a game before you die.
93. Fish. Spend 50% of your game time under water.
94. Troll. Troll the chat.
95. The Chosen One. Be kicked by a donator.
96. Popular. Have 5 people trying to kill you at once.
97. Adventure Time. Play the Game.
98. Better things to do. Don't read all the achivements.
99. A better thing to do. Read all the achivements.
100. Thats what I call Survival Games. Complete achivements 1-99. Title: Survival Master

101. A new begining. Read this achivement.

Suggest more! More updated daily! Note, how I am feeling or watching on TV will affect watch the achivements are.

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