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Letting out some frustration...


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
I might regret doing this for some unreasonable reason, but right now I feel it will let out a lot of built up frustration.

Warning: All unwanted, unnecessary, and disrespectful comments/replies will be deleted.

Recently, I have been asked by many people why they don't ever see me in games.

Here is why:

To start off, I can't go into a normal game. Literally every game I go into, there is always someone annoying me. Typically once I go online, I get followed around by a select group of people who just seek to try and kill me. To be quite honest, I am tired of it. Earlier today I decided to get into a game and happened to play on a map I hardly recognize. In that game, I was doing fairly well although my main problem was I couldn't find a crafting table. Nonetheless, in my game was a group of people who seemed pretty competitive. I don't want to point out names, but one of the people I encountered was the generic "fishing rod/flint and steel/turn around and do a spin bowshotter. (if that makes sense :p)
I proceed to engage him in combat. After a good 10 seconds, he decides he is going to run away. Once he regenerates health, he comes back and fights again. He is about to lose, so he runs away again.
This cycle happens for about 10 mins. At one point I was just running around in circles waiting for him. I double F5 and notice that he has a flint and steel in his hand. He proceeds to use it and is disappears out of his hand. I presume it only had one use left. After this, he stops moving and appears to craft what seems like 5 flint and steel. At this point I am literally doing anything to have him fight me. I pull back my bow and just stand still. He shoots me twice and gains confidence and wants to fight now. At this point, I end up dying due to a combination of flint and steel, bow shots, and melee slashes. Once I die, the entire chat is filled with various ranks saying "GG".

That, that right there, might be the most annoying thing that has happened in a long time. I apologize for my long and stupid story, but it was quite frustrating for me.

I have been playing SG for over a year. Back when I played competitively, it was great! I was in the top ten and would have a good laugh with the other top ten players...
Now, I just feel like being in the top ten isnt like it was last year. Last year, it was not about who played more, but purely who played better. For those in the top 10 reading this: Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against you. There is no real motivation for me to play because I simply don't have the patience to get back in the top ten anymore. My apologies for bringing this up: A few months ago, when The Hive reset their leaderboards, I wanted to test myself to see if I still had it in me...
My test was to see if I could be the first to get 100 wins. I was successful and did indeed get 100 wins before anyone else. But really, after that, I literally got "bored" of playing SG and all of the other people who have gigantic amounts of free time and patience quickly passed me up. I am looking back at the leaderboards now and people have over 1,000 wins.

I think the only times I will ever play SG from now on is if there is some special event such as a "Chad livestream" or if I am playing with friends for pure fun. Other than that, I don't expect to see myself actively playing SG.

Now, please don't get this confused with me quitting my position here as a Sr. Mod. I love doing what I do and I love to work with some of my fellow staff members.

You may laugh when I say this but I feel like SG has a "Call of Duty" feel to it. We all know that in Call of Duty, everyone views quickscoping as "cool" or "pro". Here at MCSG, it seems like that only the fishing rod replaces the "quickscoping" Most people I see that use the fishing rod don't actually use it to their advantage. They think they are but in reality they are just annoying their enemies by constantly dealing some knockback.

Moving on, people are constantly wanting MCSG to be like it used to be. In my opinion, the servers are fine. It is the community that is not like what it used to be. Everything was a lot more simple back then. I would log onto the forums and find threads like "I just got my first win" or "Look at this, I made it to the highest point in SG2" Threads like that are a rarity now. Most threads are "who is the best" or something along those lines. Its not the servers that need to change, it's the community.

Moving on to a somewhat relating topic (a much more serious one though)

I hate to use this word, but I must. Drama.
Over the past 4-5 months, we can all agree that there has been a lot of "drama" up and about. No matter what "side" you were on, you can at least agree that some of it was just unnecessary. Why do people insist on making things way too overcomplicated? If everyone would just be simple and down to earth, we would have a fraction of the problems we have now. I don't usually get involved in many of these "dramatic events" but I definitely am aware of when they happen. I don't expect this thread to do much as it is just filled with some internet person whining about things he doesn't like, but hopefully it will open up some minds to some change...for the better.

Seeing as I have been here for over a year, I have gone through most of the "ups and downs" of MCSG. Of course there is going to be some drama, but at the very least, can't we all just work together and eliminate some of the unnecessary drama? Please?
Think about it, right now. Isn't there something better we could all be doing than spending our time arguing and fighting over something that, in the end, traces back to a game mode we all love/loved?

Expect to see me post more once I collect more of my thoughts. I apologize in advance for this rushed post.

Side note: I don't expect many of you to even understand a quarter of the things I am trying to convey. Especially because the first third of this post is me rambling on about something annoying that happened earlier today.

Read the post.


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
It sucks that you're targeted just because you're well known.


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
But well known for what?
Ranked in the top 100.
Former #1 player.
You were in a Blamph video.

And unfortunately, the main is reason is that you're a staff member and players enjoy killing staff members for some reason. It's kinda sad they can't just treat you like any regular player.


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
And unfortunately, the main is reason is that you're a staff member and players enjoy killing staff members for some reason.

They like to kill them first, see if they get banned for "killing staff" then report it.


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
In regards to this popularity discussion:
Me being popular is the least of my worries.
In fact, it can be quite fun to be popular :p


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Most people get a lot of the first paragraph, I don't see anything wrong with the player's actions, but I would also be frustrated by the spectators.

What I don't understand is that you just called out all of the top players on the leaderboards, and just said that they aren't worthy of your rank. Then you turn around and say that you don't like drama. You basically just gave an insult and expect the other person to not reply.

Yes, there are problems with the community, but if you want to see change you have to make the first step, you can't just fire an insult at a group of people and expect change.


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Most people get a lot of the first paragraph, I don't see anything wrong with the player's actions, but I would also be frustrated by the spectators.

What I don't understand is that you just called out all of the top players on the leaderboards, and just said that they aren't worthy of your rank. Then you turn around and say that you don't like drama. You basically just gave an insult and expect the other person to not reply.

Yes, there are problems with the community, but if you want to see change you have to make the first step, you can't just fire an insult at a group of people and expect change.
You see, I was afraid some people would look at this the wrong way. I am not insulting anyone. And, if I was, I am at least not insulting anyone in particular.

In regards to the top players, I don't have anything wrong with them. I was just mentioning them as a point for why I have little motivation to play anymore. (You might be confused by this but I can perfectly understand why)

Going on about the first topic, my main point was what people put in the chat afterwards. This is the reasoning behind me underlining the last part.

I can agree that perhaps I could have reworded the "top players" part but at the time, I just wanted to get some rough information out. Perhaps I can reword it later.

Edit: Did some minor rewording of said statement.

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